Hera! And her stories!


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Page 1: Hera!

Hera!And her stories!

Page 2: Hera!

QUEEN OF HEAVEN: Patron of: the Air, Clear skies, Rain, Storms, Favor: Clear skies, Rain-showers, Cool-breezesCurse: Storms GODDESS OF KINGS & EMPIRES Patron of: Kings, Kingdoms, Empires, Royal dynasties, Politics GODDESS OF MARRIAGE Patron of: Maidens of marriageable age, Betrothals, Bride-price Weddings, Marriage, Wives, Fidelity, WidowsFavor: Good betrothal, Marital harmonyCurse: Marital discord, Punishment of adulterers

GODDESS OFWOMEN'S FERTILITY Patron of: Menstruation; Women's fertility

Goddess of:

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What were her symbols, attributes, sacred plants and animals?

SACRED PLANTS / FLOWERS: Pomegranate, Willow, Lotus / waterlily

SACRED ANIMALS: Heifer / young cow, Lion

SACRED BIRDS: Cuckoo, Peacock, Wide-winged hawk, Crane

PLANET OF HERA: Venus, the Roman goddess of love identified with Aphrodite. The Greeks called the planet "Aster Aphroditas" or "Aster Heras’’, for the women's star was shared between the two goddesses.

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Who were the family & attendants of Hera?FATHER: KRONOS Deposed Titan-King of the Gods, son of Ouranos the sky & Gaia the earth MOTHER: RHEA Former Titan-Queen of the Gods, daughter of Ouranos the sky & Gaia the earth

HUSBAND: ZEUS King of the Gods DIVINE CHILDREN:ARES God of WarHEPHAISTOS God of MetalworkingHEBE Goddess of Youth and BridesEILEITHYIA Goddess of ChildbirthERIS Goddess of Strife (including marital) ATTENDANTS & MINIONS: EILEITHYIA Goddess of ChildbirthHEBE Goddess of YouthIRIS Goddess of the RainbowTHE HORAI Goddesses of the Seasons & Heavenly Law and OrderOKEANIDES Cloud-NymphaiAs Queen of Heaven, most of the gods would do her bidding

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Popular myths of Hera!* Hera and her siblings were swallowed at birth by their father Cronus. Zeus later conscripted Metis to feed the Titan-King a draught which made him disgorge the five.

* After Zeus birthed Athena from his head, Hera conceived her own child without intercourse. This son was born deformed, and Hera cast him out of heaven in disgust. Hephaistos, when grown, trapped his mother on a magical, binding throne as punishment of her earlier rejection.

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http://www.google.ca/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&biw=1140&bih=545&tbm=isch&tbnid=bL0ERCcWnszQIM:&imgrefurl=http://wikiality.wikia.com/Hera&docid=647Ncceet39XHM&imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/wikiality/images/0/07/Hera.jpg&w=550&h=764&ei=_1WhT9DhKanj0QH3-KSJCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=161&sig=107608225880857350454&page=1&tbnh=155&tbnw=110&start=0&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:68&tx=72&ty=120 Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera! Hera!

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Hera is a daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and wife and sister of Zeus. The children of Hera and Zeus are Hephaestus, Hebe, Ares. Some sources say her children were conceived without the help of a man, either by slapping her hand on the ground or by eating lettuce. Hera was known for her jealous and vengeful nature, mostly against Zeus's lovers and offspring, but also against mortals who crossed her. The greatest and earliest free-standing temple to Hera was the Heraion of Samos. Hera was the stepmother and enemy of Heracles. Hera is Zeus wife and sister. She was raised by the Titans Ocean and Tethys. Shea is the supreme goddess, goddess of marriage and childbirth and takes special care of married women.

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Why is she famous?

She is famous because of her birth, and her stories!

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When did Hera die?

She didn’t! Gods and goddess can’t die!

Page 11: Hera!

What makes a good story?A good story is made by having something interesting. Like, Hera was swallowed by her own father! I find that very interesting, and it makes me want to read more about Greek mythology!