“Successful media products depend as much upon marketing and distribution to a specific audience as they do upon good production practices”. To what extent would you agree with this statement, within the media area you have studied? Responding to feedback

Improving your essay - AS Media Aud and Inst

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“Successful media products depend as much upon marketing and distribution to a specific audience as

they do upon good production practices”.

To what extent would you agree with this statement, within the media area you have studied?

Responding to feedback

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Whole class feedback

We ALL need to be clearer on WHO would watch the film (the audience) and WHY (what do they enjoy – the stars, the stunts, the story, the similarity)?

We ALL need to be clearer on HOW a film is released and WHY?

We ALL need to provide more specific examples of production (WHAT is in the film) and WHY this appeals to the audience?

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Whole class feedback

Make sure every section of your essay links back to ‘success’.

Remember success can be• Financial (money earned – link to Mark Kermode’s

blockbuster rules)• Critical (awards – link to high production values e.g. SFX

and costume)• Critical (recognition for actors and/or directors rather than

financial recognition – link to future appearances in Star Wars for Ex Machina stars)

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Debates to consider

Did Mad Max’s issues in production mean that producers had to spend more in marketing to convince audiences that the film wouldn’t be terrible?

Was Mad Max a typical blockbuster or did it challenge the rules of action films (hero male, weak female, simple plot, pg rating, family friendly, romantic sub plot)?

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Debates to consider

Is it worth making ‘British’ films?

Is action more important than plot?

Does more money equal a ‘better’ film?

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Audience - use this slide to identify the audience for Mad Max and Ex Machina

Mainstream: Unlikely ever to view anything other than major Hollywood style blockbusters.

Mainstream plus: Generally mainstream but apt to see less mainstream films on a few occasions.

Aficionados: Tend to view a mix of films including major foreign language titles and can be encouraged to become even more adventurous in their viewing choices.

Film buffs: Eschew mainstream films in favour of more extreme, esoteric challenging and difficult subject matter/ specialised films.

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Distribution – use this slide to identify the release patterns for Ex-Machina and Mad Max

Wide release - most common. Film is released nationwide in all markets (US, EU, UK etc)Modified wide release – film will open in a few markets and will increase week by week to allow positive word of mouthExclusive and limited run – Film will only run in major citiesTerritorial saturation – Releasing in one area (nation) on as many screens as possible before moving to the next territory.

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Use your 100 facts post (as well as my blog) to find the evidence to back up every point you make.