Online Forms Research what forms Image Reflections have on their website using the Scenario (on the VLE)

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Online Forms

Research what forms Image Reflections have on their website using the Scenario (on the VLE)

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• Be able to describe features of online and paper based forms

• Be able to explain why online is more suitable for Image Reflections

• Be able to explain the use of coding and validation on forms

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Image Reflections’ forms

• Image Reflections has at least 2 forms on their website:

–Booking form

–Customer feedback form

• Each form will have several fields –some the same, some different

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Task 1

• For each form, pick which fields you’d need to use

– Some fields will be on both and perhaps some on neither!

• When you’re done, sketch out what the Feedback form might look like on the website

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Paper or Online?

• We need to understand why Image Reflections uses web forms rather than paper ones for booking and customer feedback

• Part of it is about the features we just looked at, but part is about how each type of form is used

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Paper VS Online forms

• Make your notes on this in a table like this:

Name of Form Paper Online

Booking form

Feedback form

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Booking form

• On paper:

–might take time to get to the customer,

–might get lost before it's sent back

– and costs money to post.

• Electronic (on the website):

– is instant,

–no messy handwriting

–no risk of it getting damaged or lost.

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Customer Feedback

• Paper form will need to be collected or posted, so again the website is cheaper.

• Most likely be filled in while the photographer is there while an electronic one will be done later

• Easy to remind customers by email to do an electronic one and to remind them again when the portfolio of photos or proofs are sent to them.

• More considered feedback if they wait rather than filling it out straight away.

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Task 2

• Using the information on the VLE, fill out the notes that you’ll need for revision on Coding Information and Validation

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Exam Question1. Image Reflections uses an online data capture form on its

website that customers can give feedback on the quality of service that it provides.

a) Explain one advantage of using an online form to collect this data rather than collecting feedback on paper during the session. [2]

b) Explain one disadvantage of using an online form to collect this data rather than collecting feedback on paper during the session. [2]

c) Complete the table below to describe the purpose of each user form feature. [2]

d) Explain why the use of data validation could improve the effectiveness of the data that is submitted on these forms. [2]

User Form Feature Describe one purpose of this feature

Button A user can click on this to submit the information that has

been added.

Radio button

Text field

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Review Objectives

• Be able to describe features of online and paper based forms

• Be able to explain why online is more suitable for Image Reflections

• Be able to explain the use of coding and validation on forms