English III Honors Vocab 4 (1 4)

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September 21, 2009Ms. Barletta [email protected]

Page 2: English III Honors Vocab 4 (1 4)

Vocabulary Lesson 4 1. celibate (adj.): abstaining from intercourseHINT: 2. fortuitous (adj.): happening by chance or accidentHINT: Fortune 3. recapitulate (v.): to summarize; repeat brieflyHINT: Recap 4. perfunctory (adj.): done without care; in a routine

fashionHINT: Function 5. baroque (adj.): overly decoratedYou might go broke if you decorate your home in a baroque


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6. hedonism (n.): pursuit of pleasure, especially of the senses

HINT: Heathen 7. obloquy (n.): strong disapproval; a bad reputation

resulting from public criticism HINT: 8. debacle (n.): a complete failure; a total collapseHINT: Buckle 9. quasi- (adj.): resembling; seeming; halfHINT: 10. besmirch (v.): to make dirty; to stainHINT: Smudge

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11. imperative (adj.): extremely necessary; vitally important

HINT: 12. sacrosanct (adj.): extremely holyHINT: Sacrament 13. sadistic (adj.): deriving pleasure from

inflicting pain on othersHINT: It is sad to think that there are sadistic people

in the world. 14. demeanor (n.): behavior; manner of

conducting oneselfHINT: manner; mean or… 15. facetious (adj.): comical; jocular; flippantHINT: Funny face

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Vocabulary Lesson 4 Extra Words 16. exuberance (n.): joyful; enthusiasm;

overflowing abundance 17. anomaly (n.): an irregularityHINT: a=not; normal 18. trifling (adj.): trivial; unimportant 19. avarice (n.): greediness for wealthHINT: vice 20. hedonist (n.): one who believes that

pleasure is the sole aim in life

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Vocabulary Review: Lessons 1-3 Lesson 1 1. Factious (adj.): causing disagreement HINT: Facts 2. Ignoble (adj.): dishonorable; shamefulHINT: 3. Boor (n.): a rude or impolite personHINT: Boar (like the animal); bore (if you tell someone

that they are boring, you’re being boorish) 4. Aegis (n.): a shield; protectionHINT:

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5. Perspicacity (n.): keenness of judgmentHINT: Perspective 6. Fervent (adj.): eager; earnestHINT: Fever 7.Rectify (v.): to correct; to make rightHINT: Correct 8. Enervate (v.): to weakenHINT: Nerve 9.Besiege (v.): to overwhelm; to surround and attackHINT: Seize; under siege

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10. Ephemeral (adj.): lasting only a brief time; short-livedHINT: 11. Altruism (n.): a concern for others; generosityHint: All true 12. Carrion (n.): decaying fleshHINT: 13. Erotic (adj.): pertaining to sexual loveHINT: 14. Amorphous (adj.): shapeless; formless; vagueHINT: A= not; morph=shape 15.Opulent (adj.): rich; luxurious; wealthyHINT: Opals, opera

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Vocabulary Lesson 1 Extra Words 16. coalesce (v.) to combine; fuseHINT: 17. colloquial (adj.) pertaining to conversational or

common speechHINT: Call 18. aversion (n.) firm dislikeHINT: You might not like a different version of something 19. impudence (n.): impertinence; insolence the act of

being rude and disrespectfulHINT: 20. polemical (adj.): aggressive in verbal attackHINT: mimic

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Vocabulary Lesson 2 Review 1. Impotent (adj.): powerless; lacking strengthHINT: im=not; potent=powerful 2. Antithesis (noun): an exact oppositeHINT: Anti=against; thesis=statement 3. Maelstrom (noun): whirlpool; turbulenceHINT: Mal=bad; storm 4. Emendation (noun): correctionHINT: Mend=fix; repair 5. Chagrin (noun): embarrassmentHINT: grin and bare it

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6. Bauble (noun): showy but useless thingHINT: Bubble 7. Diaphanous (adj.): very sheer and lightHINT: 8. Labyrinth (noun): complicated network of winding

passagesHINT: 9. Gloat (verb): to look at or think about with great

satisfactionHINT: 10. Impediment (noun): a barrierHINT:

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11. Bestial (adj.) savage; brutal HINT: Beast 12. Effete (adj.) worn out; barren HINT: The effect on standing on your feet all day might

leave you feeling effete. 13. Shard (noun): a fragmentHINT: 14. Bland (adj.) mild; tasteless; dullHINT: 15. Nihilism (noun): a total rejection of established lawsHINT:

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16. Conflagration (noun): great fireHINT: flagrant 17. Querulous (adj.) complaining ; fretfulHINT: query 18. Obscure (adj.) indistinct; not easily

understood 19. Jocular (noun): said or done in jestHINT: joke 20. Dissent (verb): to disagree HINT: diss

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Vocabulary Lesson 3 Review 1. pedestrian (adj.): ordinary or dull

HINT: To be a pedestrian is pedestrian since most people can walk.

2. bona fide (adj.): in good faith HINT: Bueno=good; fidelity=faithfulness

3. adventitious (adj.): accidental ; nonessentialHINT: Some adventures are not planned, but adventitious.

4. fecund (adj.) fertile, productiveHINT:

5. deviate (v.) to turn aside from a course; to strayHINT:

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6. obfuscate (v.): to confuse; to bewilderHINT: confuse

7. impale (v.): to pierce with a sharp stake through the body HINT: If you impale someone, they will become pale and cease to exist.

8. extenuate (v.): to lessen seriousness by providing partial excuses HINT: extend; extension

9. parochial (adj.): local ; narrow; limitedHINT: Parochial parishes contain limited religious views

10. glower (v.): to stare angrily HINT: Ouch! That woman glowered at me when she saw that I

was the owner of the car that hit her brand new Mercedes.

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11. edify (v.): to improve someone morallyHINT: educate; rectify

12. ambiguous (adj.): open to more than one interpretation HINT:

13. cataclysm (n.): a violent changeHINT:

14. optimum (adj.) best; most favorable; idealHINT: optima; optimal

15. importune (v.) to beg HINT: important; tune

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Vocabulary Lesson 3 Extra Words 16. quiescence (n.): state of being at rest

HINT: 17. truncate (v.): to shorten; cut the top off

HINT: 18. disinclination (n.): reluctance; unwillingness to do


19. prodigal (adj.): wasteful; reckless with moneyHINT: prodigal son

20. incite (v.) to prompt into actionHINT: if someone is insightful about saving the environment, they might incite others to recycle and purchase “green products.”