Higher education in canada — data and statistical intelligence — indalytics advisors — report brief

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Higher Education in Canada — Data and Statistical Intelligence provides all the relevant statistics and insights on postsecondary or higher education in Canada. The report discusses the distribution of higher education universities and institutions, students and teaching staff across the country — in form of easy–to–understand charts. It further breaks down the statistics in terms of government and private higher education institutions. The report is ideal for organizations and investors, who are planning to enter, expand, or invest in Canada’s higher education sector. It is also suited for ancillary products and services providers, who want to gauge their market potential. Further, it provides ready to use charts for consultants and marketing executives, who are time-crunched to conduct an in–house research.

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Higher Education in Canada — Data and Statistical Intelligence

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Higher Education in Canada — Data and Statistical Intelligence provides

all the relevant statistics and insights on postsecondary or higher

education in Canada. The report discusses the distribution of higher

education universities and institutions, students and teaching staff across

the country — in form of easy–to–understand charts. It further breaks

down the statistics in terms of government and private higher education


The report is ideal for organizations and investors, who are planning to

enter, expand, or invest in Canada’s higher education sector. It is also

suited for ancillary products and services providers, who want to gauge

their market potential. Further, it provides ready to use charts for

consultants and marketing executives, who are time-crunched to conduct

an in–house research.

In case you are looking for some specific sub–sector in the Canada’s

higher education, and want us to conduct an in–depth study, then

please feel free to write to us at [email protected].

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Higher Education in Canada — Data and Statistical Intelligence

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Figure 1: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — Males and Females

Figure 2: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — Full–time and Part–time

Figure 3: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — Universities and Colleges

Figure 4: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — Canadian and International Students

Figure 5: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — By Provinces and Territories

Figure 6: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — By Provinces and Territories — Universities

and Colleges

Figure 7: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — By Levels of Education

Figure 8: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — By Fields of Study

Figure 9: Postsecondary Universities and Colleges in Canada — Public and Private

Figure 10: Postsecondary Universities and Colleges in Canada — By Level of Courses

Figure 11: Postsecondary Universities and Colleges in Canada — By Provinces and Territories

Figure 12: Postsecondary Universities and Colleges in Canada — By Provinces and Territories

— Public and Private

Figure 13: Full-time teaching staff at Postsecondary Universities and Colleges in Canada —

Males and Females

Figure 14: Full-time teaching staff at Postsecondary Universities and Colleges in Canada — By


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Higher Education in Canada — Data and Statistical Intelligence

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Canada has approximately 2 million students, studying in various

universities and higher education institutions across the country. Three–

fourth of the students are enrolled in full–time courses, while remaining

one–fourth are studying part–time. Further, approximately 60% of the

students study in universities, while others in affiliated and independent

colleges. 9% of the higher education enrollment in Canada consists of

international students, from across the globe.

Ontario and Quebec together comprise of approximately two–third of

the total higher education enrollment. Humanities, Business

Management and Public Administration are the most favored courses,

followed by social and behavioral sciences. Approximately 80% of the

students are enrolled for Bachelor’s or Master’s degree courses.

Approximately 60% of the higher education institutions in Canada are

public, while the remaining are private. Half of the higher education

institutions are in Ontario and Quebec alone. Quebec also has maximum

number of private universities and colleges, followed by British Columbia.

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Higher Education in Canada — Data and Statistical Intelligence

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Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Rank below Assistant Professor

Other Ranks



Figure 1: Postsecondary Enrollment in Canada — Males and Females

Source: Statistics Canada; Indalytics Advisors

Figure 2: Full-t ime teaching staff at Postsecondary Universit ies and Col leges in Canada — By Ranks

Source: Statistics Canada; Indalytics Advisors

Total Students = XXX

Total Staff = XXX

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Higher Education in Canada — Data and Statistical Intelligence

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British Columbia


New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia


Prince Edward Island



Northwest Territories



Public Institutions Private Institutions

Figure 3: Postsecondary Universit ies and Colleges in Canada — By Provinces and Territories — Public and Private

Source: Statistics Canada; Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials; Indalytics Advisors

Total Institutions = XXX

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Higher Education in Canada — Data and Statistical Intelligence

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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, Indalytics Advisors Private Limited.

The information contained in this report is of a general nature and is not intended to address any particular individual or entity’s circumstances. Although proper care has been taken to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. The publisher should not be held liable for any discrepancy in the information. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

Publication Volume: DST-14-HE–02

Publication Date – January 2014

© 2014 Indalytics Advisors Private Limited

For further information, please contact [email protected]

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