Justin Cowan, Nick Yeager, Simona Isklander, and Nick Hoban

Is survivor final

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  1. 1. Justin Cowan, Nick Yeager, SimonaIsklander, and Nick Hoban
  2. 2. Survivor Season 1 Cast
  3. 3. Ways not to Communicate
    Beg. Season
    Mid/End Season
    People were being demanding/upset with each other
    Especially starting off on island together
    Some members not working hard like others
    Older members especially
    Tribes were eliminated
    People started working alone more
    Alliances were more important to last in the game
    Some members were too blunt towards others
    Caused them to be eliminated earlier than more quiet members
  4. 4.
  5. 5. Productive Communication
    Beg. Season
    Mid/End Season
    First reaching island worked together well
    Had to build living space, find food/water
    Team Challenges showed teamwork
    Members had to work together or would lose
    Losing team votes off member
    Friendships and alliances from previous tribes overpower single players
    Teamwork pays off with more power
    Final episode is vote for who they want to win
    Positive communication in past pays off in end
  6. 6. Building Teamwork
    Beg. Season
    Mid/End Season
    Teamwork was very productive
    Teams had to build camp from scraps
    Teamwork started all of the alliances and friendships that lasted during game
    Teamwork started to disappear
    Game was based more on individual efforts
    Only lasting teamwork was alliances that were made earlier in the game
  7. 7. Who made themselves relevant and therefore succeed?
    Season 1, it was Richard Hatch
  8. 8. How they made themselves relevant
    Early in the game:
    The Strongest
    Who can win challenges for their tribe
    The Providers
    Who can fish, hunt, or gather
    Later in the game:
    The Manipulators
    Who make alliances, backstab, and deceive
  9. 9. Are any behaviors from Survivor represent on your team?
    The team building is more of the positive aspects of the show but there arent really any of the negative aspects.
  10. 10. Destructive behaviors that undermined someones ability to become relevant: Blatant or Subtle
    Jokes: both blatant and subtle. Uses humor to distract what the person is saying.
    Not hearing/overruling/not listening to people: Subtle if pretending not to hear the person. Blatant if you tell the person to shut up.
    Not the one bitchin: Blatant. Directly tells the group that the person is being detrimental to the group.
  11. 11.
  12. 12. Behaviors determining Relevance: Blatant or Subtle cont.
    People overworking: Subtle. This puts others off that they think they are better than the rest of the group
    Making the negatives of people pointed out for the reason they need to go home: Blatant, directly insinuating they wont be relevant.
    Alliances: Subtle, people group up to not allow others to succeed.
    Voting person off: Blatant, it is part of the game, but shows the person is not a true survivor
  13. 13.
  14. 14. Misleading people
    Utilitarianism: Misleading people is normal if the greater good is achieved.
    The ends justify the means.
    Kant: Ethical stance that the way a person gets to the end decision is important and universal truths.
    If everyone misleads each other it causes deceit, chaos, and distrust.
    If everyone tells the truth and works together toward common goal it creates bond and an utopian society.
  15. 15.
  16. 16. Is it more important to tell the truth bluntly or be sensitive and still truthful?
    It is always better to be sensitive and still truthful rather than being blunt.
    Being blunt can make people become defensive and can break the relationships in a team.
    Politeness, even if criticizing, provides higher chances to get a good outcome/ solution to a problem.
  17. 17. Have you witnessed any of these behaviors in life?
    One person of a team did someone else's part of the project to be nice without being asked to.The other person had nothing left to do for the project and received a C based on team rating.
    In one of my classes during a team project, one team member out of 4 showed up with his own project because he did not blended into the group.
  18. 18. Is it always best to tell the truth and nothing but the truth even if it hurts someone?
    It depends on the situation and the truth.
    If someone will be hurt a lie is better.
    If the truth is constructive criticism, than truth is better.
    In our case study, as long as the truth does not hurt you and hurts someone else is perfectly fine as long as you do not get caught, if you do you will be voted off.
    Ethics versus money, or truth versus being voted off.
  19. 19. What did you learn from this project?
    The best one does not always win.
    Dont trust anyone.
    Watch your back.
    Sweet talk bring more advantages.
    You have to decide if money or ethics are more important to you.