England Colonizes the New World

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England Colonizes the New World

The Background Story

The Black Death -1348-1350. Twelve years of plague sweeps Europe.

Catholic priests are charging a fee to say the last rights over the dead. However, many people cannot afford this and they are told their family will go to Hell if they do not pay.

Martin Luther and a handful of other Catholic Priests ‘protest’ against these practices.

In 1517, Martin Luther posts his ‘95 Thesis’ on the front door of the All Saints Church and the Protestant Reformation is now underway.

Queen Elizabeth

1558 - Queen Elizabeth takes the throne

Forms the English Protestant Church, which would later become; The Anglican Church

1570 -The Pope declares her ‘illegimate’ and several attempts are made to assassinate her.

1588 - Queen Elizabeth defends her country from a Spanish invasion. The Spanish Armada was the largest, most powerful navy the world had ever seen.

Queen Elizabeth issues ‘Charters’

1497 – John Cabot claims Newfoundland for England

1578 – Elizabeth offers first charter to Sir Humphrey Gilbert

1584 – Sir Walter RALEIGH takes over Gilbert’s charter

1584 – Amadas and Barlowe claim North Carolina for England.

The First English Colony

1585 - Sir Richard Grenville and Lieutenant Ralph Lane establish the first colony for England

1586 – What has become known as ‘The Lane Colony’ was abandoned

1587 – John White establishes a new colony in the same area

1588 – Spanish Armada defeated

1590 – White returns from England (fetching needed supplies) only to face the mystery of the ‘Lost Colony’

Relationships with Native Americans

1584 – English colonists befriend Native Americans in the area of the Outer Banks

Manteo, a CROATOAN and Wanchese, a ROANOKE agree to return to England to meet Queen Elizabeth

The new land north of Florida was named, ‘Virginia’ in honor of the Virgin Queen. Elizabeth had no husband, and no children. She proclaimed that all the people of England were her children.

Ralph Lane Colony Begins

1585 – The Ralph Lane Colony began on the island of Roanoke in the Outer Banks.

The settlement included 107 men intent on preparing for the arrival of their families from England.

Relationships with the Native Americans become violent.

Decisions of ‘Leadership’ bring more problems than solutions

Ralph Lane Colony Fails

Ten Difficult Months – the expedition was ill-prepared –They reach Roanoke in July – well passed the planting season.

One of the colonies leaders (Grenville) leaves the colony for England to fetch supplies.

Lane begins to raid the Native American food supplies

Lane takes a Native American hostage

Lane leads a midnight raid and has their chief beheaded

The End of the Lane Colony

1586 - Sir Francis Drake comes by the colony to check on it for Queen Elizabeth

Grenville has not returned and the men decide to abandon the colony and return to England

Grenville arrives only days after Drake has picked-up the men from the colony. They leave 15 men behind to hold the claim on the land for England

The John White Colony

1587 – 117 colonists, including 17 women and 9 boys arrive at Roanoke Island

The fort had been destroyed. There was no trace whatsoever of the 15 men who were left behind.

Manteo (Croatoan tribe) assures the colonists, Wingina from the Roanoke tribe has killed them.

August 18th, 1587 – Virginia Dare is born.

John White’s Decision & the Lost Colony

1587 – John White leaves back to England to get supplies for the winter

England is at war with Spain (Spanish Armada) and NO ships are allowed to leave England

White returns in 1590 to Roanoke Island

White finds the colony abandoned and only a few clues: ‘CRO’ carved into a post & ‘CROATOAN’ carved into a tree Neither carving had a cross over it which was to be the signal if they

were in distress

The Settlement of Jamestown in Virginia

1606 - King James I (issues the ‘King James Bible, btw) grants a charter to the Virginia Company

The Virginia Company had three missions;

Make profits by finding gold

Make profits from natural resources (harvest the land)

Find the desired trade route to Asia (Northwest Passage)

144 men board three ships for the New World; The Constant, the Godspeed and the Discovery

Jamestown Develops Quickly

After some difficult times (in less than one year only 38 of the 144 men survive) Jamestown begins to thrive

Many colonists abandon Jamestown and head to Newfoundland but, Lord De La Warr orders them back to Jamestown and imposes strict rules

Pocahontas is kidnapped and then marries John Rolfe

Growing TOBACCO becomes extremely profitable

Life in Jamestown Varies

1618 – Many farmers are growing rich off Tobacco

1619 – Virginia Company sends 100 boys to Jamestown to become apprentices

Indentured servants also came to Jamestown – they would work for up to seven years in order to pay for their voyage to the New World

1619 – The first Africans arrive in Jamestown and are originally treated as ‘indentured servants’

1619 - Virginia Company allows colonists to form a government – the House of Burgesses is born

The New England Colonies

1620 – 102 passengers, including 41 Pilgrims, set sail on the Mayflower for the New World

After 60 days at sea and, blown-off course they can’t make it to Virginia; land on what will become Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Before leaving the ship, the colonists create the ‘Mayflower Compact’ (they are outside of the Virginia Companies land boundaries)

Pilgrims & Native Americans

1621 – Wampanoag, leader of the Massasoit's visits the colony at Plymouth

Wampanoag directs one of his men to stay with the colonists and learn they language and teach them the Massasoit language; SQUANTO becomes ‘Diplomat’ and Ambassador

1621 -After first harvest, Native Americans and colonists gather for three day feast which would eventually become the celebration, ‘Thanksgiving’

The Great Migration

The Pilgrims were Puritans

Puritans did not want to leave the Anglican Church but rather, to ‘purify’ it from Catholic practices

Separatists also came to the Massachusetts Colony but, they wanted to ‘separate’ completely from the Anglican Church

1628 – Puritans form their own JOINT-STOCK Company

King Charles I - grants a charter to the New England Company which would later become the Massachusetts Bay Company

The Massachusetts Bay Colony

John Winthrop becomes first governor

The New England Way –

o By law, everyone must attend church

o Hard work – dancing and games lead to laziness

o Know their duty – God requires you to ‘work’

o Education – laws required that all children could read (so that all could read the Bible)

o A charter for a new township could not be issued unless a church was first built

Puritan Intolerance

Puritans fled England due to religious intolerance

In the Massachusetts Bay Colony colonists began to leave because the Puritans would not allow them freedom of religion

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson begin Providence and Portsmouth respectively (Soon to become the state of Rhode Island)

Thomas Hooker (minister) leaves for the Connecticut River Valley (soon to become state of Connecticut

Triangular Trade

By 1700 – ships were traveling back and forth from New England, West Africa and England

Ships sailed to make profit

Rum from Newport, Rhode Island

Ivory, gold, and slaves from West Africa

Sugar Cane and molasses from the West Indies

Sugar Cane and molasses back to Newport Rhode Island

Middle Colonies

New York

New Jersey



- All were established for a combination of religious reasons, economic pursuits and political developments

The Middle Colonies Take Shape

1664 – England takes New Amsterdam from the Dutch –create ‘New York’

The Duke of York divides his land into New York and New Jersey both of which offer religious freedom and enormous economic opportunity

1681 – King Charles II issues huge land grant to William Penn (a Quaker who had been imprisoned in England)

The Quakers become perhaps the most ‘free’ of all religious faiths believing each person’s own belief was all an individual truly needed

Middle Colonies Prosper

New England to the north & Virginia to the south –the Middle Colonies are in the optimum position for TRADE.

Fertile soil creates an abundance of crops = SURPLUS

Shipbuilding industry takes off – deep harbors

73 Ironworks develop in PA.

Cities grow at a rapid pace

The Southern Colonies

1632 - A haven for Catholics is created

Catholics are persecuted in England

Catholics are not welcome in the settled colonies

Lord Baltimore given land grant to create haven for Catholics in the New World

The new colony is named Maryland, in honor of the Queen of England

Carolina becomes North & South

1663 – King Charles II gives land to eight Lord Proprietors (friends who remained loyal to him during uprisings in England)

The land is called, Carolina; from the Latin word ‘Carolus’ which means, ‘Charles’

1712 – the land of Carolina is split into North and South Carolina

The Final Southern Colony

Virginia is already well established

North & South Carolina have been created

1733 - The final Southern Colony; Georgia

o James Oglethorpe arrives with 35 families

o Settlement created in Savannah

o Difficult beginnings; war with Spanish and Natives

o Nobody could own more than 50 acres of land

o Slavery was absolutely prohibited

Life in the Southern Colonies

Plantations – Southerners live off of the land

North Carolina continues to be a type of ‘wilderness’ area with little development

Virginia, South Carolina & Georgia develop a ‘lifestyle’ around the plantation system

Plantation owners and slaves live very, very different lives

Seaport towns become the center of the Slave Trade