Magazine front covers

Magazine front covers evaluation

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Magazine front covers

Page 2: Magazine front covers evaluation

When taking this photo I intended to create a cover for a teenage lifestyle magazine on the theme of skateboarding. When taking this photo I wanted to have a fully blank background with my model to one side holding a skateboard. I think this image fulfils some of my intentions because I got it so the model was on one side slightly holding a skateboard, I was unable to get a blank background so I covered the light switch with a cover line.I think this image is appropriate for a teenage audience because I have used a teenage model, this means the audience can relate. Its appropriate for the theme of skateboarding because he model is holding a skateboard and is also dresses like a skateboarder. The meaning that is created is that the model is cool and relaxed, this is shown in the way he is standing. Another meaning created is that the model is possessive with the skateboard because of the way he is holding it.

Magazine cover 1

Page 3: Magazine front covers evaluation

The combination of image and text work well in this cover because non of the cover lines cover the models face and they all stand out.The meaning created in this is a colourful one because of the cover lines are bright. It also gives a more relaxed feel because of the way the model is stood and the way the cover lines are placed.I fell like this cover is appropriate for the target audience because of the image and the text. The image has a teenage model and gives the audience soothing to relate to. The text makes it appropriate because it is colourful and isn’t in any order which can appeal to a younger audience.

Magazine cover 1

Page 4: Magazine front covers evaluation

Magazine cover 2

When taking this photo I intended to create a cover for a teenage lifestyle magazine on the theme of nature. My intentions for this photo were to have the dog sit next to the model in a homely environment. I also intended to make the magazine appropriate for the target audience. I think this image did fulfil my intentions because I got the dog to stand next to the model on the chair, this fulfils two of my intentions because it looks homely as well. I also think I have made this issue appropriate for the audience because its on a topic that young audiences would be interested in. The meaning created in this image is a friendly and welcoming because the model is smiling and the do looks relaxed. It also has a welcoming meaning to it because the direct address from the model.

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Magazine cover 2

The combination of image and text are good in this cover because the background of the image helps the cover lines stand out, I also think it works well because non of the cover lines cover the face of the model or any major part of the dog meaning it is clear what in the image.The meaning created in this cover is a friendly one because it has a dog in it which can make people happy and the model is also smiling. I think that this cover is appropriate for the target audience because I used a teenage model and also a theme that will appeal to the audience. I think this cover fulfils my intentions because it looks nice and also looks like a magazine that the target audience might buy.

Page 6: Magazine front covers evaluation

Magazine cover 3

When taking this photo I intended to create a cover for a teenage lifestyle magazine on the theme of music. I intended to create an image that show the audience you don’t need an expensive set of drums or a studio to be in a band. I think that this has fulfilled my intentions because I did the shoot in a house and the drums don’t look that expensive.I think the meaning created in this image is a chilled one because the pose the model has. It also has a homely meaning because it is set in a house.

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Magazine cover 3

The text and the image look ell together except one of the cover lines that go over the window because you cant read it that well, I think the way that the main cover line is coloured so it stands out works well. This image creates a friendly feeling because the model is smiling and the way he is standing gives it a relaxed meaning.I think this cover is appropriate because the use of a teenage model and the theme because a lot of young people listen to music. This cover fulfils my intentions because it appeals to the target audience.

Page 8: Magazine front covers evaluation

When taking this photo I intended to create a cover for a teenage lifestyle magazine on the theme of fashion. I intended to create a professional looking cover with direct address and a calm mood. I think that this is fulfilled because I used the studio we have in college and the model is also looking at the camera. I think this is appropriate for the audience because it is on a theme that is relevant for the age. I also think the colour scheme is relevant because it is bright.The meaning in this image is friendly and welcoming because the model is smiling and has direct address. It also has a cool feeling to it because of the pose the model has.

Magazine cover 2

Page 9: Magazine front covers evaluation

Magazine cover 2

The images and text combined work well because the background brings out the cover lines but the image is still bright enough to see the model. I also thinks its good because the model is to one side giving me more room to add cover lines. The meanings created in this image are happy because the way the model is standing and because the model is smiling. I think this cover is appropriate because it gives the audience someone to relate to because I used a teenage model. I think this cover is the best one out of all 4 because it looks professional and the colours all work well.