Gender, religion & Caste

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Gender, Religion & Caste

Mr. Mukund B. Ingle

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GENDER DIVISION Gender Division is a form of hierarchical social division to be

considered as natural and uncatchable. It is not based on biological but social expectations and stereotypes.

Boys and girls are bought up to believe that the main responsibility of women is housework and bringing up the children. It is reflected in Sexual Division of Labour.

Though women have started working in rural as well as urban area, their work is not appreciated and valued. Due to this division, women role in public life, especially in politics is minimal.

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GENDER DIVISION As women started raising the issue of their rights and

political equality and after agitation in many parts of the world, they were provided with voting right. Nowadays, women are provided with educational and career opportunities. These movements are called Feminist movement.

As Gender Division was raised on the political platform, women condition started improving their social life. Women started doing various jobs which were the monopoly of males. Only Scandinavian countries have highest percentage of women participation in politics.

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WOMEN DISCRIMINATION In our country, women are discriminated various

sections of society, society is still male dominated and family are patriarchal. Women face discrimination, disadvantages and oppression in various ways. Education: women still have less literacy rate than men as

parents don’t want to spend on girl’s education as they would get married and go to other’s house.

Workplace; women are paid less than their male counterpart though both do same amount of work.

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o Sex ratio: A birth of girl child is still considered as a burden on the family. Boys are considered the name carrier of the family so many girls are killed before they are born.

o Family; they are not safe even within their own home from beating, harassment and other forms of domestic violence. All house works are done by women though they work outside and earn money.

o Politics: In India women participation is very low. Now Lok Sabha has crossed 10% of women participation. In State Assembly women could not possess more than 5 %, but in Local Self Government due to reservation there are 10 lakh representatives. Last some year women are the demand that 1/3 reservation should be given in Central and State Assembly. (Women’s Bill)

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Relation between Religion & Politics Gandhiji’s Statement: He used to say that religion can

never be separated from politics. He meant for that politics should be guided by the ethics of all religions.

Family Laws: Women organization has demand to change the family laws to bring equality for women.

Communal Riots; Human Rights groups have argued that during communal rights the maximum victims are from minority group as power is misused by majority

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COMMUNALISM Religion starts becoming a problem when it is considered to

the base of nation and it is started being used through politics. One religion tries to show its superiority on other by neglecting their powers and rights.

When state power is used to establish domination of one religious group over the rest. This manner of using religion in politics is communal politics.

Communal politics is based on the idea that religion is the principal basis of social community. Communalism involves thinking along the following lines. People who follow different religion cannot be from same social community.

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COMMUNALISM In its extreme form communalism leads to the belief that

people belonging to different religions cannot live as equal citizens within one nation. Either, one of them has to dominate the rest or they have to form different nations.

Communalism can take various forms in politics:▪ Everyday Beliefs▪ Political Dominance▪ Selection of Candidates▪ Use religious signs and symbols▪ Religious Speeches ▪ Communal Riots

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Secular State – Constitutional Provisions No official Religion Freedom of Religion Prohibits the discrimination on the ground of Religion The state doesn’t interfere in the matter of religion

unless it harms the harmony of the society Education cannot be denied on the ground of


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CASTE AND POLITICS All societies have some kind of social inequalities and

some form of division of labour. Caste system is the extreme of this division. Occupational divisions are hereditary and they form a social community and practice the same kind of job, get married within own group and don’t share food with other caste groups.

In this system, the groups which are considered to be outcaste and inferior are discriminated and excluded from the society. Untouchability is the worst impact of this caste system in India.

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Urbanization Education Laws and Constitution Occupational Mobility Caste hierarchy

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CASTE SYSTEM Caste System has undergone many

changes but it’s not completely eradicated Marriages Groups who could not receive proper

education Politics

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Selection of candidates

Appeals caste Sentiments

Mobilize the people on caste

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CASTE & POLITICS The focus on caste in politics can sometimes give

an impression that elections are all about caste and nothing else. But it is not true. This can be explained with the help of following arguments.

Constituency: No constituency in India has a clear majority of one particular caste group.

Vote Bank: No party wins the 100% votes of particular caste group.

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CASTE & POLITICS Same Caste Candidates; It might happen in election

one caste group has many candidates and some caste groups have no candidates to vote

Losing : Many times, it is seen that sitting MLAs & MPs are losing in the next election

Other Factors: When one voter castes his vote, he might check the background of candidates, he might vote looking to his personal interest or he is loyal to particular political party and the candidates.

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POLITICS IN CASTEo New kinds of caste groups have come up in

political arena like backward and forward.o Each caste group is trying to become bigger by

incorporating with other smaller groups.o Various small caste groups and political parties

are making coalition by dialogue and negotiation.

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