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Gc1. history of masks finished

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Page 2: Gc1. history of masks finished

Masks in ancient Greek theatre were used to dramatise myths and were used

to make the actor ’s presence greater. The masks al lowed the actors to throw

thei r voices as the exaggerated features of the mask created a megaphone

type dev ice, th is meant the actors could be heard in the amphitheatres that

the drama would be per formed in .

The use of masks in Greek theatre a lso a l lowed for the actors to play mult iple

ro les as there were l imited numbers of actors they s imply had to change mask

and costume for them to become a di f ferent character. Also as a l l of the actors

were male i t a l lowed them to play female roles

The masks were a l l typical ly made from organic mater ials which is why there

are not many present to th is day as they would have decomposed easi ly.

The exaggerated features of the masks not only created a megaphone l ike

dev ice, but a lso worked to por tray the nature of the character as the

amphitheatres were large i t meant the masks needed to be big for them to be

seen clearly.

In the wel l known Greek play Oedipus the character of the son who has had a

t roubled l i fe , would have had a sad expression on his mask as th is would have

por trayed the nature of the character of the son.


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In Tibet masks are used to

perform dramas that are

considered to be sacred. These

dramas included masks of

deities and demons and would

be heavily embellished, however

these masks would be mainly

made from papier-mâché.

The animal masks which are

used in rituals would be made

from clay. These would begin by

being shaped into a mould and

once set in the mould, being left

out in the sun to dry. They would

then be painted in bright colours

with elaborate designs painted

onto them.

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The Ital ian renaissance witnessed the rise of a theatrical phenomenon which quickly spread across Europe. Improvised comedic scenarios, al l of the actors would be masked. Heavi ly decorated and covered in bright colours, these are where modern day masquerade masks derive from.

Later on these masks were used by people considered to by high on the social chain to disguise themselves. I t al lowed them to socialise with “commoners” without being recognised or noticed.