GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE – BHAVNAGAR Subject :- Intermediate Communication skills

Effective public communication theodore roosevelt

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GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE – BHAVNAGAR Subject :- Intermediate Communication skills

Page 2: Effective public communication theodore roosevelt


Theodore Roosevelt

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THEODORE ROOSEVELT An American author, naturalist, explorer, historian,

and politician. 26th President of the United States. Known for his exuberant personality, range of

interests and achievements "cowboy" persona robust masculinity

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“STRENGTH AND DECENCY” Address at the quarterly meeting of the

Society of the Holy Name of Brooklyn and Long Island Oyster Bay, New York – August 16, 1903.

Impactful words: The future welfare of our nation depends

upon the way in which we can combine in our men – in our young men – decency and strength.

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WORTHY EXCERPT: I ask you to remember that you cannot retain your

self-respect if you are loose and foul of tongue, that a man who is to lead a clean and honorable life must inevitably suffer if his speech likewise is not clean and honorable.

I desire to see in this country the decent men strong and the strong men decent

There is no good in your preaching to your boys to be brave if you run away. There is no good in your preaching to them to tell the truth if you do not.

I do expect genuine and sincere effort toward being decent and cleanly in thought, in word, and in deed.

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OUR REVIEW ON THE SPEECH It was to motivate and develop values. Never keep a foul and loose tongue. Have a influential speech. Respect elders. Elders should behave infront of Young ones. Be honest and have courage. Be strong as well as Decent.

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Masterfully constructed in both the written and spoken word.

Substance: Worthy theme; it appealed and inspired the audience’s

finest values and ideals. Mass Impact:

Great oratory always seeks to persuade the audience of some fact or idea. All were greatly influenced by it.

Non Verbal aspects: His Body language, Pitch, tone, articulation , gestures,

postures, and aspects surely were at level best.

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Influencing personality Focuses on developing all round skills:- CS,

Religious and Mankind. Typify person on English and also vocabulary used

was had a great influence. Learn and explorer everything possible. It greatly changed the thinking pattern of the


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Try to learn different things. Be honest , have courage to speak up. Fight for what is right. Motivate others by showing what is good in them. Explore the world. Don’t over shadow yourself by fame. You are not born orator; you become a successful

orator by your efforts.

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Nayan Seta – 130210106048 (Data) Bhavik Shah – 130210106049 (Co-ordinator) Dharmi Shah – 130210106050 (Design) Ruchi Shah – 130210106051 (Sorting) Yash Shah – 130210106052 (PPT)

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