Tommy’s Library Media Center

Gantt chart and proposals

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Page 1: Gantt chart and proposals

Tommy’s Library

Media Center

Page 2: Gantt chart and proposals

Gantt Chart

Page 3: Gantt chart and proposals


“Journey to the Room of Knowledge”

“Fruits and Veggies the Musicale”

“The Treasure Book Hunting ”

“So much to see, So much to Learn @ the LIBRARY”

“Read or Threat: Book Beyond Basic”

Page 4: Gantt chart and proposals

“Sit n’ Listen: Storytelling for the Young Minds”

“Book Bucket: A Pale of Thoughts”

“Holiday Story Craft: Read a story. Make a craft.

Tell the story.”

“Give BOOKS on Christmas Day”

“Book Fair: Keep Calm and Buy Books”



“Find Me: A Scavenger Hunt”

“Art for A Bookmark”

Page 5: Gantt chart and proposals

Program of ActivitiesSY 2014-2015

Page 6: Gantt chart and proposals



June 16, 2014


*Pre-school (Morning session)

*Grade school

(Afternoon session)

“Journey to the Room of

Knowledge ”

The pupils will be oriented about the library’s services and resources. Basically, the

librarians will tour them inside the

library, and teach them how to find and

use the available resources.

At the end of the activity, participants should be able to:

· Tell the importance of the


· Know the different sections in the


· Show the proper behavior in using the library’s resources


Ms. Catalina Barte

(Pre-school librarian)

Ms. Pearl Valdez

(Grade school librarian)

Page 7: Gantt chart and proposals

July 25, 2013


“Fruits and Veggies the Musicale”

The pupils will watch the play produced and directed by the

Librarians and PE & Health Teachers.

The play is all about the importance of eating healthy and nutritious food in

line with the Nutrition month.

The actors will be the librarians, library

staff, and some students.

At the end of the activity, the

students’ will be able to:

· Watch and listen attentively to the


· Answer the given questions regarding

the play

· Learn the importance of

eating nutritious foods

AuditoriumProps and Costumes Sounds system Story in a

Book (food)

Ms. Joanna Guiaya

(Grade school librarian)

Ms. Kaynne Libat (AV Librarian)

Page 8: Gantt chart and proposals

August 22, 2013


“The Treasure Book Hunting ”

All the pupils will be mixed among all the

levels and be grouped. The

challenge is for the students to construct the broken puzzle,

and the way to do this is for them to find the

answers to the questions which they

will find inside the library (i.e. by section,

by reading a book, searching for the person). All the

questions are based on kids facts, and there’s no specific

pattern, the first group who finish the entire quest and puzzle will


At the end of the activity, the students’

will be able to:

·Familiarize themselves to every part or section of the


· Know the uses of the different

resources of the library

· Build teamwork and leadership



Mission Questions

Color coding

Ms. Catalina Barte

(Pre-school Librarian)

Ms. Pearl Valdez

(Grade school librarian)

Ms. Joanna Guiaya

(Grade school librarian)

Ms. Kaynne Libat (AV Librarian)

Page 9: Gantt chart and proposals

September 19, 2013


“So much to see, So much to

Learn @ the LIBRARY”

This exhibit is to promote books to

children and a perks for them to

be trained on how to do library works such as

the proper ways to shelve the


At the end of the activity, participants

should be able to:

•Familiarize themselves to

what library’s can offer

•Know the uses of the different

resources of the library

•Appreciate art and culture

Library Area Ms. Kaynne Libat

(AV Librarian)

Page 10: Gantt chart and proposals

October 17, 2013


“Read or Threat: Book Beyond Basic”

A seminar or talk which help the pupils

as well as their parents on what their

children’s focus or give an attention to reading. In addition,

the pupils in preparatory will have their reading of books in the afternoon and

they will engage themselves with an

easy zumba which the songs was taken from

the book they have read. This can help them more to love

reading and change their perception on what reading is all


At the end of the activity, participants should be able to:

•Understand the importance of reading.

•Apply the values of what the student

learned and relate it to the real world.

•Enhance imagination through reading.

Functional Hall (inside the library)

Mr. Paul Aeron Vista

(Head Librarian)

Page 11: Gantt chart and proposals

November 20 ,2013


“Sit n’ Listen: Storytelling for

the Young Minds”

A storytelling that is done every

school year. This activity enhance their imaginative

mind and promote reading through the stories that those pupils in

grade school will act.

At the end of the activity,

participants should be able to:

•Watch and listen attentively to the

story teller

•Relate their experiences to the story and they will be able to know what to do in the


•Enhance their attentiveness.

Picture books

Storytelling area in the library

Ms. Catalina Barte

(Pre-school librarian)

Page 12: Gantt chart and proposals

November 21, 2013


“Book Bucket: A Pale of Thoug


An individual quiz bee that provide an effective vehicle for the child’s development in their academic excellence and values formation. This activity can harness and prepare the pupils to have a balanced program of education t

oward the enjoymentof the

quiz bee.

At the end of the activity, participants should be abl

e to:

•Establish young minds with

upright knowledge

•Encourage and engage the students in

learning at the same time with


•Enhance their attentiveness

and competitiveness.

Tally Board

Pens & Answer sheets

Ms. Pearl Valdez

(Grade school librarian)

Page 13: Gantt chart and proposals

December 12, 2014


“Holiday Story Craft: Read a

story. Make a craft. Tell the story.”

Holiday Story Craft gives a chance for children to explore

their creativity in fun and exciting ways during Christmas season. Through the use of some interesting books pupils will explore the beauty of the written word and

delight in the art of invention of their own story about Christmas. Story

Craft will be a guide to encourage their enthusiasm and

help each student reach their full

creative potential.

At the end of the activity, participants should be able to:

· Know the meaning off

Christmas season

· Share their insights about

Christmas season

· Read Christmas books and write their own crafted

story about it

Christmas Story Books

Paper and Pen

Ms. Pearl Valdez

(Grade school librarian)

Ms. Joanna Guiaya

(Grade school librarian)

Page 14: Gantt chart and proposals

December 19, 2014


“Give BOOKS on Christmas Day”

Book is a slow gift, a gift that lasts. To give a book as a Christmas gift is something very special. Giving books during

Christmas is like giving words and story. Through

giving of books to the less fortunate,

the pupils will know the essence of

Christmas which is SHARING.

At the end of the activity, the

students’ will be able to:

· Understand the importance of

sharing with the less privileged

· Share books and feel the essence of

charity during holiday season

· Donate books for the less fortunate


Books that will be donated

Ms. Joanna Guiaya

(Grade school Librarian)

Page 15: Gantt chart and proposals

January 16, 2015


“Book Fair: Keep Calm and

Buy Books”

A start of a new year and a start of

acquiring new books for new

knowledge. The pupils have the opportunity to

browse and buy some of the

hundreds of titles that are available in the book fair.

Through book fair pupils will be

updated on the new trends of


At the end of the activity, the

students’ will be able to:

· Promote books and reading as

cultural entertainment;

· Discover new trends of

published book

· Exchange of ideas and

information through books and other knowledge-based materials.

Book Exhibitors

(i.e Scholastic Books, Power


Mr. Paul Vista

(Head Librarian)

Page 16: Gantt chart and proposals

February 13, 2015



AFFAIR @Library”

The kids reading society preparatory

unit and grade school unit get

together to read books and discuss about it. This affair is a great way for

the pupils to share their insights about

the book and to gain camaraderie

with their schoolmates.

Through reading books together, pupils can share

special time while developing the love

of reading and importance of language and

literacy skills.

At the end of the activity, the

students’ will be able to:

· Expand readership and

raise the status of the written word.

· Establish camaraderie between their schoolmates

· Share stories with their co –

society schoolmates

Library Ms. Catalina Barte

(Pre-school Librarian)

Page 17: Gantt chart and proposals

March 6, 2013


“Find Me: A Scavenger Hunt”

This is a game where librarians or teachers prepare a list defining specific items, which

the participants-individuals or teams-

seek to gather all items on the list –

usually without purchasing them or perform a tasks or

take photographs of the items, as

specified. The goal is usually to be the first to complete the list or

challenged to complete the tasks

on the list in the most creative manner.

At the end of the activity, the students’

will be able to:

· Identify what is needed in the said


· Shows self-reliance when working independently.

Cooperate in group activities (displays

teamwork) activities

· Shows desire to learn a new process



Ms. Kaynne Libat

(AV Librarian)

Ms. Joanna Guiaya

(Grade school librarian)

Page 18: Gantt chart and proposals

March 20, 2013


“Art for A Bookmark”

Since summer time is fast approaching, it is a great time to get the

kids involved in reading activities.

Having a bookmark that they designed by themselves can help them more attracted to books. They will also keep track of

their favorite genres of books. They will be

given a rectangular card and they will design it with their

own themes. Bookmark making can help the pupils

boost their creativity. Making a reading buddy can make

reading more fun!

At the end of the activity, the students’

will be able to:

· Identify the right usage and

importance of bookmark

· Establish their creativity and

emotions through art

· Create their bookmark with

colorful design and attractive theme

Art and coloring materials

Ms. Catalina Barte

(Pre-school librarian)

Ms. Pearl Valdez

(Grade school librarian)