UNWED TRIBAL MOTHERS IN WAYANADU Researchers: Mr. Justin P. Jose, MA, MSW, M.Phil [NIMHANS] Mrs. Treesa T. Pulickal, MSW, M.Phil [NIMHANS] Mr. Santhosh K. J, MA, MSW. Centre for Social Work Research & Practice –India Mr. Anvar Sadath. V, MSW, M. Phil [NIMHANS] , Lecturer, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences CSWRP-INDIA No One Knows Unwed Tribal Mothers in Wayanadu Better than Us!!

Justin C S W R P

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Researchers: Mr. Justin P. Jose, MA, MSW, M.Phil [NIMHANS]

Mrs. Treesa T. Pulickal, MSW, M.Phil [NIMHANS]

Mr. Santhosh K. J, MA, MSW.

Centre for Social Work Research & Practice –India

Mr. Anvar Sadath. V, MSW, M. Phil [NIMHANS] ,


Rajagiri College of Social Sciences


No One Knows Unwed Tribal Mothers in Wayanadu Better than Us!!

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Does marital status matter for fewer difficulties and dissatisfactions in social life and its quality?


This research was sponsored by

Centre for Social Work Research & Practice [CSWRP-INDIA]

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Page 3: Justin  C S W R P

Background Unwed tribal mothers in

Wayanadu were often the victims of sexual exploitation with false promise of marriage (Lukose, 2004).

They often become pregnant as early as at 13 years and struggle to bring up their children (Lukose, 2004).

Most of these unwed mothers were illiterate or less educated and daily wage earners as agricultural coolies and housemaids etc., who hail from less income families.

Besides, unwed motherhood is attached with intense societal stigma and discriminations .

These are in the forms of exclusion from important familial affairs and customary religious practices (Jose, et al, 2009).

Many live with their own parents and enjoy very limited freedom (Lukose, 2004).

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Background Though the most unwed

mothers were living with their parents and siblings.

The quality of relationships with family were often characterized by frequent blame, dishonor, and discriminatory treatment Jose et al., 2009).

which lead to intense psychological distress among many unwed mothers. (Jose et al., 2009)

Further, we do not know how they are treated or their status within their families?

How empowered are they to take decision for themselves and for their children.

It is also critical to look at the extent of difficulties and dissatisfaction they experience social life and its quality.

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Research Questions

Hence the current study raised a two central research questions:

1. Does marital status of tribal mothers influence their empowerment?

2. Does marital status influence unwed tribal mothers’ domains of social life and its quality?

Research Design and Study Participants:

A cross-sectional descriptive research was conducted

A total of 185 tribal women from Wayanadu district were selected for the study.

The study participants were divided into three groups based on their present marital status.

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Method and Materials Group-I First group included 95

participants who were unwed tribal mothers living alone or with their parents or siblings.

They were not living either with the help of the father of their children or other men.

Group-II The second group was 40

tribal mothers who were impregnated and delivered children outside the wedlock but later married

And presently living with the same men or other men in a marital relation.

Group-III The third group constituted

50 tribal women who were traditionally married as per the tribal customary practices and presently living with their husbands.

Sampling procedure: The universe of the study was tribal mothers from Kerala’s district of Wayanadu, India.

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Methods and Materials Protection of participants:

All participants were educated about the purpose and objectives of the study in their native language.

Informed consent was obtained in writing from each participant.

Research Instruments

1. Socio-demographic Profile

2. Empowerment Index (Amin, et al., 1998).

3. Social Problem Questionnaire (Corny and Clare , 1985)

4. Quality of Community Life Questionnaire (ICMR, 1994)

Statistical Analyses To analyze demographic

variables, descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and range were used.

The acros group differences and variance were studied using one way ANOVA and Independent Sample t’ test.

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Key findings & discussion Demographic Information Most of Unwed Mothers

were from Paniya and Adiyan tribal communities.

Which dispose tribal women more vulnerable to pre-marital sexual relationships.

About 80% of the later marriages were self arranged which were closely associated to inadequate family support.

Most unwed mothers were living alone and they were more regular at work and earn more than other two groups.

Because they were often left alone with no instrumental family support.

They were likely to have less support from the father of their children which necessitated them to work more regular than other groups.

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Key findings & discussion Unwed mothers also reported

having almost equal number of children as traditionally married mothers and unwed mothers who later married.

This implied that the nature of pre-marital sexual relationships were likely to be ongoing and consistent rather commonly perceived single or occasional episodes.

Marital Status & Empowerment

The central research question being raised was ‘does the marital status influence tribal women’s empowerment?’

To answer this we need to consider the larger rural Indian social system which is fundamentally patriarchal and male dominated, where women are merely subordinates.

Though there are tribal groups where either women enjoy equal status with men or even lead family affairs,

the ever increasing contact with non-tribal rural communities may have possible influence of male domination onto tribal family structure.

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Key Findings & discussion Furthermore, married

women hold far higher status in the society than unmarried or widowed women (Handy and Kassam, 2006).

However, this advantage of being married did not guarantee empowerment at individual and family sphere of women’s lives.

Because the traditionally married tribal mothers were less likely to be empowered

This may because unwed mothers were more likely to live alone.

And they often do not require consulting with husbands, parents or others family members

They work more regular and more number of days in a month and earn more income than other two groups of participants.

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Key findings & discussion The current results supported

the assumption that tribal mothers who arranged their marriage without family involvement were more likely to have higher score on E-Index.

This may be because certain amount of empowerment is a prerequisite for a woman to decide her own marriage, than letting it to her parents to decide or chose.

Unwed tribal mothers were more likely to experience intense difficulties and dissatisfaction

Marital Status and Social Life Similarly, they were more

likely to experience burden in performing household activities than other two groups.

This may be because unwed tribal mothers were often left alone, stigmatized and discriminated (Jose, et al., 2009).

therefore they lack adequate social support in the forms of supports from family, relatives and friends.

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Key Findings & Discussion As a result, they need to

perform multiple roles (of family life) resulting intense difficulties and dissatisfaction.

The present findings showed an interesting direction that there were no significant differences across groups on financial difficulties.

This may be due to high level of empowerment, being more regular at work, independent earning of unwed mothers.

Can we promote later marriage of unwed tribal mothers as solution?

The present finding showed that unwed mothers who later married experienced higher level of marital difficulties and dissatisfaction than other two groups

Which strengthen the assumption that their past life i.e., they were labelled as ‘unwed mothers’ may have a possible influence in later marital life.

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Key Findings & Discussion Which creates problems and

mistrust in spousal relationships.

Further, the children born in pre-marital sexual relations may pose another threat to current marital relationships.

However, systematic verification for these explanations are needed for the precise understanding on how does unwed motherhood influence on later marital life?

Does unwed motherhood stimulate relationship issues in social life?

The answer seems to be “yes” as the present findings showed that unwed mothers’ relationships with their own families seemed unhealthy

as they experience higher levels of relationships difficulties with their families.

they were also highly dissatisfied in present relationship status than other two groups

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Key Findings & Discussion Though we have seen that the

tribal mothers who choose self arranged marriage scored higher score on E-Index.

They were less likely to receive adequate family support and had significant relationship difficulties and dissatisfactions with family of origin, relatives and children.

A possible explanation may be that self arranged marriages were often associated to unwillingness of family members.

Thus couples who choose self arranged marriages were often enjoy limited or inadequate social support from family and relatives.

Besides, such couples also face high levels of relationship difficulties and dissatisfaction with family members and relatives.

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Key Findings & discussion Marital Status & Quality of

Social Life

Does marital statuses of study participants influenced quality of social life ?

Result revealed that unwed tribal mothers were more likely to enjoy less quality of social life than other two groups.

The nature of marriage also influences the quality of social life.

The study revealed that tribal mothers who had self arranged marriages were less likely to have better relationships with colleagues at workplace.

They enjoy inadequate family support, social contacts and access to community information.

The traditionally married mothers had better community engagement and participation.

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Key Findings & Discussion

whereas unwed mothers were least likely to engage and participate in such community events.

The results imply that grater level of perceived social exclusion of unwed mothers from mainstream social life due to their marital status.

They were likely to have less social contacts and access to community information and they also enjoy inadequate social support from friends and neighbours.

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Interventions need a critical policy shift in terms of increased social investment by state and central governments, NOGs and other funding agencies

This should aim at initiating and strengthening social capital for tribal women.

The current study justifies interventions at individual and structural levels.

Proposed identifying and linking unwed tribal mothers to existing and newly designed programmes.

Tailored Clinical Social Work Interventions

Assertive Skill Training

Legal Advocacy Services

Initiating and Strengthening Social Support Groups:

Initiate and Promote Micro Credit Programs for tribal mothers

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Linking with existing Employment Schemes and other welfare measures

Interventions are needed for the promotion of literacy level, providing skill based training programs; and facilitating access to existing employment schemes

NGOs and local administrative bodies can play a constructive role to identify and link vulnerable tribal women to such welfare programs.

Limitations Sampling bias occurred

during the sample selection due to the over representation of Paniya tribe.

Low score on E-Index of traditionally married mothers also might have an influence of social desirability

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