BY ZAK GREEN Audience Research: IMDB

Imdb research

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Audience Research: IMDB

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Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

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Inception (2010)

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127 Hours (2010)

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Comparing Box Office Statistics Of These Thriller Movies

Mad Max Fury Road (2015)

Inception (2010) 127 Hours (2010)

Comparing the gross box office facts of these three thriller movies we can see that the movie with the highest revenue is Inception which had made 292 million dollars, the fact that Inception is rated suitable for 12 year olds could’ve impacted this because more people could see the film. However Mad Max which is suitable for 15 year olds is behind Inception, it has a gross box office of 153 million dollars. If the rating changed to suitable for 12 year olds then maybe there would’ve been an increase in their gross box office as more people would’ve been allowed to see the movie.