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Genre research

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Romantic genre…

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From typing ‘romantic film posters’ in to google images its very clear to see that there is a pattern when it comes to the genre’s film poster.

• They all have the same sort of image, two characters, the protagonists of the film in close touch proximity looking as if they are about to kiss one another. You could say that this is a typical code and convention of a romantic film as the motion of kissing has connotations of love. This image is the primary image of each poster meaning it is what the producers of it want the viewer to focus on the most, they have done this by making the characters the largest image on the posters.

• They have mainly besides ‘bright star’ used medium close-up shots, they probably chose to use this type of shot as it shows the face easily so you are able to see the emotions that the characters are expressing but isn't too close that you can’t see both of the characters. Bright star probably used a close up to show the intensity between the two characters by cutting out parts of their faces it can show the emotions even clearer and makes them the soul image of the poster, it doesn’t have a secondary image suggesting that these two characters are all that matters in the film.

• The title is situated at the bottom of the poster in most of the cases barred ‘The Best of me’ by placing at the bottom of the poster it allows the focus to be on the primary image but by having it not overlapping the focus it becomes a focus of its own. The typography seems to differ a little, from a cursive font to a block capital font it may differ depending on the storyline of the film for example Safe haven’s title is in blocked capitals the storyline follows a woman who is running away from a man who seems ( from the trailer ) as if he is going to hurt her so there is a drama element to the film hinting at danger so this could be reflected in the typography used. However, Bright star has a more cursive font as well as Titanic and the thing that these two films have in common is forbidden love along side them being historical films. In the times that the films were set more cursive writing was normal so by putting the title in that type of typography they are implying to the viewer that they are historical films with an element perhaps of forbidden love.