Concepts and As-is analysis Critical analysis Proposal 1. The Concept of Heritage 2. Stakeholders 3. Copyleft and Wikipedia 4. Interpretations and Services 5. Target Groups 6. Implications of Heritage 7. Authenticity 8. Structure of a Proposal 9. Strengths / Weaknesses 10. Threats / Opportunities Map a territory Identify Heritage/Stakeholders Identify Licenses/Sources Identify Services Analyze Target groups involved Analyse Message(s) promoted Identify Existing Gaps Show Concept/Message/Target Produce a SWOT Describe Services Iolanda Pensa, Heritage Management, Università di Bergamo, 2017. [email protected] - http://iopensa.it Assignment

Heritage management - 00 assignment

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Concepts and As-is analysis

Critical analysis


1. The Concept of Heritage

2. Stakeholders

3. Copyleft and Wikipedia

4. Interpretations and Services

5. Target Groups

6. Implications of Heritage

7. Authenticity

8. Structure of a Proposal

9. Strengths / Weaknesses

10. Threats / Opportunities

Map a territory

Identify Heritage/Stakeholders

Identify Licenses/Sources

Identify Services

Analyze Target groups involved

Analyse Message(s) promoted

Identify Existing Gaps

Show Concept/Message/Target

Produce a SWOT

Describe Services

Iolanda Pensa, Heritage Management, Università di Bergamo, [email protected] - http://iopensa.it


Please send me your personal research

3 weeks before the oral exam

Upload it on the google folderhttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a1hOhzBsqFWJY6pIOzxOYk2b5nVxLP9u?usp=sharing

Provide your file in PDF

Title the file: Lastname_Name_Personal research_2017

update the excel file “Name account and link to maps” with your data

Concepts and As-is analysis

Critical analysis


Estimated time 20 hours

1. The Concept of Heritage

2. Stakeholders

3. Copyleft and Wikipedia

4. Interpretations and Services

5. Target Groups

6. Implications of Heritage

7. Authenticity

8. Structure of a Proposal

9. Strengths / Weaknesses

10. Threats / Opportunities

Map a territory

Identify Heritage/Stakeholders

Identify Licenses/Sources

Identify Services

Analyze Target groups involved

Analyse Message(s) promoted

Identify Existing Gaps

Show Concept/Message/Target

Produce a SWOT

Describe Services

Lessons Assignment Competence


Map a territory

Identify Heritage/Stakeholders

Identify Licenses/Sources

Identify Services

Analyze Target groups involved

Analyse Message(s) promoted

Identify Existing Gaps

Show Concept/Message/Target

Produce a SWOT

Describe Services

A personal research focusing on a specific territory. The research includes cultural mapping and as-is analysis, critical analysis and personal proposal. 7500 words with slides.

Concepts and As-is analysis

Critical analysis


AssignmentCompetence Expected Outcomes (format)







Target Groups






New Services

Budget (excel)


Map a territory

Identify Heritage/Stakeholders

Identify Licenses/Sources

Identify Services

Analyze Target groups involved

Analyse Message(s) promoted

Identify Existing Gaps

Show Concept/Message/Target

Produce a SWOT

Describe Services

A personal research focusing on a specific territory. The research includes cultural mapping and as-is analysis, critical analysis and personal proposal. 7500 words with slides.

Assignment Expected Outcomes (format)







Target Groups






New Services

Budget (excel)


SufficientAt least 20 heritage sites mapped and described, plus the list. At least 20 services mapped and described.All content produced according to the request. Up to 5 mistakes.GoodNo mistakes.ExcellentNo mistakes and depth of the as-is analysis, critical analysis and proposal.

As-is analysisContext analysisFeasibility study

The structureYour personal research

How is the situation?

1. 2. 3.

What is missing?What is wrong?What can/should change?

Critical analysis Your proposal

Your proposal.







Target Groups




New Services

Budget (excel)


How is the situation?

Assignment: Identify the territory you want to focus on

A place you care about

A place you want to visit

A place you already know well

A place where you want to work

A village, a city, a region, an existing administrative unit, a transnational area…

Map a territory

Assignment: Register on OpenStreetMap


Map a territory


Assignment: Register on umap and create a mapMap a territory

Types of heritage attractions

Source: Adapted from Timothy & Boyd, Heritage Tourism, 2003, p. 22 (adapted from Prentice 1994)

Natural history attractionsScientific attractionsManufacturing centresPrimary production attractionCraft centres and workshopsTransportation attractionsSociocultural attractionsGalleriesPerforming arts attractionsFestivals and pageantsReligious attractions (including sacred places, pilgrimage, temples, churches, mosques, rivers, grottoes, forests, mountains, cemeteries, points along spiritual routes)Attractions associated with historic peopleMilitary attractions (including battlefields, war graves, memorials, cemeteries)Genocide monumentsPleasure gardensTheme parksVillages and hamletsCountryside and treasured landscapesTowns and townscapesVillages and hamletsSeaside resorts and seascapesRegions

Assignment: Map HeritageIdentify Heritage/Stakeholders



National World


Shared heritage

Source: Adapted from Timothy & Boyd, Heritage Tourism, 2003, p. 14 (from Timothy 1997)

Different scales in linear tourist attractions (heritage trails such as slave routes)Recognitions

Assignment: Map Heritage Identify Heritage/Stakeholders

Cultural Heritage Landscapes Intangible HeritageMuseums Villages TraditionsChurches Mountains FestivalsBuildings Natural areas Lifestyles

Mountain shelters Seaside resorts Culinary heritageTombs Craft

Galleries EventsTransportation attractions Religious events

Industrial buildingsGalleries

Assignment: Map Heritage Identify Heritage/Stakeholders

Examples of heritage

Example of your map on umap http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/

Assignment: Map Heritage Identify Heritage/Stakeholders

Stakeholders Interests/Focus Resources Possible benefits from my proposal


Supporting the image and identity of the territory and its community.Facilitating tourism.Fostering a positive reputation of the municipality.Coordinating the work of associations and volunteers.

Ownership of the monuments…Website of the city council.Links with local associations and the community.Buildings (library, museum…)


Province Ownership of the monuments… TBD

Region Ownership of the monuments… TBD

FAIOwnership of the monuments…Management of the monuments…


Association XYOwnership of the monuments…Management of the monuments…


European Union Grant XY TBD

UNESCO Monuments recognized as word heritage… TBD

Assignment: StakeholdersIdentify Heritage/Stakeholders

Example: IranSources about Heritage

National Heritage Protection Act, 1930List of all laws http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/ir/laws/

Resources/SupportPrince Claus Fund http://www.princeclausfund.org/en/programmes/grants-collaborations

Iran Heritage Foundation http://www.iranheritage.org/ Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute http://www.roshan-institute.org/474551

Mandate/scopeNational heritage: protect and inventory

Keywords: Protect, Knowledge, Identity, Admonition

HeritageNational heritage: all artifacts, buildings and places having been established before the end of Zandieh Dynasty era in Iran, either movable or immovable (1930) Heritage: relics which indicate man's historical progress and serve as a basis for a better knowledge of human identity and their path of cultural progress, thus providing for Man’s admonition (1986)6)

Legislation Intellectual property (IP)Iran on WIPO http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/profile.jsp?code=IR

Assignment: LegislationIdentify Licenses/Sources

Freedom of panorama, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Freedom_of_panorama, cc by-sa.

Assignment: LegislationIdentify Licenses/Sources

Freedom of Panorama https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_panorama

Assignment: LegislationIdentify Licenses/Sources

Freedom of panorama, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Freedom_of_panorama, cc by-sa.

Assignment: Wikipedia

Location/Heritage Link

Quality of the article

Wikipedia in English

Other linguistic editions Images Notes

Esino Lario

Museo delle Grigne

Scuola degli arazzi di Esino Lario

Identify Licenses/Sources

Example of how to review Wikipedia














MeetupsPanels Support

Assignment: ServicesIdentify Services

Example of your map of services

Accommodation Itineraries Guilded toursFood/catering Activities Websites

Shops Training BooksTransport Outdoor activities Guides

Children care Indoor activiites LabelsSchools Sports Dépliants

Information centre Picnics LanguagesCity council Relax Institutions supporting

Safety/security Adventure Associations supportingHospitals/medical Nature

Police station 1/2 dayInternet 1 day

Electricity CinemaToilets Festivals/events

Post office Organized toursAccessibility

Assignment: ServicesIdentify Services

Examples of services

What is missing?What is wrong?

What can/should change?

Critical analyisis

Identify at least 10 target groups

Assignment: TargetCritical analyisis

Assignment: Target

Demographic characteristics Geographic characteristics Psychographic characteristics Motivation What the territory offers

Consider also residents and quality of life

How the territory responds

ConsiderCurrent or use demandLatent or non use demand

Think also about yourself

Critical analyisis

Douala. Photo Emiliano Gandolfi, 2007, cc by-sa.

Analyze the message and identify the gapsCritical analysis

What is the common image of this place?How people think it is?What is the image sold to the tourists?It is based on what kind of heritage?

What is its present situation?Are there other “richnesses”?Is there heritage which can document differently this place?

Am I satisfied with the current image?What image of this place I want to highlight?Is there something I want to change?Is there something missing?

Current situation Potentialities

Critical analysis

1. Relationships with the community (engagement, planning, sharing…)2. Flows3. Accessibility4. Representation(s)5. Visibility6. Communication

Analyze the challenges and identify the gapsCritical analysis

I am the centre

Where I can walk in less than 30 minutes

Where I can walk in less than 2 hours

Where I can drive in less than 30 minutes

Where I can drive in less than 1 hour







Where I can go by bus in less than 1 hour



Critical analysis

Context with the identification of the gap/problem/opportunityHere you allow people to understand why your proposal is relevant

ConceptYour proposal

Your proposal: ObjectiveHere you explain what you intend to do and who are you addressing (target)

Your proposal: ActivitiesHere you provide information on what you are going to do to reach your objective

Summarize the most important information.

Introduction: say it all!

1-3 sentences

3-5 sentences

3-5 sentences

1-3 sentences

How to make an estimate budgetYour proposal

Production60% Communication


General costs5%


Use percentages to understand and check your budget.

20% Projects for the EUCalled also overhead

5% Projects for the EU

Communication materials, publications, booklets, translations, websites, PR, press office

Office costs, phone, bills…

Make sure as much as possible of your budget is spent for the project itself.

How to make an estimate budget


Cost per unit

estimate in Italy

Number of units Cost

Renovation of a building m2 1000-3000

Publication costs per book € 10

Printing costs per leaflets per leafleat € 0.30

StaffJunior staff per hour € 10

Junior staff per day € 100

Technical staff Guided tours, laboratories per day € 50

Senior staff Experts, conferences per hour € 100

Senior staff per day € 400

EventRenting spaces per room € 100

Catering coffee break per person € 5

Catering for lunch per person € 20

Economic lunch in a restaurant per person € 10

Transport - renting a bus per bus € 500

Your proposal

First pageYour proposal

PayoffA short title which summarized the main concept of your proposal

Your name[if possible provide an email and website]date

Heritage Management 2017 Dr. Iolanda Pensa

TerritoryWith a map (at a national or continental scale) of the territory


The context analysis is released under CC by-sa all.The proposal is released under CC by-sa-nc all.

License and creditsYour proposal


The context analysis is released under CC by-sa all.The proposal is released under CC by-sa-nc all.

This means that the images and content you use need to be compatible with your license.

Search for images with a open licenseCC by-saCC byCC 0 Public domain

Google advanced searchAll Wikimedia Commons repository is under CC by-sa or CC by or CC 0 Public domain.

Credit images (attribution)

Photo by name and last name of the author [embedded link], year, license.For artwork or buildings:Artist, title, year. Photo by name and last name of the author [embedded link], year, license.