+ Friend Me Portland 2010 By Rachel McCarver [email protected]

Friend me - McCarver

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Rachel McCarver's social media presentation she shared first at the 2010 JEA/NSPA Spring Convention in Portland. In this presentation, Rachel talks about everything from promoting content and crowdsourcing to personal branding and ethics.

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Friend MePortland 2010By Rachel [email protected]

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+What’s comin’ up? What is social media?

Promoting Content


News Gathering and Research

Crowdsourcing and Building a Source List

Blog and Website Integration

Building Community and Rich Content

Personal Brand

Ethics: Remember, You’re Still a Journalist

Experiment, Experiment, Experiment

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+What is social media?

A service that focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in in exploring the interests and activities of others.

Examples Facebook Flickr (Photo) Blogging Twitter

Twitter Paul Farhi wrote, “Twitter attracts the sort of

people that media people should love — those who are interested in, and engaged with, the news”

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+What is social media? (cont’d)

Facebook Facebook gives reporters a means to connect with

communities involved with stories, find sources, and generate leads.

For media companies, Facebook is a way to build community and reach a larger audience.

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+How has social media changed news?

What impact has social media had on news organizations? The public’s trust of the news media in relation to social

media The relationship between local news organizations and

social media How news is and will be covered using social media tools. Mark Briggs, author of Journalism 2.0, wrote, “Just like the

telephone didn’t replace the face-to-face meeting over coffee, and e-mail didn’t replace the telephone, social media doesn’t replace other forms of connecting with people. It adds to them”

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+Promoting Content

Social media tools are bringing readers to news sites and in many cases are increasing their Web-traffic

This isn’t happening just through the publication’s social media account—but individual journalists’

Each writer has a social network, and using social media tools to promote and distribute content increases the potential readership of the article being shared.

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+Fan Pages

Facebook fan pages are also being used by enterprising media companies to grow awareness of their brands and connect with readers.

On November 5th, 2008, the day after Barack Obama became President-Elect of the United States, The New York Times ran an ad campaign on Facebook asking fans what Obama should do first as president. The newspaper’s fan page led with a call-to-action image asking fans to join the discussion. It also offered a free virtual gift of its newspaper with the headline “Obama Wins.”

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+Using status updates (cont’d)

Helps to promote your publication Examples:

Joe Schmoe is excited about the newspaper coming out tomorrow

Susie Smith says don’t forget to buy your yearbook.

Brad Brown is excited for everyone to see his photo essay about prom.

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Using Facebook and Skype for interviewing sources

Paul Jones, a clinical associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, teaches journalism students how to use technologies like Skype for conducting interviews. “The thing you use for play is also the thing you use for work,” Jones said of the tool. A student can conduct and record the interview on Skype and later embed it within an online post.

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+News Gathering and Research

The power of real-time search is providing journalists with up-to-the-second information on the latest developments of any news, trends and happenings, worldwide.

Sreenivasan said searches on social media sites can point journalists to supplementary information for their reporting.

Farhi described Twitter as a “living, breathing tip sheet for facts, new sources and story ideas.” He added, “It can provide instantaneous access to hard-to-reach newsmakers, given that there’s no PR person standing between a reporter and a tweet to a government official or corporate executive. It can also be a blunt instrument for crowdsourcing”

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Example of finding leads on sources In April 2008, Ivan Oransky, who at the time

was the managing editor, online, of Scientific American, joined Facebook. Shortly after setting up his new Facebook account, he accepted a friend invite from bioethicist Glenn McGee, the founder of the Alden March Bioethics Institute, who had once worked with Oransky at “The Scientist” magazine as a columnist.

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+Example of finding leads on sources (cont’d)

“Then I noticed a bunch of things about his profile page: A curious status line about having the worst month ever. A job that seemed to end abruptly. Lots of references to lawyers,” wrote Oransky later in a blog post on ScientificAmerican.com.

Oransky assigned a couple of Scientific American reporters to chase down McGee and see what was up. The publication eventually ran three stories about McGee’s departure from the Alden March institute that he founded and led. For Oransky and his team at Scientific American, Facebook was useful in this case as a lead generation tool.

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+Using groups or communities

Last year the Orlando Sentinel discovered a Facebook group devoted to the lack of water at the University of Central Florida’s brand new football stadium This group provided immediate access to dozens of sources

who had experienced the first opening game in 95 degree heat

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+Using groups or communities

Building a community among social networks doesn’t happen overnight.

Don’t try and parachute social network. An example: Jump in a group related to a particular event (like the Virginia Tech shootings)

“Don’t be a parasite,” he said. “Do see this as a long-term investment in your community — contribute,” said J.D. Lasica, founder and editorial director of Socialmedia.biz and a former editor at the Sacramento Bee

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+How to get the community open up to you (cont’d)

Working a beat takes time. It’s no different as a user on a social networking site.

“It’s all about karma. The community won’t share with you unless you’ve shared (your experiences, your thoughts, your passions) with them. Don’t just be a journalist. Be human,” Lasica said.

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+Crowdsourcing and Building a Source list

A journalist can tweet a question involving their reporting or announce that they are looking for a source via their FriendFeed and get some remarkable responses

Not only do you have to find these sources, you have to keep them

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Mass messaging to friends “Does anyone know

someone who isn’t going to prom and has alternative plans?”

“Do you know anyone who recently adopted a pet from an animal shelter?”

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+Publishing with Social Tools

Publishing via social media tools can be as simple as updating readers or “followers” on Twitter during a breaking news event or building an entire news site focused around Facebook connectivity and conversations about local news

Wordpress for blogging

Twitter for live updates

Facebook for posting articles or video

Delicious for bookmarking

Flickr for photos

Youtube for video

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+Building Community and Rich Content

The greater goal is to build a community through engagement. Crowdsourcing, live blogging, tweeting — it’s about building a network around issues that matter to the community.

Social media should help journalists do their job and be integrated into their reporting, but not take it over.

Content is still king.

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+Building Community and Rich Content (cont’d)

Paul Jones, a clinical associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill emphasized the importance of creating rich content. “A tweet shouldn’t just be ‘I am eating a sandwich,’” he said. It should include a link with details that are useful to someone reading it.

And retweets, he said makes the original tweet more rich and gives it credibility because someone else thought it was useful to share with their network.

In a way, it is like the Associated Press wire picking up your story, Jones said

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+Personal Brand

Students can’t stay in school forever — eventually they need to get jobs.

Social networks can be used to build a personal brand that can help students land a reporting gig after college

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+Using your personal Twitter and linking it to your professional

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+Blogging with a personality

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There are no hard and fast rules for ethics and social media yet.

Keep in mind the horror stories of people not getting jobs because of their social media profiles and the things they put on them — remember that employers no longer just look at your resume.

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+Ethics in social networking Consider everything public

Even though sites generally allow you some control over who sees your contributions, you should regard everything you post online as public.

Some of your “friends” could pass along what you have posted. Once you post anything even to a closed network, you lose control of it.

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+Ethics in social networking (cont’d)

Consider everything signed If there’s any chance you might use a social-networking

platform professionally, it’s best to identify yourself, your publication and your position candidly.

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Ethics in social networking (cont’d)

Consider everything to be bogus Some people use fake names on social networks. Some

people use fictional profiles. Some people will make exaggerated or false claims or accusations.

You will find valuable information on social networks, but it won’t always be easily distinguished from the lies, mischief and misinformation. Use the social network as a starting point in your reporting, but be sure to verify and attribute.

Double Check the Double Check If your parents say they love you….confirm it with

somebody else.

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Ethics in social networking (cont’d)“Verify, verify, verify. Facebook is a great source for story

ideas, but no news story should be solely-sourced through social media,” Jane E. Kirtley, Professor of Media Ethics and Law and director of the Silha Center at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Minnesota, . “Seek corroboration. And if at all possible, interview the person either by phone or face-to-face. It is so easy to lie on the Internet, and to misrepresent oneself. No journalist wants to spread falsehoods or be taken in by a hoax.”

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Ethics in social networking (cont’d)

Consider whether opinions are appropriate Discuss with your editors (or with your staff if you are an

editor) what kind of statements of opinion, if any, are appropriate for you to make on social-networking sites.

If you have or are getting a Facebook page, leave blank the section that asks about your political views.

Remember that although you might get useful leads by joining a group on one of these sites, it will appear on your page, implying that you "joined" it -- potentially complicated if it is a political group, or a controversial group.

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Ethics in social networking (cont’d)Consider whether opinions are appropriate

(cont’d) Opinions are not a one-size-fits-all situation. But

make sure that editors and staff are agreed about what’s appropriate for each situation, or whether a single policy covers everyone on your staff.

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Ethics in social networking (cont’d)

Friends? Could your “friend” turn out to be an embarrassment

that casts doubt on impartiality It would not have looked good in the presidential

election campaign for a national political reporter to agree to be a "friend" of Barack Obama without first making sure to be a "friend" of John McCain, too.

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+Ethics in social networking (cont’d)Consider whether internal

manners are appropriate discussion On Facebook, Twitter and

personal blogs, many people discuss the everyday matters of their work life.

Be careful not to disclose something that might violate a confidentiality agreement with a source

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+Ethics in social networking (cont’d)

Consider separate personal and professional pages If you want to conduct truly personal social networking,

consider maintaining a personal profile separate from your professional profile. Then you can do your reporting from one platform and pursue your hobbies or entertainment or sports interests separately from your professional work.

The best advice is to act professionally in social networks, even when you are using them personally.

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Ethics tips from Jane E. Kirtley 1. Verify facts, identification of sources, etc. Be as

certain as possible that the information you are providing is truthful and accurate, or, if that can’t be determined, making very clear what the source of it is.

2. Remember that nothing on Facebook or social media is really private.

3. Once it’s posted there’s no way to take it back or restrict what other people might do with it once they get access to it.

4. Reporters should disclose in their stories that they utilized Facebook as one of their reporting tools.

5. Be cautious about friending controversial individuals.

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Ethics tips from Jane E. Kirtley (cont’d) 6. Be aware that others may draw inaccurate

conclusions from your decision to friend someone.

7. Friending an unnamed source is the same as revealing the source’s identity. If you’ve promised confidentiality, you shouldn’t do it, even if the friend is using a pseudonym.

8. Journalists are regarded as “journalists” virtually 24/7, especially nowadays with people with all kinds of agendas who are constantly looking for evidence of journalists’ bias.

9. Use images and content from sites such as Facebook with care. How do you know it’s accurate? Don’t spread lies.

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+Experiment, Experiment, Experiment

Sreenivasan, Culver, Jarvis and Jones all pointed to the importance of students experimenting with social media tools. For example, if Flickr isn’t meeting your needs, try another tool that suits your use better.

Sreenivasan pointed out that we are all still learning the best practices of social media

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Remember…Social Networking are just a

starting point for story ideas. Be sure to always keep your ears perked up for a good story!

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+Example of finding leads on sources

In April 2008, Ivan Oransky, who at the time was the managing editor, online, of Scientific American, joined Facebook. Shortly after setting up his new Facebook account, he accepted a friend invite from bioethicist Glenn McGee, the founder of the Alden March Bioethics Institute, who had once worked with Oransky at “The Scientist” magazine as a columnist.

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Sources “Journalism Ethics in Social Networks” Steve Buttry

“Poynter Develop Ethical Guidelines for Journalists Using Facebook, MySpace and Twitter” Kelly McBride

“The Journalist’s guide to Facebook” Leah Betancourt

“WSJ Social Media Policy: Still Not Getting It”

“10 Ways Journalism Schools Are Teaching Social Media” Vadim Lavrusik

“The Social Media Revolution: Exploring the Impact on Journalism and News Media Organizations” Ruth A Harper 

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CONTACT ME:Rachel [email protected]