2010 Horizon Report - Unplugged Rob Peregoodoff Manager, Learning Technologies Sauder School of Business May 2010

Horizon Report 2010 presentation

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Presentation made May 13, 2010 by Rob Peregoodoff (Manager, Learning Technologies Sauder School of Business) on behalf of the University of British Columbia TAB/OLT office.

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2010 Horizon Report - Unplugged

Rob PeregoodoffManager, Learning TechnologiesSauder School of Business

May 2010

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IntroductionsFirst and foremost an educator with a B.Ed.

(Math and English) and M.Ed. (Ed. Tech.)

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Horizon Report Engagement

1. How often have you/do you read the Horizon Report?

a) This is the first that I have heard of itb) Browsed reports past but never read fully or

discussedc) I read them yearly and keep on my desk for

reference purposes

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Technology Engagement

• My level of engagement with technology is best summed up by which of the following statements:a. There better be wireless access in the beach

cabana!b. Come back and talk to me when you have the

kinks worked outc. My chalk/OHP will be removed from my cold,

dead hands


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• Collaboration between the New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative

• More than 400 leaders in the fields of business, industry, technology, and education have contributed since 2003

• The entire selection process takes place online and is fully documented at http://horizon.wiki.nmc.org/

• Each report describes– 6 emerging technologies or practices– within 3 adoption horizons


About the Horizon Report

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• It is not a predictive tool• Instead, it’s meant to highlight emerging technologies

with considerable potential in the following areas:• Teaching• Learning• Creative Inquiry

• Local contributors• Scott Leslie (BCCampus)• George Siemens (Athabasca U.)• Cyprien Lomas (Queensland U via UBC)

Past Horizon Reports

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Year of Report 2004

Short Term(Within 1 year)

Learning Objects

Scalable Vector


Medium Term(Within 1-3 years)

Rapid Prototyping

Multimodal Interfaces

Long Term(Within 3-5 years)



Knowledge Webs

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Year of Report 2004 2005

Short Term(Within 1 year)

Learning Objects

Extended Learning

Scalable Vector


Ubiquitous Wireless

Medium Term(Within 1-3 years)

Rapid Prototyping

Intelligent Searching

Multimodal Interfaces

Educational Gaming

Long Term(Within 3-5 years)



Social Networks and

Knowledge Webs

Knowledge Webs


Computing/ Augmented


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Year of Report 2004 2005 2006

Short Term(Within 1 year)

Learning Objects

Extended Learning

Social Computing

Scalable Vector


Ubiquitous Wireless

Personal Broadcasting

Medium Term(Within 1-3 years)

Rapid Prototyping

Intelligent Searching

The Phones in Their Pockets

Multimodal Interfaces

Educational Gaming

Educational Gaming

Long Term(Within 3-5 years)



Social Networks and

Knowledge Webs

Augmented Reality and Enhanced


Knowledge Webs


Computing/ Augmented



Environments and Devices

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Year of Report 2004 2005 2006 2007

Short Term(Within 1 year)

Learning Objects

Extended Learning

Social Computing

User-Created Content

Scalable Vector


Ubiquitous Wireless

Personal Broadcasting

Social Networking

Medium Term(Within 1-3 years)

Rapid Prototyping

Intelligent Searching

The Phones in Their Pockets

Mobile Phones

Multimodal Interfaces

Educational Gaming

Educational Gaming Virtual Worlds

Long Term(Within 3-5 years)



Social Networks and

Knowledge Webs

Augmented Reality and Enhanced


New Scholarship

and Forms of Publishing

Knowledge Webs


Computing/ Augmented



Environments and Devices

Massively Online

Educational Gaming

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Year of Report 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Short Term(Within 1 year)

Learning Objects

Extended Learning

Social Computing

User-Created Content

Grassroots Video

Scalable Vector


Ubiquitous Wireless

Personal Broadcasting

Social Networking

Collaboration Webs

Medium Term(Within 1-3 years)

Rapid Prototyping

Intelligent Searching

The Phones in Their Pockets

Mobile Phones

Mobile Broadband

Multimodal Interfaces

Educational Gaming

Educational Gaming Virtual Worlds Data Mashups

Long Term(Within 3-5 years)



Social Networks and

Knowledge Webs

Augmented Reality and Enhanced


New Scholarship

and Forms of Publishing

Collective Intelligence

Knowledge Webs


Computing/ Augmented



Environments and Devices

Massively Online

Educational Gaming

Social Operating Systems

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Year of Report 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Short Term(Within 1 year)

Learning Objects

Extended Learning

Social Computing

User-Created Content

Grassroots Video Mobiles

Scalable Vector


Ubiquitous Wireless

Personal Broadcasting

Social Networking

Collaboration Webs

Cloud Computing

Medium Term(Within 1-3 years)

Rapid Prototyping

Intelligent Searching

The Phones in Their Pockets

Mobile Phones

Mobile Broadband


Multimodal Interfaces

Educational Gaming

Educational Gaming Virtual Worlds Data Mashups The Personal


Long Term(Within 3-5 years)



Social Networks and

Knowledge Webs

Augmented Reality and Enhanced


New Scholarship

and Forms of Publishing

Collective Intelligence



Knowledge Webs


Computing/ Augmented



Environments and Devices

Massively Online

Educational Gaming

Social Operating Systems

Smart Objects

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The 2010 Report – Key Impacting Trends


The abundance of resources and relationships made easily via the Internet is increasingly challenging us to revisit our roles as educators in sense-making, coaching, and credentialing.

Universities that expect to survive can no longer operate status quo because of the Internet.

a. Agreeb. Disagreec. Fence-sitter

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The 2010 Report – Key Impacting Trends


People expect to be able to work, learn, and study whenever and wherever they want to.

Students should be given the choice whether to attend classes F2F or remotely; synchronously or asynchronously

a. Agreeb. Disagreec. Fence-sitter

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The 2010 Report – Key Impacting Trends


The work of students is increasingly seen ascollaborative by nature, and there is more cross-campuscollaboration between departments.

I personally do not feel that we are reliably and validly assessing Group Work.a. Agreeb. Disagreec. Fence-sitter

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The 2010 Report – Key Impacting Trends


The technologies we use are increasingly cloud-based, and our notions of IT support are decentralized.

All assessments should be open-interneta.Agreeb.Disagreec. Fence-sitter

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The 2010 Report – Key Challenges


The role of the academy – and the way we prepare students for their future lives – is changing.

The possession of knowledge is not as important for today’s students as the acquisition, analysis, and application of that knowledge

a. Agreeb. Disagreec. Fence-sitter

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The 2010 Report – Key Challenges


New scholarly forms of authoring, publishing, and researching continue to emerge but appropriate metrics for evaluating them increasingly and far too often lag behind.

Only credible, institution-approved content should be allowed in student’s research and writing

a. Agreeb. Disagreec. Fence-sitter

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The 2010 Report – Key Challenges


Digital media literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession.

Students must continue to submit ‘paper medium-based’ artefacts of knowledge to be considered as reliable and valid for assessment purposes.

a. Agreeb. Disagreec. Fence-sitter

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The 2010 Report – Key Challenges


Institutions increasingly focus more narrowly on key goals, as a result of shrinking budgets in the present economic climate.

Increasing integration and adoption of technology in the University classroom is negatively impacting on academic careers and threatens instructional positions

a. Agreeb. Disagreec. Fence-sitter

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The 2010 Report – technologies to watch


Short Term(Within 1 year)

Mobile Computing

Open Content

Medium Term(Within 1-3


Electronic Books

Simple Augmented Reality

Long Term(Within 3-5


Gesture-Based Computing

Visual Data Analysis

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Short Term - Mobile Computing


“Mobiles as a category have proven more interesting and more capable with each passing year, and continue to be a technology with new surprises.”

Teaching and Learning Studies of Mobile Computing

• At Abilene Christian University all incoming freshman were issued an iPhone or iPod Touch in 2009

• A Houston Community College pilot held in spring 2009 compared study habits of two groups of students enrolled in the same anatomy course. The group issued mobile devices was found to work on the course during spare moments such as while waiting for appointments

•At several commuter universities, course materials are made available not only in paper format, but also in audio, video, and text formats designed for mobile access.

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“Mobiles as a category have proven more interesting and more capable with each passing year, and continue to be a technology with new surprises.”

Hotseat at Purdue University


• allows students to use their mobile devices to contribute to discussions, ask and answer questions, and respond to teacher prompts through any of several channels, including Facebook, Twitter, the Hotseat mobile application, or a web application

Short Term - Mobile Computing (cont’d)

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Short Term - Open Content


“Away from the idea of authoritative repositories of content and towards the broader notion of content being both free and ubiquitous”

Flat World Knowledge http://www.flatworldknowledge.com/

•Online for free

•Print, Audio, and Print-it-yourself options available for a charge

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Medium Term - Electronic Books


“Already firmly established in the public sector, electronic books are gaining a foothold on campuses as well, where they serve as a cost-effective and portable alternative to heavy textbooks and supplemental reading selections.”

Sophie 2.0 http://sophiecommons.org/

•Software for writing and reading rich media documents in a networked environment.

•A tool for creating robust, elegant, networked texts without requiring programming knowledge or training in the use of more complex tools such as Flash.

•Redefines the notion of a "book" or academic paper to include both rich media and mechanisms for reader feedback and real time conversation.

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Medium Term - Gesture Based Computing


“We are seeing a gradual shift towards interfaces that adapt to — or are built for — humans and human movements. Gestural interfaces allow users to engage in virtual activities with motion and movement similar to what they would use in the real world.”

The Virtual Autopsy Table at Norrkoping Visualization Center


• Changes the way users interact with volumetric medical data

• Multiple users can interact collaboratively and simultaneously, working with large and complex data

•Users gain deeper understanding and insight into the functions and processes inside the body.

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Gesture Based Computing


The Graphs and Gestures Project


• Ongoing project here at UBC based on empirical research on gesture in the pedagogy of functions

•Uses haptic and kinesthetic interfaces to engage students in an embodied way

• Developing multisensory, whole-body HCI to support embodied mathematics learning

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Simple Augmented Reality– Long Term


“While the capability to deliver augmented reality experiences has been around for decades, it is only very recently that those experiences have become easy and portable. Advances in mobile devices as well as in the different technologies that combine the real world with virtual information have led to augmented reality applications that are as near to hand as any other application on a laptop or a smart phone..”

ARIS Mobile Media Learning Games


ARIS is an alternate reality gaming engine created by the University of Wisconsin’s Games, Learning and Society research group. Virtual objects and characters can be placed at certain locations in the physical world; players can interact with them using their mobile devices.

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Visual Data Analysis – Long Term


“Because of the intuitive ways in which it can expose complex relationships to even the uninitiated, there is tremendous opportunity to integrate visual data analysis into undergraduate research, even in survey courses.”



• A Swedish-based nonprofit organization that seeks to promote sustainable global development using data visualization as a major tool.

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Visual Data Analysis – Long Term (cont’d)




• A visualization tool that re-draws maps based on the data being displayed.

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Year of Report 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Short Term(Within 1 year)

Learning Objects

Extended Learning

Social Computing

User-Created Content

Grassroots Video Mobiles

Scalable Vector


Ubiquitous Wireless

Personal Broadcasting

Social Networking

Collaboration Webs

Cloud Computing

Medium Term(Within 1-3 years)

Rapid Prototyping

Intelligent Searching

The Phones in Their Pockets

Mobile Phones

Mobile Broadband


Multimodal Interfaces

Educational Gaming

Educational Gaming Virtual Worlds Data Mashups The Personal


Long Term(Within 3-5 years)



Social Networks and

Knowledge Webs

Augmented Reality and Enhanced


New Scholarship

and Forms of Publishing

Collective Intelligence



Knowledge Webs


Computing/ Augmented



Environments and Devices

Massively Online

Educational Gaming

Social Operating Systems

Smart Objects

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