Final music evaluation. In my final evaluation I will be looking at the work I have completed for task IG3 which is my music video I feel as a group and as an individual I worked well we were tasked with creating and producing a music video. Filming I think that the filming went very well it took us just over two weeks to film to whole video we had to break it up into two weekends and two weekdays it flowed very well, our only problem was that after the first shoot we felt that the footage we had acquired could’ve been better shot sand also that we would like to try a few different places and shoot some extra footage to create more of a storyline. These images are from the very first film shoot we went to the train station a church hall which we made into a canteen and a house I acted in quite a few of the scenes on the first day and then in the ones I wasn’t in I helped direct. We had to choose where we shot and at what time carefully as we needed certain lighting for each part of the shoot as you can see, we didn’t require any extra lighting while we shot.

Ig3 final evaluation must finish

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Final music evaluation.

In my final evaluation I will be looking at the work I have completed for task IG3 which

is my music video I feel as a group and as an individual I worked well we were tasked

with creating and producing a music video.


I think that the filming went very well it took us just over two weeks to film to whole

video we had to break it up into two weekends and two weekdays it flowed very well,

our only problem was that after the first shoot we felt that the footage we had acquired

could’ve been better shot sand also that we would like to try a few different places and

shoot some extra footage to create more of a storyline.

These images are from the very first film shoot we went to the train station a church

hall which we made into a canteen and a house I acted in quite a few of the scenes on

the first day and then in the ones I wasn’t in I helped direct. We had to choose where we

shot and at what time carefully as we needed certain lighting for each part of the shoot

as you can see, we didn’t require any extra lighting while we shot.

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The biggest problem was following the original narrative we had chosen didn’t match

up to the storyboard. The idea behind the opening sequence is to show the ‘story’ of her

life and to see how she started and where she ended up. Through my editing techniques

which I’d learned I aimed to recapture old memories and trauma through her life and

then dip and fade in to different memories through her life to try and create a flashback

feel to the whole video.

Editing the first part of shooting footage

I thought the editing went well I felt we have shot some good footage and I used basic

fades and cuts to piece the video together however we did learn like I’ve said that we

did need some new footage to link up story so it would provide for clearer viewing and

a better understanding of what was happening Since the song is very fast paced I used a

cut edit technique to switch between flashbacks on the present. Within the opening

scenes in which we transition from the inside of the girls apartment/flats to the outside

and where she starts to run I use a combination of dip white fades and sliding cuts to

keep up with the pace of the song I also used a change of colour to establish the

difference between the present which is in colour as compared to the past memories

which are in black and white this runs all the way through the video.

The second shooting

On the second shooting of the footage I was only there for part of the day we gathered

remaining shots to make sure the story of the girl that runs away was all pieced

together we shot in; locations such as a shopping centre, a city centre and London this

was to give the effect that she was out of her comfort zone we also we had to

incorporate the footage from the inside of the café so that it looked like she was working

after that she’d ran away we also took some shots of random objects and closed in on

them to add variety to the things we shot we also had the girl in the camera shot but

zoomed in on a particular item in the background to bring it to the forefront

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I realised that there would need to be a variety now in my editing so that I could keep

the viewer interested in watching it I started to use some more complicated edits such

as pixel cuts and different colour dips I feel the up close shots really helped improve the

video because it really pulled it all together and put emphasis on certain objects or a

character throughout the video.

Things I would’ve changed

Looking back the music video I found I used certain shots they did require stabilising. I

feel when filming I felt we could have done some tidier cleaner shots, and more focused

even though I am happy with the focused in shots we got I feel especially where the girl

is running away we could have focused in the show the emotion and expressions he was

feeling. I feel if we hadn’t have the second footage weekend we maybe could’ve had time

to re do some shots but I feel overall it didn’t bring down the quality of my video

I feel my biggest problem was sometimes matching the music to footage we had shot e.g.

when the beat drops in the song we had shot nothing of a high intense tempo however I

am pleased with my overall video .

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One mistake I made while editing was not organising my footage it was sometimes all

over the place so I didn’t leave myself enough time to finish my final edit because of a

mixture of having to film again and also trying to go through all my footage and trying to

find the right clips