Homework 1 – conventions

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Homework 1 Conventions

Homework 1 Conventions

Genre ActionI am using conventions in my trailer that are fit for the action genre due to the use of fast paced editing I plan to implement with music that is of a fast pace to support this. From doing my research I noticed a lot of cuts and crosscuts in the trailers to different parts of the movie and different scenes. I am using conventions in my trailer that are fit for the action genre due to the use of sounds. I will be using fast paced music that will enhance the action scenes in the trailer. I will amplify sounds like a car engine and tyre screech over the music to make them stand out and have an importance within the trailer.I am using conventions in my trailer that are fit for the action genre due to the use of the theme of spys/espionage. This is a very popular theme within the genre of action due to large franchises of films such as James Bond.

I am using conventions that are fit for the action genre due to the use of camerawork. I will be using lots of close ups and mid shots which are frequently used in action films to show character emotion and conversations. I will also be using high and low angle shots to show a sense of power and dominance which is used in all action films.I am using conventions that are fit for the action genre due to the use of characters. The use of a spy is conventional for action films, many action films contain a spy of sorts. Films like Pain and Gain and GI Joe contain undercover police or government spys in them to make the plot appear more dangerous.I am using conventions that are fit for the action genre due to the use of mise-en-scene. I will be using settings that show high importance such as office buildings, and settings that show danger and mystery like lairs and alleyways. This is featured in many action films to differentiate between good and bad.