Locations By Jamie Tilsley


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Page 1: Locations


By Jamie Tilsley

Page 2: Locations

Location 1• The first location used in our film is at a house. The house is

used in the film opening as the killers house. We don’t use the outside of the house in any shots as it would give away too much detail on the house, so we kept it more mysterious by only filming the inside. It is fairly dark inside, making the house have an eerie feel. Also the fact it is just a normal house implies to the audience that murderers could be living anywhere, making it more scary as it is more relatable.

Page 3: Locations

Location 2

• This second location is shown after the first scenes inside the killers house. It is set outside along side a river, going under a bridge (subway). It will be at around 4-5 o’clock as at that time it will be quite dark, but still light enough for the camera to get good shots. The street lamps will have also turned on, giving the scenes a more scary feel as dim yellow lights will be shining down onto our victims.