Learner Voice Aims and objectives To develop a strategy and practices which enable effective learner participation across the organisation Use learner voice to drive the organisation’s quality improvement agenda Develop organisational culture and management behaviour to improve learner engagement Implement practical learner voice mechanisms that empower learners and contribute to real organisational change

Learner voice presentation 31 10-12

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Page 1: Learner voice presentation 31 10-12

Learner Voice

Aims and objectives

• To develop a strategy and practices which enable effective learner participation across the organisation

• Use learner voice to drive the organisation’s quality improvement agenda

• Develop organisational culture and management behaviour to improve learner engagement

• Implement practical learner voice mechanisms that empower learners and contribute to real organisational change

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The role of learner voice in organisational improvement

“......Learners’ perceptions are crucial in coming to a view about the effectiveness of a Provider.

These views will form part of the jigsaw of information we use to form our overall assessment of a Provider when we inspect, and when it comes to

making decisions about which Providers to inspect and when....”

(Ofsted Learner View September 2012)

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Learner Voice: a working definition

By ‘learner voice’ we mean:

“....the involvement of learners and potential learners in shaping the learning opportunities that are available to them.

It means involving learners in reforming the lifelong learning system at all levels, by supporting them to act as partners with policy makers, providers, practitioners and other agencies.

Learner voice initiatives enable learners to express their views, needs and concerns and also ensure that organisations respond appropriately to the issues that they raise” (NIACE)

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A whole organisation approach

An up-front managed and coordinated strategy for driving improvement and/or sustaining excellence

• Promoting a positive agenda for learner voice• Developing effective models for the organisation• Ensuring quality of delivery• Promoting a positive learner experience

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From Good to Outstanding

Good• Views actively canvassed

• Well-developed system of learner representatives and focus-groups

• Learners confident their opinions are listened to

• Displays throughout the college illustrate what the college has done to address issues

• Learners views used well to help monitor college performance and plan improvements

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From Good to Outstanding

Outstanding• A comprehensive learner involvement strategy ensures that learners

views are gathered and acted upon to bring about improvements

• The promotion of partnership working in [now] well developed and effective (examples include community and employers)

• User engagement is very good. In relation to learners and community partners in particular, it is outstanding

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Case study review

What are the key learning points for leaders and managers?

What could you adapt or adopt to work in your sector?

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INFORMKeep learners informed about their rights and ways to participate in the organisation.

CONSULTSeek the views of learners and provide feedback on any decisions taken.

INVOLVEStaff and learners work closely together to make sure that all views are understood and taken into account.

COLLABORATEAll aspects of decision making are done in partnership with learners. All parties sign up to a common goal and share a determination to reach it.

EMPOWERDevelop knowledge skills and abilities to control and develop own learning. Learners work together, set agenda for change and have responsibility for some management decisions.

Talking learner voice‘ladder of engagement’

Outstanding teachers, trainers and organisations…..

‘Ladder of engagement’*• stepping stones• continuum• overlap/complementarity• increasing maturity

(individual and organisational)

* Based on FutureLab 2006, 2008

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Activity: Talking learner voice

In groups, get an overview of the ‘ladder of engagement’ and its viewpoints, then concentrate on one ‘step.’

Group feedback:

Summarise the key features of ‘your step’ and how it fits in within the whole ‘ladder’

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Activity: Talking learner voice

Group Activity:

What Learner voice activities do you currently use?

What evidence do you currently have of where learner voice makes a difference – what is the impact measure?

What learner voice activities could you introduce in the short/medium/long term?