mrs.Kl cd,

G¾de 10 lesson

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This is a presentation that made on the topic Networking under grade 10 syllabus...download this presentation and use a sinhala font to read it..

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  • 1. m.Kl cd,hla hkq? m.Kl folla fyda Bg je ixLHdjla f;dr;=re yqjudre lr .ekSf fyda im;a fnodyod f.k Nd;d lsf wruqKska tlsfkl inkaO lsuhs

2. ia:dkSh m%foaY cd,(Local area network LAN) m.Kl folla fyda Bg je ixLHdjla inkaO lrka l=vd N+ m%foaYhl me;sr mj;akd cd,hlsfndfydag fuhldurhla$;ks f.dvke.s,a,lg iSud f. Wod - mdif,a m.Kl oHd.drh 3. mq,a m%foaY cd,(Wide area network) N+f.da,Sh jYfhka lsis iSudjla lah fkdyels b;d Yd, N+ Nd.hl me;sr mj;akd cd,hls. Wod - wka;cd,h 4. mqrjr m%foaY cd,(Metropolitan area network) fuh ia:dkSh m%foaY cd,hlg jvd Yd, kuq;a mq,a m%foaY cd,hla ;r Yd, fkdjk m.Kl cd,hls Wod - ,xldj mqrd ys we;s nexl= moaO;Ska 5. cd, ia:, oHdj(Network topology)cd,h ;=< m.Kl fN!;sl jYfhka inkaO lrk wdldrh fufia ykajhs 6. cd, .; l< yels uQ,sl wdldrBasic types of topologies Bus topology Star topology Ring topology Mesh topology Tree topology Hybrid topology 7. cd, ia:, oHdjla f;dard .ekSfi,ld ne,sh hq;= idOl msjeh wjYH jh m%udKh wkd.; fjkia yd jOkh Nd;d lrk udOH ^kshuq$lsrK& 8. Bus topology m%Odk jhrhla ^back bone) mok lr .kska f.dvk.d we;s cd,hls 9. jdis cd,hg Wmdx. yd m.Kl myiqfjka inkaO l< yelsh wvq jh m%udKhla wjYH u.wjdis m%Odk jhrfha o jeu cd,fhau o jeug fya;+ u. m%Odk jhrh fofl,jr jid h hq;= u. fodaI ykd .ekSu wmyiq u. Yd, f.dvke.s,s i|yd iqiq fkdu. 10. Star topology fuys uOH ,laIH yryd m.Kl ish,a, cd,hg inkaO we; uOH ,laIH kdNsh (Hub) fyda iaphla (Switch) h yel 11. jdis cd,.; lsu myiqh. w;ska m.Kl cd,hg inkaO lsf fyda bj;a lsfcd,fha fodaI yg fkd.kS fodaI ykd .ekSu myiqh.wjdis je jh m%udKhla wjYH f. uOH ,laIHfha o jeu cd,fha o jeug fya;=f. je msjehla ug isf 12. Ring Topologym.Kl tlsfkl inkaO lrka fuu cd,h f.dv k.hs 13. jdis f;dr;=re yqjudre lr .ekSu i|yd l%uj;a ixd .ukalsrSula isf tu ksid blaukska yqjudrelghq;= is lr .; yel Yd, m%foaYhl cd, ksudKh i|yd fhda.Hl%uhlswjdis tla m.Klhl o jeu cd,fhau o jeug fya;=f cd,hg kj m.Kl tla lsu yd bj;a lsu ksid .egM ;;ajhka we;sf 14. Tree Topology .il w;= fnfok wdldrhg fuh ilia we; fuho m%Odk jhrhla flakao% lr .kska ksudKh we; 15. jdis w;= fjk fjku md,kh l< yelwjdis cd,h f.dv ke.Su yd md,kh ixlSK lghq;a;ls m%Odk jhrfha o jeu cd,fhau o jeugfya;+ u. m%Odk jhrh fofl,jr jid h hq;= u. fodaI ykd .ekSu wmyiq u. 16. Mesh Topology 17. Hybrid Topologycd, ia:, oHdjka folla fyda Bg je ixLHdjla inkaO lrka f.dv k.d we; 18. kshuq udOH Coaxial cable Twisted-pair cable Fiber-optic cable 19. Twisted-pair cables 20. Coaxial Cable 21. Fiber Optics 22. lsrK udOH 23. Radio 24. Microwave 25. Satellite 26. Infrared 27. Communication DevicesNetwork interface cards Piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network. 28. Repeaters An electronic device that receives a signal andretransmits it at a higher power level, or to the otherside of an obstruction, so that the signal can coverlonger distances without degradation. 29. Hubs A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrivesat one port, it is copied unmodified to all ports of thehub for transmission. 30. Bridges A network bridge connects multiple network segments 31. Switches Computer networking device that connects networksegments 32. Routers Computer networking device that connects users toInternet 33. MODEM Modem (from modulator-demodulator) is a devicethat modulates an analog carrier signal to encodedigital information, and also demodulates such acarrier signal to decode the transmitted information. 34. Multiplexer Multiplexing Process where multiple analog message signals or digitaldata streams are combined into one signal over a sharedmedium. De Multiplexing Reverse Process of Multiplexing 35. Question