In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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In what ways does your media

product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

conventions In nearly all music magazines, the masthead is placed at the top of the

front cover. I chose to break this convention by placing my masthead at the bottom of the page. I then decided how the cover lines and image would fit around this. I did this because I wanted to challenge it as well as make a statement that clearly shows my magazine has a unique sense of style.

However I did use typical conventions with the use of my cover lines because I placed them on the left side, in front of the photographic image. I did this because it gives the readers something familiar to look at and read and it fit well with how I decided I want the artist to pose.

I used a puff on my front cover to entice the reader in with the indication of a free cd.

The photographic image on the front is a medium-close up which is a generic option for camera shots.

On all magazines there should be a barcode, cover price, issue number and a photographic image.

My media product is a magazine and has the purpose to entertain the audience. To achieve this I used the various codes

I have used various symbolic codes

Such as the clothing, because it is all black and she is wearing a leather jacket which gives the connotation of a rock star or a biker. People have a stereotypical idea that musicians of rock music, typically wear clothing like leather jackets and ripped jeans because they want to go against what people see as being morally acceptable. I decided to use this stereotype in the artists choice of clothing to signify to people that it is a rock genre and that they instantly know what type of musicians will be presented throughout the magazine.

I decided to break conventions with the typically used direct gaze from the artist on the front and so therefore she is closing her eyes, which gives the connotation of a daring attitude which is relatable to my intended target audience.

Technical codes:

The typography I used for the masthead is an example of one of the technical codes because the masthead must act as the brand or logo of the magazine. Therefore I carefully chose a font that would be memorable as well as unique also I chose a sans serif typeface because I think it signifies modernity. A popular example of a published rock magazine, that uses the masthead as a logo often is KERRANG, as it’s extremely recognisable.

Another technical code I used would be the use of colour throughout the designed folio’s. The overall colours used were red and black. I used the colour black often because it gives the connotation of authority and power as well as death. Often the colour black is used on rock magazines because rock songs stereotypically have a dark story behind them.The colour red gives the connotation of fire and energy also passion. I decided to use this colour because the artist is an independent and strong women, so the red represents her personality. Also the intended readers for this magazine would recognise the colour red as a relation to rock music, because it is often used.