Music Video Analysis

Jess Glynne - Dont Be So Hard On Yourself

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Page 1: Jess Glynne - Dont Be So Hard On Yourself

Music Video Analysis

Page 2: Jess Glynne - Dont Be So Hard On Yourself

Jess Glynne – Don’t be hard on yourself Style; performance, narrative, mixture, cameo

- Performance – Jess is singing and performing to the camera- Narrative – the story of this guy trying to learn new things and fit in with others and never

giving up on what he wants.

Camera;shots, angles, shot length, movement

- Close up making you focus soley on the person in the camera shot or the drums so you know that is the mainobject or person

- Medium shot so you can see Jess Glynne and the drummers behind her so that you can see that they dind’t give up and you are able to see evryone doing what they enjoy doing

- Two shot so you can see the relationshp between the boy and his grandfather and the relationship between the two boys

- Some longer length shots (mainly when the camera is on Jess)- Tilt shot when the boy drops his drum stick the camera follows his hand as he picks the

drums stick back up. - Tracking shot – watching the people walk so you can focus on them- Long shot – you can see evryone in thje band in one ‘picture’ so you can see that evryone

has finally been accepted for who they are - Some short lenght shots as the shots are changing to the beat of the music as well as

showing match on action of what they people are doing.- In some of the shots the camera is a bit ‘shakey’ as if it is being hand recorded. (Camera

moves lsightly from side to side but only very slightly.

Editing;pace, cutting, special effects

- There is a mixture of long and short shots used in the music video. The long shots are mainly used when the camera is on Jess

- The shots do not always chnage on the beat of the song as some fo the shots change of-beat which is keeping it new as typically in music videos the shots chage on the beat.

Sound;diegetic, non-diegetic

- Non-diegtic - the music- Diegetic - jess singing, the drumming (2:41 - 3:09)

Page 3: Jess Glynne - Dont Be So Hard On Yourself

Jess Glynne – Don’t be hard on yourselfMise en scene; Costume, lighting, acting, make up, props, setting, colour

- At the beginning Jess is in a dark room showing that she is feeling low, alone althought there are big window whihc are allowing natural light in showing things can get etter and there is hope for happiness.

- The boy is in his room (whihc he has just moved in to) it is very poorly lite showing he is down and alone and there is less light coming into his room showing that he may be depressed and doesn’t have the feeling that there could be hope for him.

- During the chorus the setting changes and Jess is outside where it is bright, and she is putting everythign she has into singing. The brightness of the setting shows that she is happier than the previous shot of her as she is doing what she loves to do.

- After the boy has been beaten up he walks through the corridor and the lighting is very poor as there is no natural lighting and only a small wall light to light up the corridor showing that he has less hope then before as it isn’t lite up as much.

- When the boy is outside the hall where the group he wants to join is practicing he is in a darker area whereas the hall is lite up and bright showing they are all happy because they get to do what they want but the boy isn’t happy as he isn’t allowed into the room. The door is then closed shutting of the light getting to the boy which symbolises closing off his hope of trying to get into the group.

- Everyone’s wearing normal casual clothes which shows the audience that the people in the video could represent them and it is symbolising to everyone that things may be hard but with determination thinsg will get better for everyone.

- When the band are outside they are all wearing the same things showing that they all belong together and they are a team

- You can tell by the steting that the boy doesn’t live in a very nice place. It is a rough area and thi may influence why people act the way they do. He doens’t live in a posh house he is just a normal boy living in a run down place which can represent the target audience as anyone may feel as though they don’t live in a nice place and things are hard for them.

- The only props that are ctualy used in the music video are the drums, drumsticks and the boys picture of his father. These are the only props that have relevance int he music video.

Page 4: Jess Glynne - Dont Be So Hard On Yourself

Jess Glynne – Don’t be hard on yourselfRepresentation - The music video is about a guy who has lost his dad and he is going threough some hard

time. He doesn’t fit in and the other people won’t let him join their group however an odler man (presumably his grandad) comes along and helps him to gather the confidence to be able to comfront his fears so he then goes on to learn nhow to play the drum and he stands up for himself and the other teens allow him to join their club.

Message - Everyone needs to stand up for what they believe in and even if you are pushed away, if you want it bad enough then you will fight for it

- If you are going through hard times and things seem dark and miserable eventually it will get brightwer and easier and you will be happy.