Editing in horror movies

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During the openings moments of the Women In Black trailer, continuity editing has been used in the trailer to give a sense of time moving forward. The trailer makes children the main focus of the trailer at the beginning. Continuity editing has been used to give a sense of reality in the film, continuity editing is also used to give a sense of time moving forward. This technique has been used by showing a family photo taken from the manner house, to the time of the film. This technique wants to show how times have changed, either for better or worse. By using this technique, we as a audience begin to understand the film and understand the relationship the characters in the film have with the children. The effect this has on a audience is massive, this is because, we as a audience know more about the characters and the history of the film based on these moments.

Throughout the whole trailer there is the use of a narrative structure. The narrative structure of the film is in which we as a audience follow the journey that Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe) takes as he explores the abandoned manner house. By the use of strong editing we as a audience feel as part of the journey that Kipps takes while exploring the manner house. The narrative structure follows a similar pattern based on the film because it starts with the horse and cart to the manner house. Soon after that, the narrative structure changes as we as a audience join the journey. The effect this narrative structure has on a audience is huge, this is because we as a audience feel part of the journey that is taking place.



Montage editing is a series of shots that are not in sequential order, continuous or relate to each other. Montage editing is extremely important when it comes to the Women In Black trailer, this is because by the use of montage editing, there is a series of shots that showcase the manner house to the audience. This technique was used by the editors of the trailer because they wanted to jump straight into the plot and show where the events are going to take place. The effect this technique has on the audience is massive, this is because we as a audience get a idea of what is going to happen during the film, we as a audience also keep guessing through these moments.

Towards the end of the trailer, the editor has edited the film so that we as a audience are left with a cliff-hanger. By structuring the trailer, the editor has left the best moments to the end. By the use of a cliff-hanger, this technique keeps the audience on the edge of their seat, the effect it also has is that it keeps audiences watching the trailer guessing and wanting more from the trailer. This is a technique used by many other film trailer editors because they want the audience to be guessing and wanting more from the trailer they have just seen. For our horror movie trailer, this is a technique that we need to use because we want and see to keep the audience guessing in our film. If we can keep the audience guessing and wanting more then this is a good sign that our film has been a success.




As the trailer begins a slow pace is used to invite the audience into the trailer. During the slow pace moments we as a audience are introduced to the backstory of the film. By using slow pace editing, we as a audience get the chance to understand the plot more and also understand the backstory to the Women In Black. However, as the trailer develops, the trailer picks up speed and shows the best moments from the trailer. With this fast pace, we as a audience get more excited about the film trailer because it is showing exciting yet nervous moments. With this fast pace, audiences will feel that this is the way that the film will run when in cinemas. By using a fast pace the trailer will seem more exciting and will also hopefully result in more people wanting and going to see the film at the cinema.

Towards the end of the film, cross cutting is used to when the three girls head towards the window. The point of the cross cutting at this point is that the makers of the trailer wanted to show this crucial moments at many different angels. By showing this moment at different angels, we as a audience see the fearless side of the three girls. The effect this technique gives to the audience is very little, however, it does give more the backstory that is behind the Women In Black. This is important to use because it gives more details that are important to the film.



Transitions are a very popular editing method used in many different film trailers. Transitions are used to end one scene and enter another scene in the film trailer. Fade in and fade out transitions are used towards the end of the trailer, these transitions are quick and show glimpses of the upcoming moments in the film. The transitions used in the film trailer are extremely quick, this technique is used in most film trailer to give small details away and to keep the audience interested in the film. The effect this technique has on a audience is massive, this is because we as a audience are excited by the short moments that are shown on screen. Another effect it has on us as a audience is that we the audience are left with hints and clues about the storyline and plot for the upcoming film at the cinema. This is a good technique that could be used by us for our horror movie trailer because we as the editors want to keep our audience exited and keep them guessing throughout the whole film. With this technique we are able to give clues and hints about the horror movie film.

The timing of each film trailer does vary, however, most film trailer do last between 1:30 and 2:00. Anything over two minutes can be seen as too long. Film trailer that do go over two minutes run the risk giving too much of the film away and loosing their audience. The effect the trailer length is crucial, this is because audiences who watch film trailer, may get bored by the long length of the trailer. Trailers that are short and quick to the point keep audiences interested in the film trailer throughout.



Time is a extremely important feature that is used in the film trailer. Flash-forward time is a feature that is used in the film to give a hint/clue of future events in the film. This feature is used at the very start of the film trailer. This feature has been included at the very start of the film trailer because the editors of the trailer want to jump straight into the film plot and idea. By using this flash-forward technique, the effect it has on audiences is brilliant. This is because we as a audience are excited and nervous about the events because the film trailer has dodged the idea of a normal lifestyle. This is a technique used by many other film trailers because the editors of the trailers want to give the audience a hint/clue to a future event in the film. By using this technique it keeps audiences guessing throughout the whole trailer, it also makes the audience want to see more.

Continuity editing is a huge feature/technique that is used by the editors of the film trailer. The editors have edited the film trailer to get a sense of reality and time moving forward. The editors have included real images from the event that took place. This backs up the sense of reality in the film. While the use of a family photograph also backs up the sense of time moving forward. By using these techniques the effect it gives to a audience is massive. The actual effect this editing technique has is that it makes audience think back and maybe remember the events that took place. Many other film trailers use continuity editing because they want to make their film as real as possible.



Throughout the trailer there is the use of a range of different characters that are used and presented in the film trailer. However, as the film trailer develops it is clear that the film has a couple of dominant screen time. Time allocation is used in most if not all trailers. This is when the editing has been made to edit the film to produce a dominant screen character. This technique is a clue and hint to the audience on who or what is the main character in the film. For example in our trailer here, the editor has made it stand up to show that the two adults are the characters that have the most time allocation. This is something that will be used in our horror movie trailer because we also want to get across the point of who dominants the screen time. As the film develops it becomes more clear to us as a audience who is the dominant characters/characters.

Straight cutting is used in the film trailer to show realism, straight cutting is also used in the trailer during conversions and talking in the film. During the trailer straight cutting is used to show the realism of the whole film trailer. The importance of straight cutting in the film trailer is extremely important, this is because the film wants to get the film to be as a real as possible, this is because the film trailer follows true events. The effect this technique has on audiences is massive, this is because we as a audience feel the sense of reality that the film is getting across in the trailer, we as a audience know and feel how true this story is in the film trailer.



Pace is extremely important during the whole the trailer. Pace is used as a editing technique to set the tone for the film to follow from the beginning to the end. During the Conjuring trailer there is the use of a small pace at the start of the trailer, however, this pace speeds up and towards the end of the trailer, we as a audience have a range of images that flashes to us. By using a fast pace, this technique excites the audience and gets them excited about the film. The effect this has on a audience is brilliant, this is because we as the audience want more from the trailer because of these fast paced moments from the film. This is a technique that we should take forward and use because we as the creators and editors of our film want the audience to be on the edge of their seat and want more from the film.

Throughout the whole film there is the use of trailer structure to make the film tense and nervous towards the end. The point of a trailer structure is that the film trailer wants to follow a similar pattern in which the trailer builds and builds to the end of the trailer. Right at the end of the trailer, people are wanting more from the film, this is something that we as a group want to take on and use in our horror movie trailer. The effect this technique has on the audience is amazing, this is because we as the audience are left at the end of the trailer with clues, hints and cliff-hangers. Most if not all film trailer use this technique because they want to keep their audience interested for the film, they want to leave it on a cliff-hanger that will make the audience want to see the film.