What Type of Discover your learning type Learner Are You? Explore study techniques Reach your fullest potenti

Learning Styles

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Page 1: Learning Styles

What Type of

Discover your learning type

Learner Are You?

Explore study techniques

Reach your fullest potential

Page 2: Learning Styles

TEACHERSBeing aware of your students’ learning styles and knowing how to effectively communicate concepts to each of them will create a more efficient learning environment.

Did you know? Research on different learning types emerged in the early 1960’s

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13 out of every 20 students are visual learners

Did you know?

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About Visual Learners

Prefers to see information

Visualizes information to make relationships between ideas

More inclined to watch a film when bored

Easily distracted by sound

Attracted to color and stories involving precise visual imagery

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Study SuggestionsLook directly at the person who is instructing

Visualize what you hear/ read

Use flashcards

Take notes/ draw pictures

Color code notes with highlighters or colored pens

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Teaching Strategies

Use pictures, videos, charts, and maps

Position your visual learners in the front of the classroom where they can see best

Use dry erase boards with colored markers

Encourage note taking

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3 out of every 10 students are auditory learners

Did you know?

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About Auditory LearnersPrefers to hear and process information through sound

Understands spoken instructions quicker than written ones

Works well in groups and enjoys classroom discussion

Often recites information out loud to remember it

May hum or talk to self when bored

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Read stories, assignments, and directions out loud

Record yourself reciting information, then listen to the recording Use mnemonic devices

Come up with a rhyme to memorize the material

Speak up in class by asking questions or providing input

Study Suggestions

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Use sound, music, and speech in daily instruction

Vary the speed and volume of your voice

Encourage class participation/ group discussion

Provide audio tapes for books while students read along

Have students take turns reading passages out loud and repeat information back to you

Teaching Strategies

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1 in every 20 students are visual learners

Did you know?

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Enjoys hands-on learning

Understanding comes from building, making, and creating

Often speaks with hand gestures

May have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time

About Kinesthetic Learners

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Walk around while studying

Create flashcards and arrange them into groups based on ideas

To memorize spelling, act as though you are writing the word in the air, or trace the word on paper

Take frequent study breaks

Study Suggestions

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Create hands-on activities that allow students to stand up or move around

Implement games and art projects into daily instruction

Allow students to act out stories to get them physically involved

Allow breaks every so often for students to stretch and move around

Teaching Strategies

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