Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education Professor : Dr Arabiun Saeed Neghabi 660188102 30/1/89 Faculty Entrepreneurship , University of Tehran, Iran

Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education pages 55 61

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Page 1: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Educati on

Professor : Dr ArabiunSaeed Neghabi


Faculty Entrepreneurship , University of Tehran, Iran

Page 2: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

Teaching entrepreneurship in Sweden

Three decades ago entrepreneurship was synonymous with small

business in the Swedish context.

Växjö University, in 1975 still just a college subordinate to Lund

University, on the initiative of one of the authors (Johannisson) launched a

full academic programmed in small business management.

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In order to gain legitimacy in the academic world the small-business

management programmed at Växjö University in the 1980s was turned into a

complete bachelor programmed.

Two years of study were extended into three and a half yearsA. the first two covered general management courses B. final one-and-a-half years included internships in small firms as

outlined above.

Teaching entrepreneurship in Sweden

Page 4: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

In the 1990 the course administration, as a response to the increasing

international concern for entrepreneurship (as opposed to small-business

management), tried to make the students launch their own ventures.

Teaching entrepreneurship in Sweden

Page 5: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

In 1998 the other author (Hjorth) became academically responsible for starting a

National Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Learning. This annual workshop, gathers

some 40 participants from about 20 universities in Sweden, providing the participants

with opportunities to debate challenges in running entrepreneurship courses

Teaching entrepreneurship in Sweden

Page 6: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

At the universities of Stockholm and Malmö a Master’s programmed in

entrepreneurship is open to all students.

Participants with backgrounds in such diverse fields as fine arts, medicine,

engineering, biology, and business have graduated from this programme. They bring

with them different professional identities (as rehearsed in educational contexts) and


Review case

A Master’s programmed in entrepreneurship as social creativity

Page 7: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

A Master’s programmed in entrepreneurship as social creativity

The programme invites students to approach entrepreneurship as part

of society rather than simply part of business.

A view on entrepreneurship is initially communicated, stating that:

A. the world is not a perfect place

B. There are alternative to deal with that

C. I want to be part of this challenge

Page 8: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

The more specific outline of the programmed is that it runs over one year, comprising

Four courses during the first semester:

A. variations on entrepreneurship.

B. the practice of entrepreneurship.

C. the software of entrepreneurship (a processual perspective on creativity

and innovativeness and on running projects)

D. the hardware of entrepreneurship(a structural point of view; focus on

marketing, financing, and business law, centred on the start-up phase)

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Two projects during the second:

A. life-images of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurs visit the programmed and

tell stories; students write are port reflecting upon their learning from these ‘live cases’)

B. entrepreneurial project (students can choose from engaging in an

entrepreneurial venture, developing their own business plan, or investigate a

topic from an entrepreneurial perspective)

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Page 11: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

آموزش کار آفرینی در سوئد

.سه دهه پیش کار آفرینی در سوئد مترادف با کسب و کارهای کوچک بود

یکی از پیشگامان آموزش کار آفرینی در سوئد دانشگاه واکسجو بود . راه اندازی کرد1980که یک دوره سه سال نیمه را در سال

Page 12: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

دو سال اول : د رس های کلی مدیریتی یک سال نیم آخر کارآموزی

1990در سال Administration 6ٍبعد از مدتیEnterprise and business


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دولت سوئد خواستار تحقیق در 1990در میانه دهه مورد سیستم آموزشی سوئد

با رویکرد کار آفرینانه شد.

1998در سال Hjoth مسول را ه اندازی کار گاههای بین المللی کار آفرینی میشود

Page 14: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

Case مطالعه یک

برنامه آموزشی کارآفرینی برای همه شرکت کنندگان ازرشته های مختلف

دیدگاه نسبت به کار آفرینی

جهان مکان کاملی نیستراه های دیگر برای مواجه با آن وجود داردمن می خواهم عضو از این چالش باشم

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کار آفرینی را به عنوان موضوع زندگی تصویر سازی میکنند

Page 16: Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education   pages 55    61

چهار درس در ترم اول

.Iتنوع در کار آفرینی.IIتمرین کار آفرینی

.IIIنرم افزار کار آفرینی

.IVسخت افزار کار آفرینی

دو پروژه در ترم دوم

.Iشرح زندگی یک کار آفرین.IIپروژه کار آفرینی خودم

دوره یک ساله