Learning analytics strategy and policy Doug Clow Institute of Educational Technology The Open University, UK

LASI2014 Learning Analytics Strategy and Policy

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Slides from a talk at a panel on Learning Analyics Strategy and Policy given at LASI 2014 at Harvard University on 2 July 2014.

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Learning analytics strategy and policy

Doug Clow Institute of Educational Technology The Open University, UK

Page 2: LASI2014 Learning Analytics Strategy and Policy

The Open University

• Largest university in the UK

• 200,000 students

• 7,000 tutors

• 1,000 academic staff

• Supported open learning

Milton Keynes

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At scale, each year

• 600 courses• > 200,000 students

• > 1 million assignments• > 1 billion views of OU/BBC coproductions

• > 3 million Moodle transactions per dayPhoto (cc) Marieke IJsendoorn-Kuijpers http://www.flickr.com/photos/mape_s/333862026//

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catnip for senior


Photo (CC)-BY Dylan Ashe https://www.flickr.com/photos/ackook/3929957511/

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Intervention and Evaluation

Data Visualisations

Ethics Framework

Predictive Modelling

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Learning Experience Data

Professional Development

Small Data Student Tools

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(CC)-BY Doug Clow http://dougclow.org

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Data Wranglers

human sense-makers

Photo CC (BY-NC) Alan English CPA: https://www.flickr.com/photos/alanenglish/4198114139

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users data

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users data

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users data

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Photo CC (BY-NC) Alexey Kljatov on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/chaoticmind75/9516811453/

It is only through the detailed process of engagement and dialogue between analysts, stakeholders and the data that insight and organisational change are developed.

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Doug [email protected]@open.ac.uk


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Thanks to: IET Student Statistics and Survey Team, Gill Kirkup and the other Data Wranglers, Kevin Mayles, Belinda Tynan, Simon Buckingham Shum, Rebecca Ferguson, Bart Rientes, Martyn Cooper

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cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by David Goehring: http://flickr.com/photos/carbonnyc/33413040/