
Location Recce

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Page 2: Location Recce

This is also a potential park that I have found through my location research this is Diss Park this may be an appropriate park that we could use for filming this is because it has some props that could be useful for the filming of the child at the park scene this is because there is a swing, roundabout and a climbing frame this makes it a good choice. However this is in particular is a somewhat busy one meaning it may not be a good choice as other extraneous variables may impact on filming.

Location: Park’s

Page 3: Location Recce

Location: Park’sThis is a potential park that I have found through my location research that I have considered using in a scene in the music video.

This is because this park has a choice of roundabouts that we could use as these props are appropriate for the filming.

This park also has some swings that may be needed in filming if appropriate.

There is also a large playing field that may be needed for a possible football scene.

This park also is somewhat secluded as well meaning that there isn't that many people that may interfere making the overall filming easier and less external variables to worry about.

Page 4: Location Recce

Location: Park ChoiceAfter closer inspection of all the park locations, it seems as if the New Buckenham park is the best choice this is because it has a large amount of props necessary for the filming. Also this park is the least busy of all visited making it more accessible for filming. Also this will be close to the other filming location in the pub, minimising the travelling that we will have to do making it a more convenient location for filming.

Page 5: Location Recce

Pub Scene

These are a few potential pubs that I have considered for a specific scene. All three pubs do have the conventions that we are considering important for the filming of the Pub scene. However for all of these locations permission will be needed for filming in.

Page 6: Location Recce

Pub Scene: Final ChoiceAfter closer inspection of the pubs we have decided that the best choice would be the “Kings Head” in New Buckenham. This is because it has the most conventions and accessibility that we need for the filming of the music video and also have permission to film in.