Happy stories

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Page 1: Happy stories
Page 2: Happy stories


Narrator: Four friends went on a trip...

Adrian: We are lost!! Where do we go?

Marcos: Don t worry!

Lucia: But we are in an unknown place.

Maria : This is a disaster and it's your fault.

Narrator: The four friends where lost and Maria was very angry and


Lucia : Don't be angry María. If we stick together and think in positive

we'll find a solution.

Adrian: Yes, lets think....

Marcos: OK!

Maria : We need to build a camp!!

Narrator: After 2 hours they built the camp.

Adrian: We will spend the night here.

Maria and Lucia : okay!!

Marcos : After the night we will go and find a city.

Narrator: After that night they went to the city.

Maria and Lucia: Where is the city?

Marcos: I think it is somewhere here.

Adrian : I can see it!!

Marcos Maria Lucia : we see it too!!

Adrian : Lets go!!

Thinking in positive and as a team helps us find better solutions.


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One day two boy and one girl went to the cinema to watch a film

(HUNGER GAMES)...but they did not like the film because it was sad and

they decided to go to the park..

Victor : I don't like the film... It's very sad. I'm sad now!

Damiano : Me too.

Fatima : Do you want to play in the park?

Damiano :Yes ,shall we play football?

Edu Narrator : And so the three friends began to play football.

Victor : It's lots of fun!!

Fatima : Yes !!

Damiano : I'm very happy.

Edu Narrator: While they were playing, the night falls.

Damiano : It's late, it's better if we go home.

Fatima : Yes , you are right , bye!

Victor : I enjoyed it very much, goodbye!


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Lucia: Hello !

Pablo: Hello, Lucía!

Alejandro: Yesterday I went to the swimming pool.

Anna: Oh that´s fun

Lucia: Do you want to go to the swimming pool this evening?

Anna: Yes, that´s a good idea

Mario: Can I go to the swimming pool with you?

Anna: Ok you can come and Pablo and Alejandro too.

Lucia: Come on !

Alejandro: Thanks a lot!

Later they went to the swimming and swam a lot.

All: This is lots of fun.

Sharing activities we like is much more fun.


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Once upon a time, in an charmed country, there was a girl named Esra

who lived in a house full of happiness. One day, she met a poor man near

of her house.

Carlos: I need food to survive and not die because of hunger.

Esra: Don't worry, I'll come back with food in a minute.

Carlos: Thank you so much.

The next day, Esra found his brothers buying fruit for the poor man.

María: Hello Esra, why are you here?

Esra: I was buying food for the poor man I saw on the way.

Nicolas: Why not welcome it and care for it ?

María: Well, we will take in our house. I will make a hole in my room.

They took the poor man and were very happy.

It is giving to others when we most receive.


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-Spain: Hello.

-Turkey: Hi!!...

-Italy: Which is the next country where we're going to?

-Croatia: I don't know.

-Portugal: I know!! We're going to go to Poland!

-Turkey: Really?

-Portugal: Yes!

Next year the students from these countries take planes to Poland.

The first people to arrive to Poland were the Croatian people.

-Croatia: This is a beautiful country.

-Italy: Yes.

-Poland: We can go to Warsaw. It is even nicer there.

-Spain: That is a good idea.

In Warsaw:

-Poland: Do you like Warsaw?

-Turkey: Yes, this is a nice city.

-Poland: We can go to zoo and see a lot of animals. We can also visit more places.

-Italy: Ok!!

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We can learn so many things from other countries.


Once upon a time there was an explorer and his companion...

Sara: I think here is the treasure.

Josefino: yeah, I think so.

They went to the jungle to search an old treasure. They found a girl who had animals who were fighting all the time.

Sara: Who's there?

Ana: Hello, who are you?

Sara: I'm Sara who are you?

Ana: My name is Ana, what are you doing here?

Josefino: We are searching for a treasure.

That girl was living in a house where was the treasure. They went all together found the treasure.

Ana: I know where the treasure is, follow me.

Sara: What's there?

Camel: Hello I'm the talking camel and my name is Pepito. Nice to meet you.

Lion: Hi, my name is Adrian and I am the talking lion.

Ana: Can you help us find the treasure?

Camel and lion: yes, we can.

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Ana: Ok, follow me.

When they found the treasure, this happened....

Josefino: We finally found the treasure and it's mine!!

Lion: No, its mine!!

Camel: Nooo, its mine!!

Ana: But I knew where the treasure was, its mine.

Sara: No, I am an explorer, its mine.

Josefino: Well we can share it.

At the end they all shared it.


we mustn't argue over material things. friendship is more valuable.

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N: Once upon a time, in a far away place there was three girls that had a

bad begining but had a great ending! There were the two best friends:

Ana and Claudia and there was the 'bad girl' too. Her name was Daniela.

They use to fight for everything!

-Daniela: Osea

-Ana: Hello Daniela (voice angry)

-Claudia : yes, hi (voice like ana)

-Daniela: you're a very very very marginalized and silly.

-Ana and Claudia: that isn't true!

-Daniela: yes it is, osea. (Ana and Claudia crying)

N: But one day evrething changed. Daniela cat died and she was so sad...

She was at her 'place' at school and she was cryin. ( Daniela in a place


Ana: Look who …

Claudia: … is crying now!!

Claudia and Ana: Osea....

Daniela keeps crying....

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Ana: Claudia l feel bad... I think we should say sorry and put everithing


Claudia: You're right!

N: So Ana and Claudia said to Daniela that they were sorry. Then they

started talking and resolved everithing. They descovered that they liked

each other. Now they are best friends and nothing can change it!!

( Ana, Claudia and Daniela smiling...)


A little kindness can be the beginning of a nice friendship.

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At Home...

Xaxa: -Don't step the floor!

Boy: -Live me alone!

Xaxa: - Okay, Okay!

Mother: - Every day the same story!!! Why?

Sister: - Because he is silly!

The sister & the boy: (fighting)

Mother: Stop! Go to the bed.

At School...

Friends: -Hello Marcos!

Boy: -Bye, bye!

Lili (friend 1): -Why Marcos spoke us like that?

Mar (friend 2): - I don't like hes manners.

Lucía (friend 3): - Me too.

( now Marcos come with his friends and they run)

Marcos: -what are you doing? (and he starts to cry)

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Marcos: - I regret what I have done to my friends and family. (he goes to his friend and he says): -Sorry

Friends: -No problem, now if you want we are going to play.

Marcos: -Okay.

At Home:

Marcos: Mum,sister sorry

The 3: Okay Marcos.


Our loved ones deserve the best from us.

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One day in Italy, 3 girls and a boy and the dog call Riberi. Were walking down the street , and they saw a friend who was very sad because their parents were arguing. The children who was crying said that if they could go home to fix it and talk to his parents. Maybe they could all feel better.


Dialogue is the first step to a happy ending.

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Gonzalo: On a normal day at school a new child came to school. He

wanted to play football with the kids at school but it was very

embarrassing. One day a child asked if he wanted to play with them.

Pablo: Do you want to play football with us?

Alejandro and Alvaro: Don't be embarrased. We can have fun.

Donato: Ok let's play together!!

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Narrator: One day, teacher asked....

Teacher: What is happiness for you?

Narrator: We were in a group, which was happy from being with friends.

Narrator: Some students said, that happiness is only money,or the best


Sad student: I have money and I”m so happy.

2nd Sad student: I have new mobile phone and I'm so happy.

Narrator: The teacher asked second time

Teacher: Do you imagine a life without family and friends?

Narrator: Some of Students accordingly said "yes". Now they don´t have

anything, only material things.

Happy student: And now we are happy because of the friends and the

family, which is with us.

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The most valuable things in life are seen with the heart.


Narrator: One day the children were in the school and they were playing a football match.

Kevin: (to the girls) You are never going to win.

Raquel: You´ll see... I have an idea, if the girls win you invite us to an ice cream and if the boys win we invite you to an ice cream.

Aitor: Ok we accept. But you will see what is going to happend.

Patricia: Ok, were going to give you a lesson. And you will learn that the girls can also win.

Narrator: So they started playing the footbal match. And in the end the girls won and the boys learn to...

Kevin: Sorry girls the next time we will not say nothing to you. And now we are going to buy you an ice cream.

Patricia. It doesn´t matter we only said that for you to learn that you can not say that to us.

Aitor: Thanks very much girls.

Raquel: Don´t mind.


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Alejandro.S (Storyteller): Once upon a time, a day of summer holidays,

Benni and her friends planned a travel to Venice. They were very excited

because they were going to get on a plane.

Benni: Great! We are going to Venice.

Elsa: I think that this travel is going to be very amazing!

Sara: I can´t wait, I am very excited. I want to arrive soon in Venice

because I never see it.

Vicente: I´m scared because I never get on a plane.

Benni: Don´t worry! It will be very good!

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One day two sisters and there family were walking in New York, when they return to home.

-Girls, it's time to go home

-Yes, is late

The next morning the family of the girls, gave them a surprise to go to London:

-Oh! Mum, and dad!

-Thank you

-Do you like it?

- Is a perfect idea to learn english

- Is very good idea

- Yes

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They were very happy!!!

In this moment the famili think about a new exciting travel.

Get Addicted To Smile

Three friends. The friends present to a project the name was : Get

addicted To Smile. The friends are waiting his foreigner, when they where

at the airport they saw his foreigner, his name was Ángel.

-Hello my name is Maria

-Hello my name is Joan

-Hello my name is Jorge

-Hello my name is Ángel and I think you are my bandmates.

The next day Ángel go to school and he pass a good time in the classes

with his bandmates, when they go to the playground they saw that Ángel

was alone and they think they are going to play with them.

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Maria go and say - Hello Ángel,do you want to play with us?

-OK-say Ángel

And that is the story of the best friends in the world.



Alba (teacher)- Estela

Javi (kid 1)- Jose Ramón

Teo (kid 2)- Manuel

Mariam (kid 3)- Mafalda

Paula (kid 4)- Ana


(There're 4 kids and 1 teacher in a art class)

Teacher- Hello! My name is Alba, I'm going to be your teacher. Now I

want to know you.

Teo- Okey, My name is Teo and I have 13 years.

Paula- Hi! My name is Paula and I have 14 years old.

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Mariam- Hello everybody! My name is Mariam, I have 15 years old.

Javi- Hiii class! My name is Javi and I have 14 years.

Teacher- Okey, nice to meet one all. Now we are going to draw this.

(the teacher put the picture in a table)

All- Good!!!


Teo- ohh!! I can't, it's so difficut

Mariam- do you want to help?

Teo- Yes, thanks!

Teacher- Yours draws are so cutes!

Then all the class and the teacher...

Paula- Do you want to go to play football to the park?

Javi- Yes I want!

Teacher- Okey. Let's go!!

Then all stay playing in the park


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One day in the park two friends go to play football.

They met a child who was alone.

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And the friends said.

- Oh! he is alone, come one we are going to ask him play whiy us.

- Hello! What is your name ?

- Hello! My name is Efe.

- Do you want to play whit us ?

- Yea, thank you.

And from that day the three friends played a lot and had a very beautyful

life together.


Narrator: At the mornign 2 friend meet at park.

Sandra- Hello! How are you?

Leonor-I'm fine thanks

They continued to talk and past 30 minutes 3 boys meet girls.

Javier Ohh look! See those 2 girls right there!

Javier- let's scare them!!!!

Jorge- go! Go!

The boys started scaried girls.

Sandra- stop!stop, please!

Leonor- we don't do nothing to you so why are you scaried us ?

Jorge/Javier: -Oh! - SORRY! We promise never do these again!

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Everybody- Ok we can be friends byeeee !