IES El Palo Mondovi cultural presentation

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Our Mondovi October 2010 cultural presentation

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2. SPAIN 3. EUROPE 4. DIVERSITY In terms of population, nature, customs and landscapes. 5. Acountry of countries Spain is the result of the amalgamation of kingdoms that started taking place during the Middle Ages. 6. Arabic Moors in Spain For 700 years, until 1492, the arabic Moors dominated most of the Spanish mainland.The Christian reconquered their former land little by little. 7. Acountry of countries And this trend continued until the end of the 15 thc. when modern Spain was born. 8. A New World From 1492, the Spaniards colonized the New World, America. Cristopher Columbus 'discovered' America during an expedition sponsored by the Catholic King and Queen, Isabella and Ferdinand. 9. SPANISH HISTORY: The Golden Age During the 16th century, Spain lived through a "golden age", literally asgold and silver flowed from mines in the Indies. It was also a time ofcultural flowering, with music and literature. 10. Decline and fall of a great empire. The death of the last of the immediate descendants of Charles V died in the late 17th century, which causeda greatwar among European powers. This event is called 'The war ofthe Spanish Succession'. 11. A New Dinasty: French Borbons In 18 thcentury, the French Boubons came to the throne. The current king, Juan Carlos I, isthereforea successor of Louis XIV, the Sun King of France. 12. SPANISH HISTORY: Napoleon However, the French were again to cause war at the turn of the nextcentury, when Napoleon invaded Spain. 13. SPANISH HISTORY: Parliament ofCadiz For a short period of time at He beginning of He 19 thcentury a quasi-democratic parliament was set up in Cdiz but it didn't last long. 14. SPAIN LOSES ITS LAST COLONIES 15. SPANISH HISTORY: Franco and Civil War In 1936 General Franco staged the most bloody coup ever in Spain. This led to the 'Civil War' which lasted 3 years. Hundreds of thousands of people died. Over a million went to exiled. A fascist dictator ruled Spain for almost 40 years. 16. SPANISH HISTORY: Franco's death and Juan Carlos I Franco died in 1975 and the politics of Spain changed. Juan Carlos Iwas the king of a democratic monarchy. 17. Head of the State Spain is a Parliamentary Monarchy. The current head of the State is King Juan Carlos. His son Prince Felipe is the heir to the throne. 18. SPANISH MONUMENTS: Sagrada familia de Barcelona

  • Its Considered the master-work of Antoni Gaud andthe top Spanish tourist attractions for many years.

19. SPANISH MONUMENTS: Crdoba's mosque.

  • One of the most impressive mosques in the world. A cathedral was built inside, which was possibly why it wasn't completely demolished.

20. SPANISH MONUMENTS: Granadas's Alhambra.

  • Its a palace and a fortress complex of the moorish rulers of the kingdom of Granada in southern Spain, it was built during the mid 14th century .

21. SPANISH MONUMENTS: Segovia's aqueduct.

  • The Aqueduct of Segovia is one of the most significant monuments and best preserved of those who left the Romans in the Iberian Peninsula. It was built in the first and second century AD

22. SPANISH MONUMENTS: Malaga's Alcazaba

  • Its a moorish fortification in Mlaga. Started in the 9 th century, but completed around the middle of the 11th century by King Badis from Granada. It was used as the palace of the kings and governors of the province.

23. SPANISH FESTIVALS: Cadiz Carnival.

  • Its a typical Spanish festival where people dress up and parade the streets.

24. SPANISH FESTIVALS: Valencia Fallas The Fallas are atraditional celebration in praise of Saint Joseph in Valencia, Spain. Hundreds of gigantic figures are built and and then burnt at the end of the festival. 25. SPANISH FESTIVALS: Tomatina.

  • Tens of thousands of participants come from all over the world to fighta fun battle where more than one hundred metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown in the streets.

26. SPANISH FESTIVALS: Saint Fermin.

  • Bull runs and bullfights are still popular. However s strog oposition is growing to ban bullfights

27. SPANISH SPORTS: Football.

  • Footbal isthe most popular sport. There aresome veryteams, like Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. Spain won the latest world cup AT LONG LAST.

28. SPANISH SPORTS: Basketball.

  • This man, Pau Gasol, is one of the best basketball players of Spain. He's won the World's Cup and Europe's Cup. He currently plays for Los Angeles Lakers in USA.

29. SPANISH SPORTS: Tennis. Rafael Nadalis considered one of the greatest Spanish tennis player of all times. 30. SPANISH SPORTS: Motoracing. Fernando Alonso has recently signed to race for Ferrari.He's been world champion twice. 31. SPANISH SPORTS: Cycling Cycling is also very popular in Spain. Alberto Contador is the triple winner of the Tour of France. He's also won the Tour of Spain and the Tour of Italy. 32. SPANISH SPORTS: Motoracing Bikes races are specially popular among the young. The two young men above have been world's champions. Both of then are currently racing in the top GP category. Lorenzo on the left. Dani Pedrosa on the right. 33. Celebrities: Famous Spanish people.

  • Antonio Banderas. Penlope Cruz.


  • Javier BardemBlanca M.Suarez
  • Javier BardemBlanca M. Suarez

CINEMA STARS: Present & Future 35. Celebrities: Film directors.

  • Pedro Almodovar. Alejandro Amenabar .

36. POLITICS There are two main political parties that can get to power: The PSOE (Social Democrats), currently in power and the PP, conservative, currently in the oposition. Their main leaders are Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (on the left) and Mariano Rajoy (on the right). 37. SPANISH GASTRONOMY: Typical dishes. Valencia's paella it's the most popular dish in Spain and now it'sbecome a world wide popular dish. 38. SPANISH GASTRONOMY: Cocido Madrileo 'Cocido Madrileo' is one of the Spanish people's favourite dishes. Usually cooked as a winter's dish. It's a soup with vegetables and meat. 39. SPANISH GASTRONOMY: Gazpacho This is a typical Andalucian cold soup, popular during the Summer. The main ingredients are tomato,bread crumbs and olive oil. 40. SPANISH GASTRONOMY: Espetos Typical of Mlaga. Sardines barbecued in the open. 41. RELIGION IN SPAIN The majority of the population in Spain are Roman Catholics. There are also other Christian, protestant denominations like Evangelists. The most importantnon-christian religion is Islam. There's over a million people who practise this religion. 42. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIFESTYLES Spanish youths are as fond of material things as other youths all over Europe. Cell phones, online networks, fashion,shopping. They also take their families for granted and expect their families to support them all along until they emancipate and that may not happen for many,many years. 43. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIFESTYLES: 'Botelln' This is gatherings of youths who carry their own drinks. The idea, supposedly, is to get together, drink and have a good time. It's very popular though most adults are against it. 44. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIFESTYLES: 'Qualifications' Young, Spanish people nowadays are more qualified than any other generation before.Unemployment is the biggest problem. 45. WHERE IS MLAGA? 46. SETTLERS IN MALAGA IN THE LAST 2700 YEARS

  • Phoenicians

47. CarthaginiansRomansVandals 48. VisigothsByzantines 49. Muslims 50. CastilliansBristish?