Evolution of “technology we can’t live without” The Phone: By Kayleigh Beard

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Evolution of “technology we can’t live without”

The Phone: By Kayleigh Beard

Who invited the very first phoneHere is a picture of the very first telephone

Alexander Graham Bell created the first

Telephone. He created it in 1876.

Why was it invented? What was it used for?The telephone was invented to make it easier to communicate with whoever people needed to communicate with. He was inspired to make a quicker way to communicate instead of waiting on letters from people.

How has it changed or improved in function until today?The telephone has greatly improved. It has even been called different names. In today’s world, it is called the smart phone. Cameras have improved on the phone, games, you can video chat, many things have been changed. Here is a picture of the latest smartphone by Apple.

What is the latest Version of technology In today’s world as I already said on the last slide, it is called the smartphone. Here are a few pictures of the latest smartphones by Apple, Samsung, and HTC.

Why is it considered a technology? the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

● machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.

● the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

A phone is considered technology because they used science to create it.

What career cluster can this be used in?A phone can be used in any career as long as you are using it for your career and not something out of work. Here are examples of how not to use it at work.

How has this impacted me?Personally, I am on my phone all the time. I use my phone for many things. I use it for social media, school, music, and anything else I need it for. I know this is bad, but I honestly have no clue what I would do without my phone! (I use it for the pictures above in the last slide.)