Evaluation By Anya Clayton

Evaluation powerpoint

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By Anya Clayton

Page 2: Evaluation powerpoint

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I think the layout and splash image fits in really well with my music genre (house music) because the model on the cover is wearing casual clothing, which conveys the relaxed attitude to the style of music.

I decided to create a black and white theme for my front cover as through observing similar magazines it fitted well with my music genre and the splash image used behind the text. I used four different fonts on the cover to give it variation and to help the content headlines standout. I made the text pure white rather than picking the colour on the models t-shirt because I thought it would be too hard to read the text if it was exactly the same colour. I kept the majority of my cover lines the same size to show they are as important as each other, however I used larger text for the headline because it has relevance to the splash image. I also did this as the variation in text size is more likely to grab the customers attention. I chose to use the same font for the cover lines as the mast head because I thought it fit better together when both fonts matched. I felt the logo I chose coveys the name well as the two black lines which come from the ‘M’ join in and ‘mix’ with the rest of the text in the title, I feel this design helps the magazine to look more professional as it looks more interesting than just a simple font title. I used a barcode at the bottom of my front cover to give it conventions that a real media product would have. I thought the alignment of the cover lines was really important to give my front cover the features of a real magazine. I used depth of field in my splash image as I wanted the background to be busy but not too much as it would take away from the focal point and the text. I felt that using this technique in my image also helped to make it look more professional. If I was to do this again I may change the headline text to a different colour to make it stand out more than the rest of the cover lines.

My cover was inspired by this ‘DJ Mag’ cover. I think its easy to see where some of the features on my front cover

came from by looking at the ‘DJ mag’ cover.

My magazine looks different to DJ mag because I havedecided to use a black and white colour scheme as I feel

fits in better with the genre of music I am focusing on.I think this gives my cover a chilled vibe rather than the DJ

Mag cover which is more in your face and more powerful.Even though my colours are more discreet I feel it will still

stand out next to other magazines in a shop.

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My contents page was inspired by the contents page you can see below from Mixmag. I really liked the layout and font it used. I also liked how the page numbers were on the images themselves. I decided to try and do a contents page in this style as I want to publish my magazine with development hell ltd which is who publish Mixmag. I thought that if my contents was in a similar style the readers may like my magazine because its similar to what their used to. I included extra text at the top and bottom of the page to try and make my magazine look more realistic. I thought using the same font and style for both sections helped this. I wanted to keep the colours on this page quite subtle to continue to convey the relaxed attitude and the style of music my magazine is based around. However, I did introduce purple onto this page, which I identified on my style sheet and I thought this page was the best time to introduce it because I felt it was important to highlight the content sections to draw the readers eye in. As my magazine is focused at students I thought justwriting ‘contents’ was abitboring so I thought ‘THEDOWNLOAD’ would fit inbetter with my audienceand the general style ofmy magazine. I used the same font the logo for thepage title so that the pageflowed. Because of this it inspired me to add the arrow to fit with the styleof the magazine.

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Contents Information I got my inspiration for my contents information from a contents page from Mixmag. I really like how they out all the pages into different sections. I feel this makes the contents page easier to navigate because it is easier to find what you are looking for. Although my magazine cover is in mainly black and white I felt adding a small amount of colour would really add to me magazine. I only used one colour (purple) as I didn’t want it to get to hectic and have too much going on like I feel the Mixmag page has. I decided to use purple as it is what decided to use as my third colour on my plan. I felt purple was a fairly gender neutral colour. I used a similar font to the one used on Mixmag as I felt it suited the electronic connotations of techno and house music.

I added these features to my contents page as I felt it gave it more of a realistic feel. I made both features have a black and white theme to make them fit in with the rest of my magazine layout. I used a similar font to the font used in the contents information, I thought this helped to make reading my magazine run more smoothly.

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When I came to production I decided to change the layout of my page to make it look more conventional. I did this because I felt the image I had planned to take wouldn’t look right when placed on the page due to magazine pages being folded in half and stapled. I felt this would ruin the image making it not look as professional. I also thought my double page spread may look boring with just one image which is why I wanted to include more. I felt including more images would page the page look more interesting which could catch the attention of the audience better if they are quickly flicking through in the shop. Even though I chose to change the general layout I still decided to keep the page headline in the same place as I felt it was the most conventional place to place it. I decided to keep my layout fairly simple to tie in with the rest of my magazine to make it flow. I chose a simple font so the text is easily readable for all readers. I felt it is important to use a font that is easy to read because it makes the magazine accessible to a larger reader audience. I wanted to keep the colours on pages minimal which is why I just kept the text in the article two different colours. I chose to use purple as it is the other colour I chose I my plan apart from black and white. I thought that keeping my colour scheme to three colours make my magazine more easily recognizable to my audience. New magazines aren’t instantly known so I want people to remember the dominant colours and layouts through out so they want to buy it again as the style feels familiar to them.

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I decided to use a headline to tell the address this page so the reader knows what it is about. I used the same font as I did on my front cover for this feature, as I felt it would help to reader to make the connection between this page and the headline they read on the front cover.

I added pictures to my article as I they fit in with what ‘Leo Clayton’ was talking about. All three pictures were taken at ‘Earworm Records’. I felt it was important to chose relevant images to what was going on, on the page. I edited all the images to give them a warmer feel to make the page look more inviting. I think the images helped to give the page colour which I think is important as otherwise they page could look really boring.

I added this feature to my double page spread because again it was relevant to what ‘Leo’ was talking about. I felt it helped to make my magazine look more realistic because in a lot of music magazines there tends to be a lot of promotional features, especially in music magazines as it helps to promote events and get the readers excited about events. Promoting events in magazines helps to give magazine writers more to write about in the next edition if there readers have attended the event.

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I feel my magazine represents a more mature group of people as I don’t have women portrayed in a sexual way over the cover like you would expect from a popular music magazine. My magazine portrays men in a very masculine way due to the casual appearance of my magazine. I purposely dressed my models in casual clothing as I feel it imitates the genre. I also felt that how the models are dressed represents a very masculine trait. Men involved in this kind of genre are generally quite relaxed about fashion I feel this reflects on the genre and the type of people that are involved. By having a middle aged man on the cover of my magazine this challenges the stereotype that is often associated with dance and house music. Dj’s are stereotypically younger (age 20-25) whereas the model on my cover is a 42 year old DJ. I felt this challenged the stereotype as it is an uncommon thing to see in such a hip and trendy genre. Even though Dj’s are stereotypically young I purposely wanted to used older DJ’s to represent the underground house scene where it is a lot more common to see older Djs.

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EthnicityOnly white, British artists are represented in my magazine, the house music genre is stereotypically a white genre meaning the majority of house DJ’s are white. I felt this was reflected in my images I have chosen. As the majority of the UK is white I felt using white Dj’s through-out my magazine helped to represent to the larger group in British society. Even though House music is a stereotypically white genre, York is a very un-diverse city meaning that if I decided to photograph other ethnicities for my magazine it would have been really difficult. This is why I have chosen to represent this group of people in my magazine.

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On my contents page I used two images involving masks, I used these to represent the male daft humor which I also think helps to represent the relaxed attitude to the genre. In a few of the images I have used I purposely involved technology and records as I think this represents men as men like to boast about what equipment they own and how many records they have. I felt by using these images it strongly put across the male DJ stereotype.Because the models in my magazine are casually dressed I feel it fits in with the casual plain layout of my magazine. The plain colours work well to represent the relaxed attitude towards dance and house music. I feel the casual dress also helps to challenge the stereotype as it seems the DJ’s to other people and dressed way too young for their age.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Mixmag is published by a company called ‘Development Hell Limited’. Development Hell Limited only produce two products to the niche clubbing market. Their target market is dominantly males ages 18-24 ( I have found this information from various different sources). They offer this market a magazine and social networking site, both of which are really popular. The networking site offers information on a large range of events including, bars, nightclubs, live music and concerts that consumers can filter to meet their needs. Their magazine offers information on popular club culture including new technology and club fashion. Because their products are niche they are specialist in the clubbing scene, therefore clubbers trust them to provide the service and information they are looking for.I think Development Hell LTD is the best company for my magazine as it is a small company that has two really popular products both in the genre of music I want my magazine to be about. Even though usually I have found that the bigger companies have a wider variety of product, I think that Development Hell LTD is best suited for my magazine. I think if I was working with Development Hell LTD, their contacts and expertise would be really helpful when setting up my magazine as they are specialist in the area my magazine is focuses on. I like that Development Hell LTD is a smaller company yet they have done so well against their massive competitors giving me more faith in the company to be able to promote and market my media product in an effective way that will get me sales.

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Who would be the audience for your media product?

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Name: StacyAge: 24Job: Scientist and waitress in a restaurantAbout Stacy: Stacy is a very out going, sociable girl fresh out of University and straight into a really successful job. Stacy has two jobs to support her mental life style. Stacy enjoys going to Freakin and Irie vibes which are two popular music nights in York. Stacy loves fashion, nails and loves her trainers. Stacy is a typical girly, girl with a really unique edge, however after a mad night on the town she loves to settle down and watch a film with a tub of ben and jerry’s ice cream. Stacy likes so stand out and always be in the know on the best places to go party whether it be in York or somewhere random she's never been to before. Stacy is adventurous and never says no to anything, she loves music festivals, especially Beacons festival as its near to home and she knows everyone there. Stacy would be a typical reader of mixology because I want to feature sections in my magazine that look at the best places to go in different cities across the UK. I think she would find the articles and general content of my magazine really interesting as its suits her personality and lifestyle perfectly. The articles in my magazine will really interest her as I intend to get an exclusive interview with the Freakin boys and review different nights she can check out. Also I intend to have competitions to win tickets and money off vouchers for festivals and club nights, which I think Stacy would really benefit from.

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I think Mixmag appeals to both genders. I chose to show a few different covers to show this. I think some of Mixmag's covers are either dominantly feminine or masculine how I think they also provide covers that are aimed at both genders. Mixmag’s age range is 18-24 which is dominantly students. Even though they aim to reach the 18-24 audience, the median age of the Mixmag reader is 24, 72% of their readers are male and 28% is female. I think this is important to the content of the magazine. The cover needs to be eye catching to the student so they are interested. Mixmag readers are very into music and fashion, there always up to date with new music and fashion trends. Mixmag’s demographic spans across young budding bedroom DJs through to accomplished producers. Mixmag has said that their readers tend to be urban and single with a high disposable income, which they are likely to spend on new outfits, new music, magazines and their partying lifestyle. Mixmag also said their readers are at that new club early and move on before it starts to go cold. This suggests the readers of Mixmag are very trendy and outgoing.

Because Mixmag is published by development hell ltd I felt looking at their audience would help me to see what my audience is, as Mixmag and my own magazine are both based around the same music genre. My magazine and Mixmag are different because Mixmag seems to have a quite closed audience whereas I want my magazine to be open to an older age range like the Dj’s displayed on the cover of my magazine. However I still want me core audience to be 18-24 like Mixmag.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

I felt it was really important to make sure I had lots of different features that would attract my audiences attention and keep them interested the whole way through my magazine. I felt these features were:

-Colour-Font-Content (cover lines etc.)-Photographs-Competitions and events-Price

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ColourFor my magazine I purposely chose minimal colours as I thought it would attract a more mature audience. Also I didn’t want my magazine to really stand out and be in your face as I felt this didn’t reflect the genre of music my magazine was representing. I used more colour inside my magazine as I wanted it to be fun but fairly gender neutral. I chose purple as I felt it was a gender neutral colour, however my survey had more female attention which made me think my audience would be more female based, this is what made me use purple as even though I felt it was gender neutral I felt it was more aimed at a female audience.

FontI felt using a range of interesting fonts through out my magazine would help to attract my audience as even though the colours aren’t in your face, my magazine still looks interesting. I felt the font used on my masthead worked really well as a logo because the ‘M’ in ‘Mixology’ it wrapping around the other letters I felt this gave the impression of ‘mixing’ therefore fitting really well with the name of my magazine. I chose to keep the same fonts for my cover lines to make it flow and use a different font for my headline to make it stand out from the rest of the text on the page. I thought the size of the text on my headline also helped it to stand out from the rest of the text.

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ContentI felt the content of my magazine was extremely important for attracting my audience. Because of this I felt getting my cover lines right was really important as this is the first thing my audience would look at and instantly this will make them decide whether to keep reading or put it down and look at the next magazine on the shelf. To appeal to both genders I needed to make my cover lines and general content relevant to both. To help me with this I felt about what other gender specific magazines do to attract their audience. What I found was that men usually want to find out about things this is why I included cover lines about new artists and clubs that they can read about and checkout for them selves. Whereas I found women like to find out about people, this is why I chose to base my double page spread around an article about a DJ as I felt this would appeal to my female audience, yet would appeal to males at the same time.

PhotographsAs house and dance music is a dominantly white and male music genre I felt the images I used were really relevant. I chose to photograph local DJ’s to my area as I wanted my magazine to focus on different areas in each edition. To make it more personal I kept all my images based around the same group of people. I felt this felt to attract my audience as the images flowed helping the reader to feel more interactive with the magazine and more in touch with what is going on. I used a mix of serious and humorous images as I felt helped to portray the casual characteristics of my magazine and the genre of music my magazine is representing.

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PriceI felt price was a crucial part to attracting my audience as if the price is too high there is a likely chance they won’t bother to look past the first page. When deciding on price I had to take the occupation of my audience into consideration. The fact the majority of my audience is likely to be students suggests that they are unlikely to have a larger disposable income. I found from my online survey that they wanted the price of the magazine to be between £2.50 and £3.50, because of this I chose to price my magazine at £3.00 as I felt this makes my monthly less than £1 a week making my magazine really affordable therefore my audience are more likely to want to buy it.

Competitions and eventsI felt competitions and news about events was a good way to attract my audience as when I see things like this on a cover of a magazine I instantly want to know more. However I knew that just because I like this, it doesn’t necessarily mean my audience will. This is why I asked my audience when carrying out research in the form of an interview and an online survey. From my face to face interview I found that they would be interested in free or reduced in price festival tickets as being a student generally means you have a lower disposable income than someone in full-time employment. From my online interview I found my audience were most interested in information about events, competitions, posters and interviews. I decided not to include posters in my magazine as I wanted my magazine to appeal a mature audience and I felt this might not be what they want over information about events and competitions. I felt that choosing the right features as accurately as I could was really important as these things are what are going to attract the reader to my magazine.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Photoshop, dafont.com and production.When working with Photoshop at first I found it quite difficult to get the layout right to give my magazine the conventions of a real media product. I learnt how to use rulers, this helped me to work out how to structure my double page spread in a way that would make my text columns even and give my magazine the conventional look of a real magazine. When adding images to my magazine using Photoshop I learnt how to edit my images so they didn’t look really boring and raw. I used the brightness and contrast tool to do this. I felt this gave my images a more professional finish.When in production I also leant how to download and extract fonts from www.dafont.com so they could be used on Photoshop. I found this really useful as it made it easier to make my magazine more interesting and different to other peoples. I felt this was a really useful skill to learn. After using fonts on my magazine pages I used the options in the layer bar (on Photoshop) to make my text more interesting. For example I learnt how to add different thicknesses and colour strokes to my text, I felt this helped to make my magazine look more like a real media product as I felt it gave my text a more professional look.

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Survey MonkeyWhen thinking about the final outcome of my production I felt it was really important to get the information I will use really accurate so my magazine is aimed at the right people in the right way. To get accurate information I thought asking people directly through an online survey would be a good, quick way to collect relevant information. From my results I have found my target audience is aged between 18-24, which is the same as Mixmag’s audience which I have been very inspired by as a magazine. Also from my results I have found my target audience is dominantly female students. The chosen music genre of my target audience is Dance and House music which is what I originally wanted to base my magazine around anyway, which also helps to link in with Development Hell Ltd.'s specializes in. The price range of my magazine will be between £2.50-£3.50. My survey showed that my audience want interviews with their favourite artists to keep them up to date with their life and their new music, I think this is really interesting and I will definitely include this is in my magazine. All the people who have answered my survey said they often attend live music events and they prefer live events such as festivals. This helps me to know what to base my articles around in my magazine. It also helped me to think about what other content I should include in my magazine such as line-ups for events and money off the events my target audience will actually be interested in. Another thing I have found from my survey is that what sells magazines to my target audience. I have found that the writing on the cover is what sells it therefore everything I put on the cover needs to be interesting, eye catching and most of all relevant to the target audience. I have found this survey so helpful to help me perfectly tailor my magazine to what my target market want to see, however what I found the most interesting was that even though my target market is females they actually prefer to see women on the covers of the magazines opposed to males. I found this bizarre as I assumed for the kind of genre of music the audience would want males of the cover of their perfect magazine. I found survey monkey I really effective way of gathering information as it gave me real, accurate figures of what people want, rather than me just guessing and therefore creating something massively irrelevant to my audience.

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To display all my work I have used a blogging site called blogger. By using blogger I have learnt lots of different computer skills such as the use of ‘Slide share’ to upload my PowerPoint's. Slide share has been really helpful because without it I would have had to use word documents which don’t look anywhere near as PowerPoint slides. Because Slide share is a separate programme to blogger you had to embed a code into the HTML section in order for the slide share presentations to work .By using blogger it helped me to gain confidence using the internet.

Normal tool bar

HTML tool bar

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How to use Slide share & add it to your blog.

Choose file… Press save & continue… Copy the embed code…

Paste the embed code into the HTML section…

Press on the compose section and this box should appear…

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Why I decided to use digital photography for production.

I chose to use digital imagery for my magazine as I felt it was easier to work with, especially when coming to production. I find digital imagery better because the media course I am doing involves putting things onto computers and the internet. This would be very difficult and very expensive if I decided to use film photography. If I had decided to use film I would have had to get my images developed and but into a disk in store which would cost a lot more than digital photography as college already had the camera facilities available making using digital photography free. As well as money, time is another big upside to digital photography. With digital images they can quickly be snapped and uploaded straight on a computer in a matter of minutes whereas with film photography it would take a lot of time and effort to go and get the images developed and put on a disk to find that maybe they aren’t right or what you need at all. I feel that when taking all this into consideration digital photography is a much more suitable way to collect images for this kind of production. However just because digital is easier to get images and it is easier to be able to edit them, if the image isn’t very good in the first place, it won’t be possible to make it perfect. This is why setting up your images perfectly is always important even though you can the option to take more images if the first bunch aren’t quite what you were looking for.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to

the full product?When doing my preliminary task I looked at other magazines that I thought were similar to the magazine I was trying to create. This helped me to look at different layouts acceptable for a college magazine and also the type of content that it may involve. However I felt being a college student helped me to be able to think of the cover lines for my college magazine front cover. I also did photograph planning so I knew how I wanted my images to turn out and so I had an idea of how to set up my image when taking it. Doing the preliminary task helped me to learn the basics of Photoshop, for example how to crop an image and add text and images such as barcodes. Even though at the time I was happy with how it turned out as I wasn’t very clued up on what to do and we only had a short time in which to complete this task, I felt looking back on it that it was absolutely awful. I felt the cover lines were badly placed and the wrong colour, however I felt the masthead was very relevant to the magazine and the cover lines. I think the preliminary task really helped me because it showed me the basics of what I needed to know to create a magazine. In the progression I learnt how to use social networking sites to get people to answer my survey and how to make an online survey. I also learnt how to research in different ways to collect in depth information to piece together my ideal reader and the kind of content I should include in my magazine to make it relevant to my audience. When creating my magazine the 2 main things I thought about research and appearance.

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ResearchWhen researching for my magazine I felt it was important to collect research in lots of different ways to make sure what I

collected was as accurate as it possibly could be. I carried out primary and secondary research, for example I used survey monkey to directly ask my audience what they want. I also used the internet to find out the information I needed, like looking at existing magazines for ideas on how to layout my pages and colour schemes. I found both types of research really effective and they really helped me to produce the magazine I have produced. However in the preliminary task I only did secondary research which is why I think my preliminary project way no where near as professional as my final outcome.

I want to publish my magazine with Development hell LTD so I felt it was important to find out information about their audience this is what I found:I think Mixmag appeals to both genders. I chose to show a few different covers to show this. I think some of Mixmag's covers are either dominantly feminine or masculine how I think they also provide covers that are aimed at both genders. Mixmag’s age range is 18-24 which is dominantly students. Even though they aim to reach the 18-24 audience, the median age of the Mixmag reader is 24, 72% of their readers are male and 28% is female. I think this is important to the content of the magazine. The cover needs to be eye catching to the student so they are interested. Mixmag readers are very into music and fashion, there always up to date with new music and fashion trends. Mixmag’s demographic spans across young budding bedroom DJs through to accomplished producers. Mixmag has said that their readers tend to be urban and single with a high disposable income, which they are likely to spend on new outfits, new music, magazines and their partying lifestyle. Mixmag also said their readers are at that new club early and move on before it starts to go cold. This suggests the readers of Mixmag are very trendy and outgoing.

I also made an online survey and this is what I fount out:From my results I have found my target audience is aged between 18-24, which is the same as mixmag’s audience which I have been very inspired by as a magazine. Also from my results I have found my target audience is dominantly female students. The chosen music genre of my target audience is Dance and House music which is what I originally wanted to base my magazine around anyway, which also helps to link in with Development Hell Ltd.'s specializes in. The price range of my magazine will be between £2.50-£3.50. My survey showed that my audience want interviews with their favourite artists to keep them up to date with their life and their new music, I think this is really interesting and I will definitely include this is in my magazine. All the people who have answered my survey said they often attend live music events and they prefer live events such as festivals. This helps me to know what to base my articles around in my magazine. It also helped me to think about what other content I should include in my magazine such as line-ups for events and money off the events my target audience will actually be interested in. Another thing I have found from my survey is that what sells magazines to my target audience. I have found that the writing on the cover is what sells it therefore everything I put on the cover needs to be interesting, eye catching and most of all relevant to the target audience. I have found this survey so helpful to help me perfectly tailor my magazine to what my target market want to see, however what I found the most interesting was that even though my target market is females they actually prefer to see women on the covers of the magazines opposed to males. I found this bizarre as I assumed for the kind of genre of music the audience would want males of the cover of their perfect magazine.

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As part of my primary research I also carried out two spoken interviews that were recorded.From interview one I found:For this interview I chose to interview an 18 year old male to get an idea more about what he gets up to in his spare time. Even though the answers he gave weren’t very detailed, his response still really helped me to gather information I can’t through surveys. It was interesting to find out about the local music nights he attends, this helped me to think of an idea to maybe include the best nights in different areas each issue to tell the reader what is going on, on a slightly smaller scale. As my target audience is the typical student market I want to produce a monthly magazine that is affordable for students, I knew I would need to keep it at an affordable price, however I found it really useful to actually hear it from my target market. From my interview I found that my interviewee likes bright colours on a magazine to draw him in, he likes a magazine that stands out. Mixmag uses bright colours on its covers, it was helpful for me to find this out as I can use Mixmag’s covers to inspire my decisions when designing. This was a comment that really stuck out to me as I think it is something that can be easily achieved and will be really effective if I get it right. However from my survey I realised my actual target audience is girls, which made me want to do another interview to get a clearer, more accurate response.

From interview two I found:It was really interesting to hear the views of a 23 year old female compared to the 18 year old male I asked. I thought it was really interesting to hear that the interviewee listened to more than one just genre of music. This gave me the idea to think about maybe creating a section in my magazine where I will talk about new music I have enjoyed listening to outside of the ‘house’ and ‘dance’ genre. I thought it was useful to find out that this person had been to a variety of music festivals as this makes it easier to create more competitions around free or reduced price tickets. I thought it was good to see she was interested in Beacons festival as that is a local festival to my area yet people come from all over to go to it. Beacons supports a lot of new and up and coming artists, such as Disclosure and the XX who now are really famous. The music nights in her local area she goes to also tend to have tents at Beacons festival. I found this information really useful in both interviews as it really helped me to understand more about the student life in York and what they like to get up to in their spare time. It was interesting to hear that this particular student was really interested getting to know her favourite artists more. Updates on their new music is something I really wanted to include so I am really glad I have been thinking down the right lines. Hearing that this person listens to a lot of older music was really interesting as older artists such as Daft Punk have just brought out a new album which this kind of audience may appreciate if they are already fans and haven’t heard about the new music these artists are bringing out.

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AppearanceHere I have displayed how using research and looking at existing products has helped me develop my initial preliminary task into a professional looking magazine. I felt my initial cover title didn’t stand out very well due to the dark back ground against the grey text. I also felt the dark background made it hard to make the cover lines sit naturally, I felt my cover lines looked out of place. In addition the cover lines font size was too small to catch the eye of a possible consumer who may have a visual impairment. Taking this into consideration I increased the font size on my final outcome and added a shadow behind the text to make it stand out against the background giving my magazine the conventions of a real media product. When choosing my fonts through out my magazine I purposely chose fonts I thought appealed to my target audience as the fonts on the cover are really important to drawing them in and making them want to read more. I felt my preliminary contents page was very uninteresting compared to my final contents page because there is more too look at therefore making it more appealing to the eye of my reader. I did this by using a plain background which creates space for more text and images. I named my contents page ‘the download’ as I felt it would a appeal to my young, student based audience because it is a word that is used a lot within the 18-24 age bracket.