PowerPoint Midterm Project By Jeffrey Huang

ENS 1-2 Online PowerPoint Portfolio

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Jeffrey Huang's ENS 1-2 Online PowerPoint Portfolio

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  • 1. By Jeffrey Huang

2. Personal Health History How you got your name: My parents named me Jeffrey because they wanted me to grow up to become a strong man Meaning/Origin of your name: My name means Gods peace and originated from the name Godfrey Date and place of birth: I was born on August 14, 1999 in Albuquerque, New Mexico 3. Family Health History Family tree: Jeffrey Huang (me) Wei Huang (Uncle) Mingxiong Huang (Dad) Zheng Huang (Grandpa) Feng Yuang (Grandma) Bihai Cheng (Mom) Minghua Cheng (Grandpa) Jin Sun (Grandma) Jiang Cheng (aunt) Yun Cheng (aunt) Tian Cheng (aunt) Charles Huang (my brother) 4. Family Health History Interview your oldest living relative (25 questions): 1. What is the significance of your name? My name means a bright man in Chinese. 2. What did you usually wear to school? Describe it. I usually wore casual types of clothes to school, such as jeans, T-shirt, etc. 3. What do you remember about your first date? Describe the circumstances. We took a walk in the campus and a park nearby and I talked about some funny jokes. 4. How did you meet the person you would later marry and when did you decide to marry? I was a graduate student when my wife was an undergraduate student of the same University. We dated for many years and got married after we both graduated. 5. Family Health History Interview your oldest living relative (25 questions): 5. What advice would you give to a child or grandchild on their wedding day? Marriage is like driving on the bumpy road from Shanghai east bound to Nanjing. There will be ups and downs, and you have to work together in order to reach the beautiful beaches at the Pacific Ocean. 6. If you had it to do all over again, what, if anything, would you change about the way you raised your family? I would have taken the kids out more for sports and given them healthier food to eat. 7. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a great scientist. 8. What was your first job? I was a professor at Jinghua University. 6. Family Health History Interview your oldest living relative (25 questions): 9. How did you decide on your career? I wanted to help people to improve their health. 10. Who was the person that had the most positive influence on your life? Explain who they were and what they did. My wife. Without her passion and support, my life would have been miserable. 11. How would you describe yourself politically? I am independent with conservative political views. 12. Has any part of your family served in the military? No. 13. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? What happened? Our apartment was once robbed and we lost some valuables. 7. Family Health History Interview your oldest living relative (25 questions): 14. Has anyone every saved your life or vice versa? No 15. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Being more appreciative to life. 16. What was the most stressful experience that you ever lived through? What helped you get through it? The time when I was getting my PhD degree. Communicating more with the professors. 17. Have you ever met any famous people? No. 8. Family Health History Interview your oldest living relative (25 questions): 18. Have you ever won any special awards or prizes as an adult? Not really. 19. What health issues have you had or have? Type 1 diabetes, kidney problems 20. How was you life most different than mine, the interviewer. My children are raised at a time with more opportunities than the time I was raised. 21. What family traditions did you have as a child? What traditions did you continue with your own family? Love, respect, and help each other 9. Family Health History Interview your oldest living relative (25 questions): 22. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Did your parents come from large or small families? One brother. My mother had a bigger family than my father. 23. What do you do for exercise regularly? Playing tennis and Swimming 24. Do you have any bad habits now or in the past? If so, what. No 25. What activities have you especially enjoyed as an adult? Reading, playing tennis, swimming 10. Family Health History Explain how your family came to America: The Chinese Communist Partys Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989 changed the course of my parents lives. It was the most horrible event my parents have experienced. My father was a PhD student in Peking University in Beijing and participated in the protest against the corruption of the Chinese Communist Party. He was lucky that he left Beijing a few days before the massacre happened. When hundreds, and probably thousands, armless students (some were my parents schoolmates) and citizens were killed by tanks and AK-47s, they realized that this was not the right society that they would pursue a career and raise a family. My father left my parents in China after the massacre and came to the US with $300 in his pocket. My mother followed shortly after. 11. Family Health History Write a paragraph on your familys health history: My grandpa on my fathers side had high blood pressure and died of a heart attack. My grandma on my fathers side has type two diabetes and has had a heart attack and is currently being hospitalized. My fathers cousin has had ovarian cancer. My uncle smokes and my great uncle died of lung cancer. My grandpa on my mothers side had type one diabetes and died of kidney failure due to having diabetes. My grandma on my mothers side has had a stroke and has a cataract. Overall, that leads to me being highly susceptible to diabetes and high blood pressure if I dont exercise daily. 12. Fitness Data and Nutrition Studying per night (5 days): Sleep per night (5 days): Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 hours 3 hours 4 hours 6 hours 2 hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7 hours 6 hours 8 hours 5 hours 7 hours 13. Fitness Data and Nutrition TV watching per night (5 days): Computer use (5 days): Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 hour 0 hours 30 minutes 0 hours 1 hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 hours 3 hours 3 hours 4 hours 2 hours 14. Fitness Data and Nutrition Phone use (5 days): Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 15 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes 0 minutes 30 minutes 15. Fitness Data and Nutrition Total from each: Overall total: Studying Sleep TV Computer Phone 19 hours 33 hours 2 hours 30 minutes 14 hours 1 hour 15 minutes Overall 69 hours and 15 minutes 16. Social and Emotional Health Hobbies/talents/sports: I currently play tennis on the Westview tennis team. I also love hiking and photography because it allows you to get closer with nature Pets: I dont have any pets because I have allergy issues Travel (when, where, with whom): My favorite vacation was my family trip to the East Coast over the summer before 7th grade. Closest friends: My closest friends are Alec, Andrew, Eric, Brandon, and Chaitanya 17. Social and Emotional Health Schools attended (preschool through current): I went to La Petite for preschool. I attended Creekside Elementary for first through fifth grade, then I went to Meadowbrook Middle for sixth grade. I then transferred to Mesa Verde Middle for seventh and eighth grade. Now, I am currently attending Westview High Clubs: I am currently in Catalyst for Success and Tennis Club. I am planning on making a club named Edify next year. I will be considering on joining NHS and CSF 18. Health Triangle 19. Health Triangle As you can see, the most unbalanced part of my health triangle is my mental and emotional health. I dont get stressful much but I dont handle situations well if Im under pressure. I easily get frustrated with myself if I dont perform up to my own standards. This is usually a big problem since I set pretty high standards for myself. Sometimes I am so blinded by my frustration that I tend to give up in certain situations. Now that Ive realized this Ive been trying to improve on not being so harsh on myself. My social side is a little better but is still pretty weak. Im fine communicating with people if they approach me, but I usually never start conversations. I go to many activities with my friends that are sports-related and socialize a lot with them. A lot of my friends think that I am a good listener when they talk to me and that I am a dependable person. 20. Health Triangle My physical side is probably one of my strongest. I exercise daily either through means of biking, hiking, playing tennis, conditioning, and running. I constantly schedule times with my friends to go out and do conditioning and running. I play tennis five times a week and bike every day to school. On the weekends, my parents encourage my brother and I to go hiking. I feel like physical health is probably one of the most important parts of living a healthy lifestyle. Having a weakness in one part of your life can easily affect all areas of your life. For example, if you are having some family issues, it could severely impact your social, physical, and mental. You would stop going to social gatherings because youre depressed. You would stop working out and would start sitting behind a computer playing video games. Or, you could be experiencing depression. All of these are possibilities. 21. Picture Timeline Me when I was 6 months old: 22. Picture Timeline Me when I was one year old: 23. Picture Timeline Me when I was two years old: 24. Picture Timeline My brother and I at a Merry-Go-Round when I was three years old: 25. Picture Timeline Me at California Adventures when I was four years old: 26. Picture Timeline Me at Universal Studios when I was six years old: 27. Picture Timeline My brother and I at San Francisco when I was seven years old: 28. Picture Timeline Me in my third grade classroom during Halloween: 29. Picture Timeline My brother and I at the National Geographic Museum when I was eleven years old: 30. Picture Timeline Me at the top of Mt. Woodson when I was thirteen years old: 31. Picture Timeline Me at Mt. Rainier when I was fourteen years old: 32. Personal Crest 33. Unique Self Marching On by OneRepublic: For those days we felt like a mistake, Those times when loves what you hate, Somehow, We keep marching on. For those nights when I couldn't be there, I've made it harder to know that you know, That somehow, We'll keep moving on. There's so many wars we fought, There's so many things were not, But with what we have, I promise you that, We're marching on, (We're marching on) (We're marching on). For all of the plans we've made, There isn't a flag I'd wave, Don't care if we bend, I'd sink us to swim, We're marching on, (We're marching on) (We're marching on). For those doubts that swirl all around us, For those lives that tear at the seams, We know, We're not what we've seen, For this dance we'll move with each other. There ain't no other step than one foot, Right in front of the other. There's so many wars we fought, There's so many things we're not, But with what we have, I promise you that, We're marching on, (We're marching on) (We're marching on). For all of the plans we've made, There isn't a flag I'd wave, Don't care if we bend, I'd sink us to swim, We're marching on, (We're marching on) (We're marching on). Right, right, right, right left right, Right, right, right, right left right, Right, right, We're marching on. We'll have the days we break, And we'll have the scars to prove it, We'll have the bonds that we save, But we'll have the heart not to lose it. For all of the times we've stopped, For all of the things I'm not. We put one foot in front of the other, We move like we ain't got no other, We go when we go, We're marching on. There's so many wars we fought, There's so many things we're not, But with what we have, I promise you that, We're marching on, (We're marching on) (We're marching on). Right, right, right, right left right, Right, right, right, left, right, Right, right, We're marching on. Right, right, right, right left right, Right, right, right, left, right, Right, right, We're marching on. 34. Unique Self This particulate piece accentuates on virtues of restlessness, opportunity, and hope. Sometimes when I feel down, I always look forward to whats to come. I work hard and march on. This song represents me because I allow myself to not look back at the past and use what I have right now. I am usually a hopeful person and this song encompasses that. 35. Unique Self Self-portrait: 36. Future Aspirations Choose one person that has made a positive impact on your life: My friend Matthew has made a huge impact on my life. When I was in seventh grade, I had just moved to a new middle school and nobody knew who I was. Matthew took me in as a friend and welcomed me to his group of friends. When nobody was around to help me, Matthew was there. I still hang out with that group of friends today. 37. Future Aspirations Letter to Matthew: Hey Matthew, I just wanted to let you know that you have made a huge impact on my life. You accepted me as a friend when no one else did and youve been with me for so many years. Thank you for all that youve done for me. Sincerely, Jeffrey Huang 38. Future Aspirations I see myself soon to be attending a prestigious university in three years. In five years, Ill be attending the college and earning a degree that pertains to medicine. In ten years, Ill probably be attending medical school and working towards being a surgeon. If I could accomplish one thing in life, I would want to become successful. 39. Media Awareness I dont think that the media influences that much on my clothing, activity, and music choices. Im not a very selective person, so I just tend to chose whatever is available.