VI Seminario para la Habilitación Lingüística en Lengua Inglesa y la Habilitación de oficio Dña. Mª Ascensión Villalba Varona Lda. Filología Inglesa – Phd in ICT

Habilitacion profesores bilingues comunidad de madrid

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Habilitación Profesores Bilingües. Comparación distintos títulos de inglés C1.

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VI Seminario para la Habilitación Lingüística en Lengua Inglesa  y la Habilitación de oficio 

Dña. Mª Ascensión Villalba Varona

Lda. Filología Inglesa – Phd in ICT

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¿Qué es la Habilitación Lingüística? Acreditación del conocimiento de un idioma extranjero. Faculta para impartir materias curriculares distintas a la

Lengua Extranjera. Centros docentes enseñanza obligatoria. (Comunidad

de Madrid)

¿A quién va dirigida? Profesores Educación Infantil y Primaria (Colegios

Públicos y Privados Concertados). Profesores Educación Secundaria (Institutos)

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- Prueba de habilitación de la Comunidad de Madrid

- Fase 1: Prueba Escrita

- Fase 2: Prueba Oral

- Titulaciones para estar exentos de Fase I (+ 5 años) ó Habilitación de Oficio (- 5 años) :

1.- Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).

2.- Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).

3.- Certificados ISE III e ISE IV del Trinity College de Londres.

4.- TOEFL iBT, pBT, cBT, cuyas puntuaciones acrediten un nivel C1.

5.- IELTS, cuya puntuación acredite un nivel C1.

6.- Título universitario de primer o segundo ciclo cursado en una Universidad de un país de habla inglesa.

NOTA : Según la ORDEN 180/2012, de 12 de enero, por la que se modifica la Orden 1672/2009, de 16 de abril, por la que se regula el procedimiento de obtención de la habilitación lingüística en idiomas extranjeros para el desempeño de puestos bilingües en centros docentes públicos y en centros privados concertados de Educación Infantil y Primaria y de Educación Secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid. (Anexos VI y VII.)

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• Use of language with ease and fluency.• Relationship between language and culture.• Register : variety of social situations.• Reading: Factual and fictional texts.• Writing: Variety of types of texts and utterances (letters, proposals,

reviews)• Use of Language: Creative and flexible way. Idioms and proverbs.• Speaking: Respond to unforeseen and predictable situations fluency.• Produce quite long and complex utterances.


• Managerial or professional level • Academic study at university.

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Partes de la prueba

Duración Formato


Comprensión de lectura

50 minutos El candidato contestará, seleccionando la respuesta adecuada, a preguntas sobre textos escritos en la lengua extranjera objeto de convocatoria.

Expresión escrita

50 minutos El candidato redactará una composición, en la lengua extranjera objeto de convocatoria, de tipo narrativo o expositivo, a elegir entre varios temas propuestos por el Tribunal. La extensión de la composición deberá tener un mínimo de 300 palabras.

Comprensión auditiva

30 minutos El candidato contestará a preguntas sobre textos orales (grabaciones), en la lengua extranjera objeto de convocatoria. Las grabaciones consistirán en noticias, conversaciones o entrevistas.

Gramática y vocabulario

50 minutos El candidato realizará los dos ejercicios siguientes:1. Texto incompleto: Escogerá la opción más adecuada de las cuatro que se propongan para cada espacio. 2. Completará, con la opción más adecuada, frases o diálogosbreves, en cada uno de los cuales existirá un espacio.


Expresión oral De 10 a 20 minutos

El candidato mantendrá con el tribunal una conversación sobre temas de actualidad en general o relacionados con el sistema educativo durante un tiempo de 10 a 20 minutos. En su desarrollo el aspirante deberá demostrar su destreza lingüística en la lengua extranjera objeto de convocatoria, así como su competencia comunicativa y profesional.

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¿Dónde puedo encontrar modelos de examen? - Cualquier modelo de examen de C1 con componente escrito y oral.- Los centros preparadores suelen tener modelos de examen similares.

Si tengo cualquier titulación C1, ¿ tengo la habilitación de oficio?

No, sólo si la has obtenido en los últimos cinco años anteriores a la convocatoria.

¿Dónde puedo encontrar un centro para prepararme la habilitación?

-Cualquier centro especializado en exámenes oficiales con experiencia en C1 y C2.

¿Tiene Varona’s Institute cursos específicos para preparar la habilitación?

Sí. Tanto en grupos como online.

¿Dónde tengo que hacer el examen de habilitación? En el Tribunal que se te adjudique según la publicación en BOCM, siempre y cuando hayas entregado la documentación y haya sido aceptada dentro de plazo.

¿Cuándo es el examen de habilitación? Cuando lo convoque la Comunidad de Madrid

¿Me puedo presentar al examen si no estoy ejerciendo? No. Sólo si estás en las listas de interinos.

¿Cuánto cuesta? Es gratuito.

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- CAE – Cambridge Advanced English - C1- CPE – Cambridge Proficiency in English - C2

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CAE – Cambridge Advanced - C1

Paper Content Marks Purpose

Reading(1 hour 15 minutes)

4 parts/

34 questions

20% Shows you can deal confidently with different types of text, such as fiction, newspapers and magazines. Part 1 (Multiple choice-Three texts) Part 2 (Gapped text) Part 3 (Multiple choice 1 text ) Part 4 (Multiple matching)

Writing(1 hour 30 minutes)

2 parts 20% You create two different pieces of writing, such as articles, essays, letters, proposals, reports and reviews. Part 1: one compulsory question 180–220 words Part 2: one question from a choice of five 220–260 words

Use of English(1 hour)

5 parts/

50 questions

20% Tests your use of English with different types of exercise that show how well you can control your grammar and vocabulary. Part 1 (Multiple-choice cloze) Part 2 (Open cloze) Part 3 (Word formation) Part 4 (Gapped sentences) Part 5 (Key word transformations)

Listening(about 40 minutes)

4 parts/

30 questions

20% Tests your ability to follow and understand a range of spoken materials such as inter views, radio broadcasts, presentations, talks and everyday conversations. Part 1 (Multiple choice) Part 2 (Sentence completion) Part 3 (Multiple choice) Part 4 (Multiple matching)

Speaking(15 minutes per pair of candidates)

4 parts 20% Tests your ability to communicate effectively in face-to-face situations. You will take the Speaking test with another candidate. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion)

TOTAL SCORE : + 60 %

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Paper Content Marks Purpose

Reading(1 hour 30 minutes)

4 parts/

40 questions

20% Books, non-specialist articles from journals, magazines and newspapers, promotional and informational materials (e.g. advertisements, guide books, manuals) Part 1 (Mult. choice-Lexical cloze 3 texts) Part 2 (Multiple choice 4 texts) Part 3 (Gapped text) Part 4 (Multiple choice)

Writing(2 hous)

2 parts 20% Some material to read (approximately 100 words). Using the information in this material, you have to write an article, an essay, a letter or a proposal. Part 1: one compulsory question A choice of four questions (2–5). For Questions 2–4, you may have to write an article, letter, proposal, report or review. Part 2: one question from a choice of five . 300-350 words each part

Use of English(1 hour 30 minutes)

5 parts/

44 questions

20% Tests your use of English with different types of exercise that show how well you can control your grammar and vocabulary. Part 1 (Open cloze) Part 2 (Word formation) Part 3 (Gapped sentences) Part 4 (Key word transformations) Part 5 (Comprehension questions and summary writing task)

Listening(about 40 minutes)

4 parts/

28 questions

20% Tests your ability to follow and understand a range of spoken materials such as inter views, radio broadcasts, presentations, talks and everyday conversations. Part 1 (Multiple choice) Part 2 (Sentence completion) Part 3 (Multiple choice) Part 4 (Multiple matching)

Speaking(19 minutes per pair of candidates)

3 parts 20% Tests your ability to communicate effectively in face-to-face situations. You will take the Sp eaking test with another candidate. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Collaborative task) Part 3l (long turn and discussion)

TOTAL SCORE : + 60 %

CPE – Cambridge Proficiency – C2

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Where can I find sample papers? •Free download on Cambridge Esol webpage. www.cambridgeesol.org•Bookshops/Editorials: E.g. Booksellers, Pearson, C.U.P. etc.

What are the set texts? Some fixed texts may be read as preparation for the two optional set text tasks. Every year they change.

What is Cambridge Computer-based practice test? Exams Online. You can sit them in authorised centres

What are preparation centres? Authorised centres by Cambridge Esol to prepare students for Cambridge Exams.

Is Varona’s Institute a preparation centre authorised by Cambridge ?

Yes. Groups + One-to-one

Where can I sit Cambridge Exams? Madrid examination centres: CESMA Business School, The British Council, the International House,, Ecus Educational Development.

When can I sit CAE and CPE? 2013 – CAE - Every month / CPE (Check dates) (2 days exam: Reading + Writing + Listening/ Speaking)

Where can I register for the exam? - Online www.cambridgeesol.org - On preparation and authorised centres

How much does this exam cost? •CAE – 207€•CPE - 214€

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- ISE III – C1- ISE IV – C2

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ISE III TaskTask weighting



Correspondence (180–210 words)

Factual writing (220–250 words)

Creative/description writing (220–250 words)




Candidates must select their portfolio tasks from the ISE III task list for the current examination year (January–December).


Correspondence: letter / email

Factual writing: Article, report, review

Creative/description writing: Description/ play/diary entry / story

Prepared in advanced with an authorised teacher and centre.

It must be handed in on the control written exam day.

Controlled written exam

2 h.30 m.

Task 1 (300 words)Task 2 (250 words)Task 3 (250 words)


Task 1 — Reading into writing taskTask 2 — Correspondence task Task 3 — Creative writing task


20 m.

Topic presentationTopic discussionInteractive taskListening taskDiscussion of portfolio and conversation


Topic: Prepared in advance. - 4 minutes Topic discussion - 4 minutes Interactive task. - 4 minutes Listening - 3 minutes Discussion of the portfolio and conversation on subject areas -5 minutes.


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ISE III TaskTask weighting



Correspondence (300-350 words)

Factual writing (300-350 words)

Critical and analytical writing (300-350 words)




Candidates must select their portfolio tasks from the ISE III task list for the current examination year (January–December).


Correspondence: letter / email / blog

Factual writing: Article / report / review / proposal

Critical and analytical writing: Essay

Prepared in advanced with an authorised teacher and centre.

It must be handed in on the control written exam day.

Controlled written exam

3 h.

Task 1 (350 words)Task 2 (300 words)Task 3 (250 words)


Task 1 — Reading into writing taskTask 2 — Reading into writing taskTask 3 — Critical / analytical writing


20 m.

Topic presentationTopic discussionInteractive taskListening taskDiscussion of portfolio and conversation


Topic: Prepared in advance. - 5 minutes Topic discussion - 5 minutes Interactive task. – 5 minutes Listening - 3 minutes Discussion of the portfolio and conversation on subject areas -6 minutes.


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Where can I find sample papers? •Free download from Trinity webpage. www.trinitycollege.co.uk•Bookshops/Editorials: Pass Trinity – Blackcat Edit.

Is the Portfolio the same every year? What about the other parts of Trinity ISE exams?

No, it isn’t. Every year there is a new list of tasks.The rest of the exam is the same (2010-2013)

What are preparation centres? Authorised centres by Trinity to prepare students for Trinity exams. Exams are on these centres.

Is Varona’s Institute a preparation and examination centre authorised by Trinity?

Yes. Groups + One-to-one + online

Where can I sit Trinity ISE Exams? Madrid :•Trinity exams – Isla de Oza, 28•Varona’s Institute Trinity 3375– Avda. Buenos Aires, 21•Other authorised centres

When can I sit Trinity ISE exams? 2014 – Every month (check dates with your centre)2 days exam: CWE Part / Oral Part

Where can I register for the exam? - On preparation and authorised centres

How much does this exam cost? •ISE III – 175€•ISE IV - 185€

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TOEFL – iBT, pBT, cBT (C 1)

iBT, (Internet Based Test) pBT (Paper Based Test)cBT (Computer Based Test)

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TOEFL – iBT, pBT, cBT – C1



Reading 60–80 minutes 36–56 questions 0–30 Read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts and answer questions.

Listening 60–90 minutes 34–51 questions 0–30 Listen to lectures, classroom discussions and conversations, then answer questions.

Break 10 minutes — —

Speaking 20 minutes 6 tasks 0–30 Express an opinion on a familiar topic; speak based on reading and listening tasks.

Writing 50 minutes 2 tasks 0–30 Write essay responses based on reading and listening tasks; support an opinion in writing.

TOEFL (IBT) 110-120 = C1

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Where can I find sample papers? •Free download from http://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/prepare/sample_questions•Bookshops/Editorials: TOEFL test books.•TOEFL value Pack Premium: Buy online•TOEFL video channel + library

What is the difference between the TOEFL iBT® and TOEFL® PBT tests?

The TOEFL iBT test measures reading, listening, peaking and writing skills. It is offered 30 to 40 times a year, and is administered online at more than 4,500 testing sites in 165 countries.The TOEFL PBT test measures reading, listening, grammar and writing skills and is offered in areas where Internet-based testing is not available.

Is Varona’s Institute a preparation centre? Yes. One-to-one only. We are not examination centre.

Where can I sit TOEFL Exams? Madrid :• E.g.: Universidad Europea Madrid•Other authorised centres: check online:•http://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/register/centers_dates/

When can I sit TOEFL exams? 2013 – Every month (check dates with the examination centre) The exam last 4 hours same day.

Where can I register for the exam? Online only.

How much does this exam cost? $ 240 (dollars)


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PARTS Content Marks Purpose


(30 m.)

4 sections

40 questions

1-9 Sections 1 and 2 deal with everyday, social situations. Sections 3 and 4 deal with educational and training situations Each correct answer receives 1 mark.

Academic Reading

(60 m)

3 sections

40 questions

1-9 There are three reading texts with a variety of question types.

3 sections of 11 different type of questions ( multiple choice, Identifying information (True/False/Not given) , Identifying writer’s views/claims (Yes/No/Not given), matching information, matching heading, matching features, matching sentence endings,  Sentence completion, Summary, note, table, flowchart completion, Diagram label completion, Short-answer questions.

Academic Training Reading (60 m)

3 sections

40 questions

1-9 There are three sections of increasing difficulty. Section 1 may contain two or three short texts or several shorter texts. Section 2 contains two texts. In Section 3 there is one long text. (Idem structure of questions as above task)

Academic Writing

(60 m)

2 Tasks 1-9 Task 1 you have to describe some visual information in your own words (a graph, table, chart or diagram). You need to write at least 150 words in about 20 minutes.Task 2 you are given a point of view, argument or problem which you need to discuss. You need to write at least 250 words in about 40 minutes.Task 2 contributes twice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score.

General Training Writing

(60 m)

2 Tasks Task 1, you have to respond to a situation by writing a letter, for example asking for information or explaining a situation. You need to write at least 150 words in about 20 minutes.Task 2 you are given a point of view, argument or problem which you need to discuss. You need to write at least 250 words in about 40 minutes.Task 2 contributes twice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score.

Speaking(11-14 m)

3 parts 1-9 Part 1 – Introduction and interview. Part 2 – Long turn Part 3 – Discussion

TOTAL SCORE : 6,5-7 = C1

IELTS – International English Language Testing System

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Where can I find sample papers? - Following the online course Road to IELTS.- After register in IELTS in the British Council you will get free access to this course. -There are also books and audio books available.,- http://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/prepare-test/free-practice-tests

Why is IELTS different to other Cambridge exams?

IELTS is a “test level” which measure your language competences. There isn’t “pass” or “fail” . Other Cambridge English measure your linguistic competences.

Is Varona’s Institute a preparation centre? Yes

Where can I sit IELTS Exams? Madrid :• Universidad Carlos III•British Council (Administration Centre, Madrid)

When can I sit IELTS exams? 2014 – Every month (check dates with the examination centre) The exam last 4 hours same day.

Where can I register for the exam? Online only. Address: IELTS Administrator - Pº Gral. Martinez Campos, 31 -Madrid 28010 - Tel: 34 91 337 3577 - Fax: 34 91 337 3586 Email: [email protected]://www.ielts.org / www.britishcouncil.es

How much does this exam cost? 198 €


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PETPreliminary English Test

FCEFirst Certificate of English

CAECambridge Advanced English

CPECambridge Proficiency of English

TRINITY: ISEIntegrated Skills in English


EOI (R.D. 1629/2006)



(TOEFL iBT) Test of English as a Foreign Language- Internet based

57-86 87-109 110-120

(IELTS)Cambridge: International English Language Testing Service.

1,0-2,5 3 3,5-4,5 5.0-6.0 6,5-7 7,5+ 7,5+

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DOCUMENTACION ORDEN 180/2012, de 12 de enero, por la que se modifica la Orden 1672/2009, de 16 de abril, por la que se

regula el procedimiento de obtención de la habilitación lingüística en idiomas extranjeros para el desempeño de puestos bilingües en centros docentes públicos y en centros privados concertados de Educación Infantil y Primaria y de Educación Secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid. B.O.C.M. Núm 21, miércoles 25 de enero de 2012

RESOLUCIÓN conjunta de 11 de abril de 2013, de las Direcciones Generales de Recursos Humanos y de Becas y Ayudas a la Educación, por la que se convoca procedimientos para la obtención de la habilitación lingüística en idiomas extranjeros, para el desempeño de la docencia bilingüe en centros públicos y privados concertados de la Comunidad de Madrid. B.O.C.M. Núm. 90 miércoles 17 de abril de 2013- Pág. 79

Cambridge ESOL España - http://www.cambridgeesol.org

Trinity College London – http://www.trinitycollege.co.uk

TOEFL - http://www.ets.org/

IELTS - http://www.britishcouncil.org/spain/exams/ielts

VARONA’S INSTITUTE : www.varonas.com

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Mª Ascensión Villalba [email protected]