Likes & Dislikes Slang Terms

Informal English: Describing Likes and Dislikes

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Page 1: Informal English: Describing Likes and Dislikes

Likes & DislikesSlang Terms

Page 2: Informal English: Describing Likes and Dislikes


Page 3: Informal English: Describing Likes and Dislikes

to be “into”

“Sarah is really into camping. She’s not into staying at resorts

To like something and be very interested in it.

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To have very strong emotions for another person. This usually involves romance.

“I can’t get Betty out of my mind. I am head over heals for her.”

to be “head over heels”

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To really like something a lot.

“I am crazy for the Sherlock Holmes TV Series. They are so fabulous!.”

to be “crazy for”

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A slang way to say you are comfortable with a person or a thing.

“You can invite Bob to the party. We are all down with him. He is welcome.”

to be “down with”

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Another slang term for liking something.

“I am cool with going out to eat tonight. Let’s go to the Mexican place downtown.”

to be “cool with”

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To have an extreme liking of a certain thing

“I am a Starbuck’s coffee junkie. I love it so much that I go twice a day.”

to be “a junkie”

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Something that is so great that you have to try it. This term is usually used to describe a great meal or drink.

“You have to try the homemade ice cream my mom makes. It is to die for!”

to “die for”

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To like something a lot.

“I am a huge fan of the cafe down the street. Everything they serve is great.”

to be “a fan”

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To not be something that you are interested in.

“Hiking up a mountain is not my cup of tea. I’d rather be eating a hamburger on my couch while watching TV.”

to not be “your cup of tea”

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To have negative feelings towards a person or a thing.

“We were turned off by the salesman’s aggressiveness. He was very pushy and just wanted us to buy something quickly.”

to be “turned off”

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To be annoyed by someone or something.

“Sara was put off by his rude table manners.”

to be “put off”

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To cause negative feelings.

“My neighbor really rubs me the wrong way. Why is he so mean?”

to “rub you the wrong way”

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An activity that you really don’t enjoy doing.

“Going to the mall to shop all day is not my thing. I wish my wife didn’t make me do it.”

to be “not your thing”

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Something that makes you disgusted.

“John grosses me out. He always picks his nose at dinner.”

to be “grossed out”

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To annoy greatly.

“My daughter’s boyfriend irks me. He dresses like a slob and he has bad manners.”

to “irk”someone

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To not have good feelings for a person or a thing.

“I do not care for my new boss. He is rude and he makes us work late.”

to “not care for”