An environmentally-friendly school!

Environmentally friendly school alex i

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An environmentally-friendly school!

Nowadays it´s usual to see some actions made by us

that can produce problems in the enviroment, but we

usually don´t know that they can do it in our health too!

They are:


THE EXCESS OF NOISEThe noise at schools is a problem that you may think it´s not important, but it generates a lot of acoustic pollution. It´s in the ladders or in the playground where you can best perceive it. That make some people feel very nervous and they do not concentrate as much as they could if there were more silence.

THE WAY OF GET RID OF THE MATERIALS DIFFICULT TO RECYCLEAt schools the people usually don´t know what to do with materials that aren´t as easy to recycle as paper, plastic bottles…That´s why they usually get rid of them by the most simple way or they throw them to any place. That pollutes our planet and difficults the job of people who work in recycling factories!

WASTE OF WATERMany people don´t care about the problem that wasting water suppose, but we have to know that all the water that we waste when we go to the bathroom and forgive the tap opened could be used for people who don´t have any water to drink!


The most part of the pollution in most of the schools is produced by the waste of energy. When we forgive the lights turned on or when we don´t turn off the computer screen when we get out of school is a waste innecesary of energy!

To affront these problems we have to change our point of view about the pollution and

we have to cooperate to produce the change and be an

environmentally-friendly school. These are some

actions that we can do to start with it:

Be more quietly at ladders and speak lower

Make a special place at school to deposit the materials that we do not know where to put, and

engage someone to do it.

Take turns to be sure that the taps are closed in the bathroom and lab.

Engage the delegate of each course to check the computers and the projector at the end of each



• Alex Iacob• Sara Das
