The Iceberg Model of Culture

ELECTIVE 1 (The Iceberg Model of Culture)

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Page 1: ELECTIVE 1 (The Iceberg Model of Culture)

The Iceberg Model of Culture

Page 2: ELECTIVE 1 (The Iceberg Model of Culture)

Surface Culture

Above the Surface

Emotional Load: Relatively Low

Unspoken Rules

Just Below the Surface


Emotional Load: High

Unconscious Rules

Far Below Surface


Emotional Load: INTENSE

Deep Culture

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Surface Culture

Above the Surface

Emotional Load: Relatively Low

Food * Dress * Music * Visual Arts * Drama * Crafts * Dance * Literature * Language * Celebrations * Games

The kind of VISUAL elements of culture that are easily identifiable, easily shared, and easily accessed.

“Everybody does it differently”

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It is the third Thursday in November.

What are you going to eat?

In the United States, that date is Thanksgiving. Depending on your family, you may be eating Turkey,

Ham, or nothing special at all. Even if you don’t celebrate, you may wish somebody “Happy Thanksgiving”.

“Everybody does it differently”

Surface-Culture Rules Example

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Unspoken Rules

Just Below the Surface

Emotional Load: High

Deep Culture

Courtesy * Contextual Conversational Patterns * Concept of Time * Personal Space * Rules of Conduct * Facial Expressions * Non-

Verbal Communication * Body Language * Touching * Eye-Contact * Patterns of Handling Emotions

“What are you DOING?”

Elements of culture that are perhaps not as easily pointed out, more ingrained into society.


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Deep Culture

Unspoken Rules Example

“What are you DOING?”


You are in a major chain grocery store (Target, Kmart, etc), standing in line at the checkout.

How do you know what to pay for your items?

In that culture - we don’t haggle over low-cost, pre-priced items. You just pay as is marked.

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Unconscious Rules

Far Below Surface

Emotional Load: INTENSE

Deep Culture

Notions of Modesty * Concept of Beauty * Courtship Practices * Relationships to Animals * Notions of Leadership * Tempo of Work * Concepts of Food *

Ideals of Childrearing * Theory of Disease * Social Interaction Rate * Nature of Friendships * Tone of Voice * Attitudes Towards Elders * Concept of

Cleanliness * Notions of Adolescence * Patterns of Group Decision-Making * Definition of Insanity * Preference for Competition or Cooperation * Tolerance

of Physical Pain * Concept of “self” * Concept of Past and Future * Definition of Obscenity * Attitudes toward Dependents * Problem-Solving Roles in Relation

to Age, Sex, Class, Occupation, Kinship, and so forth

The things that don’t get talked about, and often times aren’t even realized.


“You just don’t DO that!”

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“You just don’t DO that!”

Unconscious Rules Example

Deep Culture

It is summer and your air conditioning has broken. Your family is lounging around the house and your children are playing in the family room. It is getting

quite hot.

How do you cool off?

In the United States, you don’t take your clothing off around your children. It would be considered highly offensive for a father to walk around home

completely naked, no matter how hot.

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Implicit Culture

An agent whom operates in an

environment with poor knowledge behaves

sub optimally. If a group of agents act in the

same environment, information about their

actions can be used to improve the

knowledge and the behavior of each agent.

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Explicit Culture

Explicit culture is culture out there for

everyone to see, it is not hidden from

anyone. It is the way we dress, worship, act

in society. There is no secret in our explicit


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Layers of Culture

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Layers of culture

• Symbols are words, gestures, pictures or objects that carry a particular meaning which is only recognized by those who share the culture. The words in a language or jargon belong to this category, as do dress, hairstyles, Coca-Cola, flags, and status symbols.

• New symbols are easily developed and old ones disappear: symbols from one cultural group are regularly copied by others. This is why symbols have been put into the outer, most superficial layer of the diagram.

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• Heroes are persons, alive or dead, real or imaginary, who possess characteristics which are highly prized in a culture, and who thus serve as models for behavior.

• Even fantasy or cartoon figures like Batman or, as a contrast, Snoopy in the USA [or] Asterix in France can serve as cultural heroes. In this age of television, outward appearances have become more important in the choice of heroes.

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• Rituals are collective activities, technically superfluous in reaching desired ends, but which, within a culture, are considered as socially essential: they are therefore carried out for their own sake. Ways of greeting and paying respect to others, social and religious ceremonies are examples.

• Business and political meetings organized for seemingly rational reasons often serve mainly ritual purposes, like allowing the leaders to assert themselves.

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• The core of culture according to the diagram is formed by values.

• Values are broad tendencies to prefer certain states of affairs over others. Values are feelings with an arrow to it: they have a plus and a minus side.

• The deal with: evil vs. good; dirty vs. clear; ugly vs. beautiful; unnatural vs. natural; abnormal vs. normal; paradoxical vs logical; irrational vs. rational.

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