[Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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Page 1: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?



Page 2: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

BRAND CONCEPT A brand concept is when a meaning is unique and abstract is associated to brands. My brand concept is to be almost like a technological error – like a virus in a compute, it’s something I tried to convey throughout my music video and seemed to have stuck with throughout the entire thing. There’s no true meaning behind this concept of there being glitches, though others have interpreted it as being how things are often broken and thus, footage can be broken as well. I thought this interpreted meaning worked well with the song and the brand.

Page 3: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

LOGO I created an intro for my music video and it can be classed as the logo for the company when it has been screen shotted. It is simply a large circle with an effect applied to make it look like multiple small circles are dripping off it, like goo, in a sense.

I think this logo fits in with my company image due to its sharp colours and how the white stands out from the red. The colours fit well with the brand image as it’s apart of the rock genre and this is what colours are usually seen from a rock group as well as the sharpness of the edges.

During the intro that this logo is shown in, there are glitch effects layered over the top, which fits in well with the brand.

Page 4: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

CONTINUITY Continuity was present within the digipack and the music video as the brand image was carried throughout them both, but I don’t think there was continuity throughout my products as the website didn’t fit in entirely with the brands image of glitch and virus. Though it seemed to represent the idea of ‘broken’ in its own way with the main pictures being of the picture burning and that can represent the brands idea in its own way – despite it not being the same as how the other products show off the brands image.

The digipack and the music video both show off the brands image, fitting together well and keeping this glitch and virus idea up along with the brands concept. The digipack shows off the image with having effects placed over to add a static effect as well as the overlay effect to try and show an overlap of video footage. The music video includes these effects as well, overlaying the static and the footage overlapping over one another to create the effect of someone being there but not as well.

Page 5: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


The image represents “broken”, if looked at as broken/lost footage due to the fast movement of the camera

creating that blurred appearance.

The text style we used for the headings and the

band name was decided as we thought it would

suit the theme, appearing written on and

contradicting the theme we had in mind of glitch and virus which can also

represent this idea of broken as it’s out of place

compared to any other text font.

Page 6: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

ANCILLARIESI think that the audience would appreciate the extra content which is the website and the digipack. This is because the digipack has a form, it is seen as pointless compared to being able to download the song, but being able to buy the album can be seen as supporting the artist physically over downloading and getting a digital copy, There's also the fact that the physical copy can give more than the digital, as lyrics would be present and the artwork tends to be highly admired and collectable.The website on the other hand, can be appreciated as it gives extra information on the artist, on upcoming tours as well as, again, extra content to do with the main music video. This would be also be appreciated thanks to the website giving links to other sites that allows the audience to communicate with their idols and creates that fake relationship.

Page 7: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

DYER'S STAR THEORYDyer's star theory talks about how celebrities and icons are manufactured for industries to make more money. He believes that stars are constructed to represent "real people" but are not as they are merely made to make money out of the audience.This theory could be applied to the website and the digipack. But it could be applied more to the website as the website allows for the audience to communicate with the artist. This can create a sense of a relationship between the audience and the artist.The fashion that is worn by the artist is one that is recognizable to the audience as a stereotypical type for a certain social group, emos.

Though this is, of course, fake, as there is thought to be a certain attitude thought to be held by the artist which is seen as more of a silent and wary type but in actuality, it's the opposite. It was only something made to fit the theme of the song and the music video.

I believe people would try to replicate how the artists act and are portrayed in the music video over how they act through the use of social media that I created on the website for the audience to communicate with the artist. There's an idea of how the artist may cause the audience to think that saying swear words is okay as presented in the music video. This could be influential as the artist influences the audience – also known as "hegemony".

Page 8: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

INSTITUTION The media institution that would distribute my products would be YouTube – to distribute my main product, the music video, but this can also advertise the website and the digipack though the digipack would be distributed on apps like iTunes, Spotify, etc.

Brand image would be important to these institutions as they would want something with an original look to it, something that would stand out from the rest and that’s what I think my products could do.

Brand image is important to the industry itself as, again, it helps the brand stand out, it can make them identifiable amongst others and the audience will see their image as something recognisable and will be able to tell them apart from others because of the brand image.

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SYNERGYDefinition: "A state in which two or more things work together in a particularly fruitful way that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual." I believe my products worked better together than individually, if I was to present them each as separate products instead of having them working together, they would most likely not work well at all. They would look odd on their own but with them working together, they have a continuous flow that produces a greater effect together.

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Page 11: [Evaluation] Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Overall, I think the combination of my main product (the music video) and the ancillary texts (digipack and website) work together effectively and can appeal to the audience because it covers all areas of the genre ‘rock’ and the subgenres that I wanted to cover. I also think that this combination will work well within the industry as many artists have done similar with an odd combination of how the website, album and the music video work together and they’ve been successful with such a thing.

The combination helped to create the brand concept, which is the idea of broken with the field of purely lost footage, that is shown throughout each of the products in its own little way.