Greetings around the world By:monica

Greeting around the world new

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Greetings around the world


Page 2: Greeting around the world new


In some country people use handshake and hug to greet other. There was people that greet other by waving hands. This greeting are famous in most of country. Do you want to know more? You can see inside.

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Compare and contrast chartIndonesia similarities USA

Saying good morning and good night

Saying hello, hi and hey Saying what’s up,

Smiling or sometimeswaving hand.

Handshake to someone new

Hugging people when they met.

•It is very common in US that if you see a person in the eye (if your looks connect with other person) when you are walking down the street or anywhere in a building, to say a friendly phrase,“ Hi ! How are you doing ?”

•You may say “Hi” and then nod the head down.

•Few other ways to greet people in USA :•“ Hey ! Whats up ?” or “ Whats up man ?”•This is a very common to say “Whats up ?”.

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Indonesia similarities Korea

Smiling or waving hand Handshaking to other person

Bowing at the same time

Hi-5 to another person if they met

Using two hands when shaking hand

•When being introduced to a Korean person for the first time, it is custom to shake their hand and bow at the same time.

•The right hand is always used to shake with, while the left hand either helps the right hand or touches the right arm near the elbow.

•Using two hands when shaking hands, giving a glass of water or receiving something from another person shows respect.

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Indonesia Similarities French

Sometimes in Indonesia we greet someone by saying how are you

Saying hi, hello, and good morning

French greeting is bounjourit means hello

Calling people’s name like “bu or mba”for girl and “mas or pak “ for boy

When greeting in the evening (around 6 pm) said bonsoirSalut meaning hi

•You should always greet people by saying one of the above. In some countries, it's acceptable to greet a salesclerk, for example, with just a smile, but not in France - always start out with a polite bonjour . Even when entering a waiting room or boarding a bus, the French will mutter bonjour as a general greeting to everyone within earshot.

•Many French people also kiss both of the person they're greeting's cheeks. It's considered normal and polite to do, even when they're the same gender.

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Indonesia Similarities Australia

Saying hi, hello and sometimes smile to other

Hi and a handshake Close friend are allowed to hug and kiss lightly on the right cheek

Waving hand from far distance

•Australian greeting The most popular greeting used in Australia is G'day Mate! which means good day friend. Also... How ya goin' is another one plus all the usual ones like just plain hello and hi - which are much more commonly used! If you're not Australian it's best not to use the peculiarly Australian ones as it doesn't sound quite right!

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Indonesia similarities United Kingdom

Good morning, good night and goodbye

Hi, hello and how are you The handshake is common for greeting among the British people.

Waving hand People in UK usually do a formal greeting like how are you

•Shake hands with everyone present -- men, women, and children -- at

business and social meetings. Shake hands again when leaving.

•Handshakes are light -- not firm.

•. Women should extend their hand to men first.

•While shaking hands, people in Britain will ask, "How do you do?"

•A handshake is the most common form of greeting among the English and British people and is customary when you are introduced to somebody new. However we rarely shake hands when parting.

•It is only when you meet friends, whom you haven't seen for a long time, that you would kiss the cheek of the opposite sex. In Britain one kiss is generally enough.

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How to respect

• In Korea, bowing is used to show respect. By lowering our head below the person we are bowing to, we’re showing that the person is higher than us.

• We must not make fun at other people’s greeting culture.

• We should appreciate their culture.

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My family culture

• I usually met my old friend or my family by saying hi and I wave my hand from far distance. I can hug my friend with the same gender. Kissing both cheeks are only for family not for friend.( kissing are also acceptable greetings). I can smile to my friend and family if we met.

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• Woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk

• www.heartofavagab.com

• http://www.answers.com/Q/What_are_greetings_used_in_Australia