Finding Materials in the Library Heterick Memorial Library Ohio Northern University www.onu.edu\library

Finding materials in hml

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Page 1: Finding materials in hml

Finding Materials in the Library

Heterick Memorial LibraryOhio Northern University


Page 2: Finding materials in hml

Heterick Memorial Library


•Periodical Articles

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Heterick Memorial Library

Undergraduate Library, accessible to all

•Taggert Law Library

•Library for Law school, accessible to all

Libraries at ONU

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Research ToolsCatalogs – for locating books,

maps, musical scores, govt. documents, etc.

Databases – usually for locating periodical and newspaper articles, but may cover other materials as well

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Section 1: Find a Book


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Click on Library Catalog box at the home page of the library

Find a Book -- POLAR

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Find a Book -- POLAR

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2. Keyword Search•Looks in several locations (usually subject, article title, abstracts or contents)•Does not require an exact match•Generates comparatively large number of hits (not precise)•Good if you are not familiar with terminology

Find a Book -- POLAR

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Find a Book -- POLAR

Click on Keyword Tab

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Find a Book -- POLAR

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1. Subject Search•Looks in one place – subject•Usually requires an exact match between your term and a pre-set list of terms•Precise•Can be used after keyword search has identified specific subjects

Find a Book -- POLAR

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Click on Subject Tab•Communication





•Graphic design

•Graphic arts

•International Affairs

•World politics

• International politics

Find a Book -- POLAR

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Find a Book -- POLAR

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Find a Book -- POLAR

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Materials owned by all Ohio colleges, universities, several public libraries

Ca. 7.5 million items Link from POLAR permits you to submit

requests Most requests arrive in 2-3 working days No charge Limited to 100 items at a time May keep up to 84 days

Find a Book -- OhioLINK

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98.5 million+ item catalog Covers libraries worldwide (public,

academic, corporate, museums, etc.) Roughly one item added every 10 secs. Includes materials in MANY formats

including web sites Web sites evaluated by human beings Available from www.worldcat.org

Find a Book -- WorldCat

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Section 2: Find an Article


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Often tools for locating journal and newspaper articles

Most are subject-specific – some multi-disciplinary Many give access to full text of articles Heterick has 200+ Available from Heterick home page Academic Search Premier Subject/Discipline specific Opposing Viewpoints


Find an Article

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Find an Article Periodical means the

same as MagazineUsually magazines are

more “popular”

JournalsScholarly or

ProfessionalPeer reviewed

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Find an ArticleOver 20,000 journals indexed,

most are full textDivided by subject area

offered at ONUBegin with a general database,

Academic Search Premier

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Find an ArticleClick on “Periodical Articles”

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Find an Article

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Find an Article

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Find an Article

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Find an Article

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Find an Article



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Find an Article What if it’s not available PDF or HTML? Always hit the “find it” icon and see what

happens next.

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Find an Article Could be available in EJC, the OhioLINK

electronic database.

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Find an ArticleAnd could be available in print

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Find an Article

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Find an Article Reserve means the periodical/journal is

held at the front desk. Current means the issue is new and is

available on the open shelves beside the computer lab.

All others are upstairs and arranged alphabetically by title.

Bound means it’s out of the building Arrived means it’s on the open shelves Expected means it’s not here yet

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Traci Welch Moritz, MLSPublic Services LibrarianAssistant Professor

Heterick Memorial Library

[email protected]

Reference Librarians on duty8-4:30 Mon-Fri6-9 Mon-Thur10-3:30 Sundays