Evaluation Question 4 Who would be your audience for your media product?

Evaluation question 4

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AS Media Coursework Evaluation Question 4 - Who Would Be Your Audience For Your Media Product?

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Evaluation Question 4

Who would be your audience for your media product?

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The target audience of our film is both boys and girls aged 15 – 20. we have decided

that 15 is a suitable minimum age as many horror films include some sort of

violence/blood which may not be appropriate for children under the age of 15. As we set the age rating as 15 we had to ensure that the content was appropriate so we did not show the character actually

being killed, instead showed the rope around her neck and her feet hanging

from the tree.

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We have teenage characters in our film which helps the audience relate to them in some way. We have a jock

and 2 popular girls, the audience may not directly relate with these

but will have knowledge of the stereotype and therefore may know what is in store for each character

during the film.

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Some of the audience may relate with the

jock as she puts on a front of being tough and nothing bothers her when in fact she gets paranoid and anxious just like everyone else.

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Our characters are of school age as the establishing shot in the opening

of the film shows them leaving school. This will appeal to the

teenage audience as they are of the same age. If our characters were

older it may not appeal as much to the 15 – 20 year old audience but

instead to an older audience.

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Whilst planning the opening to our film our group found it easier to think of

the film as a whole and which characters may be in the following

scenes. We decided to have the jock’s death first which leaves

characters like the ‘nerd’, the ‘loner’ and the final girl open in the rest of

the film.

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We decided to film at a school as it would

attract the teenage audience as they will be at school too. The

establishing shot immediately identifies

the setting to the audience and they can

relate to the characters.

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From our questionnaire it shows that most

people didn’t mind the gender of the lead however the most

popular out of male and female was

female. This is why we decided to go with 3 female characters in the opening scene.