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Fascism & Mussolini

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Page 1: Fascism & Mussolini

February 2013 – World History II

Page 2: Fascism & Mussolini

Totalitariana government that aims to control the political,

economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens


a government that has some of the features of totalitarianism but preserves existing social order

Page 3: Fascism & Mussolini


A political philosophy that glorifies the state above the

individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central

government led by a dictatorial leader

Authoritarian/totalitarian Nationalistic and Militaristic Word comes from the Latin

fasces – the ancient Roman symbol of authority

Page 4: Fascism & Mussolini

Born into working class family in northern Italy

Successful academically, despite frequent disciplinary problems at school

Adopts Socialist ideology of his father

Emigrates to Switzerland in 1902 (likely to avoid conscription) Gains reputation as a

journalist, public speaker, and socialist political agitator

Arrested and imprisoned multiple times for political activity

Eventually extradited to Italy and forced to serve two years in military service

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Following military service, returns to journalism, political agitation, and series of arrests

Gains reputation among socialists and is named a party secretary and eventually editor of the official socialist newspaper Avanti! (Forward!)

Uses paper to voice opposition to WWI Most socialists shared this

opposition, believing nationalistic causes of the war to be linked to capitalism

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Mussolini changes his position on the war Either because of a belief that a grand war will topple

capitalism and bring about the socialist revolution

OR because he received a bribe from the French

Loses favor with socialists, is dismissed from the paper, and expelled from the socialist party

Begins writing for pro-war paper Il Popolo d’Italia (The People of Italy)

Serves in active duty (after second conscription) and is wounded

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Mussolini returns and confirms his opposition to socialism

Now believes that only a strong authoritarian government can overcome Italy’s political and economic problems

Resentful of the Versailles Treaty

Nationalistic and wants to rebuild the Roman Empire

Organizes the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento (Italian Combat Veterans League) and paramilitary Black Shirts

After several rallies and a march on Rome, the King appoints him Prime Minister

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Mussolini seizes dictatorial control and promises to crack down on dissenters.

The fascists launch a program to achieve economic and social stability, introducing large-scale public works and a one-party, police state.

Mussolini requires public servants to swear allegiance to fascist state and handpicks newspaper editors

A military tribunal is set up for any “subversives”

Begins program of strategic expansion and building alliances with other authoritarian nations

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“Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State….War alone keys up all human energies to their maximum tension and sets the seal of nobility on those people who have the courage to face it.”