English with AmiR Introduction to Phonetics Prepared & edited & presented by Amir Alm Eldin

Introduction to phonetics

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London For English Education

English with AmiRIntroduction to Phonetics Prepared & edited & presented byAmir Alm Eldin


What is Phonetics ????When we ask some people about phonetics, we may receive reactions :like these

What is Phonetics ????


What is Phonetics ????

What is Phonetics ????

What is Phonetics ???? Phonetics is a branch oflinguisticsthat is concerned with the study of the soundsof humanspeech.

Why do we need phonetics ?1- Because some English letters have more than one sound.2-Because Some letters when joined together in a word actually create a new sound in their own.3-There may be a silent letter that can appear in a word.

What are the types of the phonetic sounds ?ConsonantsVowels

Why should Arabs know about phonetics?Because we, as Arabs, mispronounce so many words and this may be because:

English is not our mother tongue. The way we pronounce Arabic is totally different from the way that English should be pronounced.Language interference may be the problem.Because English is now a must in all the fields and we should know how to pronounce it in a correct way.

Thanks for watching

Amir Alm Eldin