Evaluation of my film poster… By Fin Quinlan

Evaluation of my film poster

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Page 1: Evaluation of my film poster

Evaluation of my film poster…

By Fin Quinlan

Page 2: Evaluation of my film poster

How effective was your research into similar film posters and the Action/Adventure film genre. What did you learn from your research?

I have found that my research helped me quite a lot to figure out the positioning of my character and the setting of the poster. It also helped me find the colour scheme for my poster (black and white with the main object in colour). I also used my research to find out about what text to place on my poster and how to position the information correctly. When we watched “The Amazing-Spiderman” I took notice to have the main character look anonymous in my poster as the main character is in the posters for The Amazing-Spiderman. I did this by making it so that by making it so that my character was facing away from the camera giving them a mysterious look.

Page 3: Evaluation of my film poster

What creative decisions did you have to make at the different stages of your production?

In my first draft I felt that I wanted to have my main character in a forest however it proved to time consuming and awkward to complete so I decided to use a photo with a relatively clear background so I could edit it out with ease and replace my own sky/background. I also had to change the colour of the font to suit the background and I also had to make quite a few alterations to the foreground and the poster billing to make them stand out from the vibrant and bright background scenery. To make these stand out I made the middle ground extremely bland and boring compared to the fore and background. This is to make it stand out and also create an air of mystery upon the poster.

Page 4: Evaluation of my film poster

How closely does your film poster follow the forms and conventions of existing film posters?

My film poster follows most of the usual conventions of a poster. However I made a few twists to it making it more dark/gritty and realistic. I also made sure to make the main character facing the action and/or have an over shoulder shot of the main character. I have also made it so that all attention is drawn towards the main character by making him the only object in colour on the poster other than the text. Another thing that I did was make my poster title not match the happenings in the actual poster like films such as “Wolf of wall Street” and “Wild Hog”. I also made it so that my poster fas mostly black and white this is a common theme among action movie posters.

Page 5: Evaluation of my film poster

How would your film posters appeal to the target audience?

My poster appeals to my target audience by making it look slightly more serious that other more child like action film. This would appeal to an older generation of people by making it seem more of a serious atmosphere. I also made my poster appeal to my target audience by making it look quite similar to other posters that have been used to promote darker super hero films like batman and others. The main character is also around the same age as my target audience making the character relatable to the target audience.

Page 6: Evaluation of my film poster

How successful are your finished film posters? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

I think that my finished film poster was quite successful as it has included quite a lot of the main aspects of an action poster and also looked like an actual film poster and had followed most if not all of the main conventions for the genre that I was trying to portray. However I also believe that could have improved my poster my adding more logos onto my poster because at this moment in time I only have the single marvel logo on my poster making it very bland when you look towards the bottom of the poster.