Macbeth intro GCSE 9-1

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Practice Activity

How does Shakespeare present Macbeth’s reputation in Act I scene ii?

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Let’s look at the evidence…

Evidence (Quotation) Evaluation (What this reveals about Macbeth’s reputation)

“…brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name)” (I, i, 15)

“…like Valour’s minion...” (I, i, 19)

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PETER Paragraph

P ointE videnceT echniqueE valuationR eader response

Using details from your table of evidence, write a PETER paragraph in answer to the question:

How does Shakespeare present Macbeth’s reputation in Act I scene ii?

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Act I scene iii

What do the Witches predict for Macbeth and Banquo?

How do Macbeth and Banquo react to the Witches’ words?

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Exploring Language

In your book, brainstorm the connotations of the following words:

Light Dark

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Act I scene iv

“(Aside) The Prince of Cumberland! – That is a stepOn which I must fall down, or else o’erleap,For in my way it lies! Stars, hide your fires!Let not light see my black and deep desires!”

(I, iv, 48-51)

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Theme: Light versus Dark

Write a PETER paragraph, exploring Shakespeare’s presentation of the theme of light versus dark in the following quotation:

“Stars, hide your fires!Let not light see my black and deep desires!”

(I, iv, 50-51)

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Theme: “Fair is Foul”

“Stars, hide your fires!Let not light see my black and deep desires!”

(I, iv, 50-51)

“look like the innocent flowerBut be the serpent under’t”

(I, v, 64-65)

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Learning Objective

To understand the concept of ‘hamartia’ and how it applies to Macbeth’s character.

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The term hamartia is a Greek term which means “to miss the mark” or “to err” and is most often associated with Greek tragedy.

Hamartia, as it pertains to dramatic literature, was first used by Aristotle in his Poetics.

In tragedy, hamartia is commonly understood to refer to the protagonist’s error or flaw that leads to a chain of plot actions culminating in a reversal from their good fortune to bad.

What qualifies as the error or flaw can include an error resulting from ignorance, an error of judgement, a flaw in character, or sin.

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“Yet do I fear thy nature.It is too full o’ the milk of human kindnessTo catch the nearest way......wouldst not play false,And yet would wrongly win.” (I, v, 15-21)

How do Lady Macbeth’s words in this quotation add to the audience’s understanding of Macbeth’s character?

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Read Lady Macbeth’s Soliloquies (I, v, 14-29 & I, v, 37-53)1. Which phrases in these soliloquies suggest that that

she has decided that they have to kill Duncan?2. In lines 37-53, find examples of language to do with

darkness and night.3. In what ways are they involving the natural world in

their plots?

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Macbeth’s SoliloquyAct I, scene vii, lines 1-27

Macbeth’s reasons for not killing Duncan

Macbeth’s reasons for killing Duncan

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What does this soliloquy reveal about Macbeth’s attitude to killing Duncan?

Macbeth’s SoliloquyAct I, scene vii, lines 1-27

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Lady Macbeth’s SoliloquyAct III, scene ii, lines 4-7

“Nought’s had, all’s spent,Where our desire is got without content.‘Tis safer to be that which we destroyThan by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.”

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Macbeth: Act III, scene ii, line 36

“O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!”

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Macbeth: Act III, scene ii, lines 45-47

“Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck,Till thou applaud the deed. Come, seeling Night,Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day, ...”

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Act III, scene iv, lines 23-24

Macbeth’s reaction to Fleance’s escape:

“...But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound inTo saucy doubts and fears.”

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Act III, scene iv, lines 130-131

Macbeth’s paranoia:

“There’s not a one of them, but in his houseI keep a servant fee’d.”

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Act III, scene iv, lines 136-138

The extent of Macbeth’s guilt...

“I am in bloodStepped in so far, that, should I wade no more,Returning were as tedious as go o’er.”

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Act V, scene i

How is Lady Macbeth presented in this scene?

What clues does Lady Macbeth inadvertently provide about her involvement in Duncan’s murder?