MATHEMATICS ANXIETY SME6044 – Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education Group members : 1. Chung Wai Cheong – M20102001089 2. Taw Mei Yoke – M2011100033 3. Teh Guan Leong – M20112001445 4. Wong Wai Lun – M2011200144 5. Wong Wang Yuen – M20111000734

Mathematics Anxiety Presentation

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 SME6044 – Contemporary Issues in Mathematics Education

Group members :

1. Chung Wai Cheong – M201020010892. Taw Mei Yoke – M201110003353. Teh Guan Leong –

M201120014454. Wong Wai Lun – M201120014465. Wong Wang Yuen –


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What is Math Anxiety?

1. Webster's New Word Dictionary explains anxiety as worry or uneasiness about what may happen.

2. Feelings of tension, apprehension, or even dread that interferes with the ordinary manipulation of number and the solving of mathematical problems (Ashcraft & Faust, 1994)

3. The panic, helplessness, paralysis and mental disorganization that arises among some people when they are required to solve a mathematical problem (Tobias & Weissbrod, 1980)

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What is Math Anxiety?

4. Like stage fright, math anxiety can be a disabling condition, causing humiliation, resentment, and even panic. (http://www.mathacademy.com/pr/minitext/anxiety/)

5. Math anxiety can cause on to forget and lose one's self confidence (Tobias, S., 1993)

6. Anxiety is something felt, an unpleasant emotional (affective) state that is universally experienced. (Freud, 1936)

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Some quotes from Students

"Some people can do math - not me!"

"When I look at a math problem, my mind goes completely blank. I feel stupid, and I

can't remember how to do even the simplest things"

"In math there's always one right answer, and if you can't find it you've failed. That

makes me crazy."

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Some quotes from Students

"Math exams terrify me. My palms get sweaty, I breathe too fast, and often I can't even make my eyes focus on the paper. It's

worse if I look around, because I'd see everybody else working, and know that I'm

the only one who can't do it"

"Sometimes I do problems my own way. Even though I get the right answer my

teacher would not give me credit because I didn't do it the way he showed us"

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Math Anxiety: Symptoms

Psychological Symptoms:

• Confusion

• Lack of confidence

• Panic-stricken worry

• Negative thoughts

• Sudden memory loss

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Math Anxiety: Symptoms

Physiological Symptoms:

• Rapid heart beat

• Sweating

• Nausea

• Stomach disorders

• Headaches

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Why is Understanding Math Anxiety Important?

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The Positive Cycle

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The Negative Cycle

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If you have high confidence in math

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If you have high math anxiety

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The Math Anxiety ProcessFrom Cynthia Arem, Conquering Math Anxiety: A Self-Help Workbook, 1993, p. 20

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1.Aptitude for mathematics is inborn2.To be good at mathematics you have to

be good at calculating3.Maths requires logic, not creativity4. In mathematics, what's important is

getting the right answer5.Men are naturally better than women

at mathematical thinking

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Math anxiety has been related to personality type, a negative

attitude toward mathematics, mathematics avoidance,

mathematics background, instructor behaviors, level of

mathematics achievement, lack of confidence, and negative school experiences (Bursal & Paznokas,


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Causes / Factors From the research that conducted (Puteh,

1998), it was found that the causes of mathematics anxiety were related to:

• teacher personality

• public examination

• affective domain

• feelings, worries, difficulties

• parents

• peer group

• relevance

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Teacher personality and their teaching style

• Bias

• creativity

• individual help

• force/thread

• not attentive

• authority/culture

• blame

• public humiliation

• unrealistic expectation

Aiken (1976) reported more generally that the attitudes of teachers themselves towards mathematics have and influence on their pupils' attitudes and also an influence on the style and methods that they will then adopt in imparting the knowledge and skills of mathematics in their turn.

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The teacher should control behavior, but not thought (Buxton, 1981).

The mathematics teacher needs to be creative in his teaching methods, so

students do not lose interest. This idea is supported by a study conducted by

Pyne, Bates, and Turner (1995).

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Many teachers promote the false idea that females cannot perform as well as

males in mathematics (Jackson & Leffingwell, 1999).

Again, the teacher needs to be aware of his words, sighs, and overall body

language (Jackson & Leffingwell,1999).

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Public examination

• exam-oriented

• pressure

• timed test

• future

• rating

• filter

• panic

• pass experience

Betz (1978) revealed that the level of mathematics anxiety reported was related to scores on a standardized mathematics achievement test.

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Affective domain

Modified version of Mitchell and Collins (1991,

p. 30)Attitudes


Anxiety Disability

"Maths is difficult for me"

"I'll behumiliated"

Flight/ avoidance

Unable to think

Some students encounter shock when transfer from primary to secondary.

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Feeling, worries, difficulties


Significant differences in feelings were noted with regards to the rank order of the problems they chose to solve.

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Feeling, worries, difficulties

Which problem to solve first?Easiest problem, familiar problem, minimum working, understand problem

Which problem to solve last?Multiple steps, more time required, lack of understanding

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Parental expectation - their aspiration and standards

• high pay

• expectation/ standard

• practical support

• comparison

• role model

As stated earlier that a student's self esteem and mathematical confidence is directly related to their parent's perception and expectation according to Kober (1991)

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Teachers and parents that are afraid of mathematics pass that on to their

students and children (Furner & Duffy, 2002).

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Peer group influences

• lack of support

• knowledge

• effects

Shapiro's (1962) findings indicated that peer attitudes in elementary school may indeed be influential, especially in the cases of girls.

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• usage/application in daily life

• constant failure

• memorized as solution

• understanding is critical

• use as punishment

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Mathematics certainly means

many things to many people (Marzita binti Puteh,


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The Mathematics Anxiety Pattern (Puteh, 2002)

I’m poor in mathematics


Fear , panic, worry, anxiety

Unable to perform

Negative experiences involving mathematics

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Contribution to the formation of negative attitudes and mathematics anxiety (Puteh, 2002)

• Fear of asking for help

• Teachers blaming students for not understanding.

• Teacher ridiculing students

• Teacher’s strictness and fierceness.

• Use of treats and force by teachers

• Teachers not showing interest in their students

• Teaching style which emphasis the transfer of information and not attention to the learning of the individual.

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Pressure of examination and its effect on students.

Betz (1978)- the level of mathematics anxiety was related to scores . [low math anxiety , high achievement scores, and vice versa]

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Family/Parental & Peer Group Influences Towards Mathematics

Poffeenberger and Norton (1959)- Parents affect on child’s attitude and performance in 3 ways.

1) by parental encouragement, 2) by parent’s own attitudes, 3) by parental expectations of child’s achievement. This two factors have great impact on

students performance and math anxiety

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Family/Parental ,Teacher & Peer Group Studies

• Kenschaft (1991) reported that parent’s support or lack of support is an important in students’ attitude and participation in mathematics instruction.

• Dossey (1992) considered teachers important role in shaping attitudes towards mathematics.

• Harris (1995) concluded that peer affiliations become increasingly more influential on shaping attitudes than parents and teachers.

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Math Anxiety in Elementary and Secondary School Students

A review of the Literature by

Allen Wigfield(1988) Judith L.MeeceUniversity of Michigan University of

North Carolina

Journal of Educational Psychology 1988. Vol.80. No.2, 210-215

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Studies have documented the negative effects of math anxiety on math performance and achievement.

Students Math anxiety may impact on their ability to learn Math Effectively.

Liebert and Morris (1967) distinguished two component of test anxiety,

WORRY-cognitive components. EMOTIONALLY-affective components

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Purpose of study to examine age and gender difference in Math Anxiety

• Age (High) – Pressure more, Anxiety level (High)

• (Elementary school does not emphasize evaluation as much)

• Gender: Boys & Girls did not differ in their Math WORRY report. (Indicates they are equally concern about doing well in Math.

• Girls more negative affection reactions to Math compare to boys. ( Indicates when Math harder, girls more likely to stop taking math)

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Suggestion by researchers

• Suggest that intervention programs

• To alleviate the negative effects of math anxiety must deal with both affective and cognitive aspects of math anxiety.

• Should be implemented during the elementary school years

• Before children’s anxiety about math becomes strongly established.

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How Negative Expectancies and Attitudes Undermine Females’

Math Confidence and Performance:

A review of the Literature byJennifer Gutbezahl (1995)

University of Massachusetts, AmherstED 380 279

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• Societies as a whole believe females are less mathematically capable than males.

• This belief is communicated to parents and teachers, who pass it along to students.

• Girls come to view their failures in math as evidence that they are indeed inferior and to view their successes as flukes.

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Cycle of Low Expectancy on female Students by Parents and Teachers

Lower Expectations

Parents Expectations

Teachers Expectations

Negative Expectancies

& Attitudes about Math

Lower Performance

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• This belief reinforces the belief that females are not capable of doing well in math.

• Females stop taking advanced math courses in high school or college, believing them too difficult.

• In the end, the expectancies of their parents and teachers are fulfilled and society was further “proof” of females’ inferior math ability

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Surprisingly about this cycle

• Differences between males’ and females’ performance is quite small .

• There is no sig. difference between boys and girls match achievement in elementary school, and few difference at any age (Feingold,1988;NAEP,1983; Shipman, Krantz & Silver,1992)

• And these differences are getting smaller over time (Hyde & Linn, 1988)

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Future trend of females’ ability

• In future, these differences decrease, parents and teachers will see more that females are capable of performing well in mathematics.

• This will lead to more parental and academic support, further enhancing females’ ability.


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The Effects of Mathematics Anxiety on Matriculation Students as Related to

Motivation and Achievement:

A review of the Literature by;Effandi Zakaria & Norazah Mohd Nordin (2008)

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2008, 4(1), 27-30

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Math Anxiety & MotivationMath Anxiety & Achievement

Study Findings Math Anxiety (High), Achievement (Low)Math Anxiety (High), Motivation (Low)The results of this study provide

evidence that math anxiety has an important effect in math education.

Therefore, teacher should be thinking on how to reduce students’ anxieties by finding a better way to teach mathematics

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Woodard (2004) suggested techniques:

1. Create an environment in which students do not feel threatened and allow them to relax

2. Use cooperative grouping 3. Teach at as slow pace. (comprehend

better)4. Provide extra tuition session.

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Literature Review Conclusion

• Mathematics anxiety exists and potentially affecting the associated learning.

• The root can be affective and cognitive, with people’s beliefs influencing the way they think about math and subsequently affecting their learning.

• Evidence show ability to do mathematics is strongly influenced by people’s attitudes rather than any cognitive skills.

• We need to further research how to prevent such anxiety.

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ANXIETY(Teaching Anxiety)

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Anxiety on Math



• Intellectual

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•Before works

•Family matters

•Works not done – being assign/taking part in

activities in particular month (s)


•Unpleasant math experience

•Previous students on particular topics

•Preset in mind (distributed to weak/ talent


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• Facilities - damage

• Spontaneous event (announcement)

• Cultural misconception / Gender Misconception – issues of male doing better than female

• Pressure from parents

•Too much concerning on improvement

•Bothering teacher all the time

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Conceptual knowledge

•Performs but lack of concept…

Anxious abilities in certain area

•Carried heaviest marks

Acceptation of different learning background

•Different application

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Prevent & reduce

math anxiety

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Assess Students’ Attitude

• Teachers assess their students attitudes toward math at the beginning of a school year by having them complete the following mathitude survey.

1. When I hear the word math I.......

2. My favourite thing in math is......

3. My least favourite thing in math is.......

4. If I could ask for one thing in math it would be..........

5. My favourite teacher for math is.....

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Change: Teaching Approaches

Teachers need to help kids see the important of math.

Pupils learn to value and see application for learning math inside and outside the classroom.

Help students realize that it is not something from which they can escape, but a tool they need to learn how to use.

It is important to become confident in one’s ability to do math.

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Change: Teaching Approaches

Teachers must employ best practices for teaching mathematics in their classrooms.

Address different learning style. 

a) the use of manipulative (make learning math concrete) pictures and symbols to model or represent

abstract ideas

b) the use of cooperative group work provide students a chance to exchange ideas

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Change: Teaching Approaches

c) the use of calculators, computers, and all technology

interactive motion game, graphing calculator, note and video online…

d) the use of games, jokes and cartoons cards playing, Tangrams, experimenting…

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Change: Teaching Approaches

e) the use of the assessment of learning as a part of instruction  employ alternative and authentic assessment.

f) the role of the teacher of being a facilitator of learning discussing feelings, attitudes, and

appreciation for mathematics with students regularly

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Change: Teaching Approaches

Teach test taking and study skills!

a) Teach note-taking skills

b) Teach test-taking skills

c) Teach relaxation techniques

d) Teach the importance of homework/studying

e) Teach how to read and use the textbook

f) Teach positive “I” messages

g) Teach visualization of success in math

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Change: Learning Approaches

Introduce the ten self-help techniques for combating math anxiety.

1. Learn stress management and relaxation techniques.

2. Combat negative thinking.3. Visualize yourself succeeding.4. Do “easiest” problems first.5. Start preparing early.

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Change: Learning Approaches

Introduce the ten self-help techniques for combating math anxiety.

6. Try to understand the “why” of math concepts rather than memorizing.

7. Find a support group.8. Do math every day and study smart.9. Utilize all your resources.  10. Reward yourself for hard work.

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Conclusion• Math anxiety happens in the classroom due to

the lack of consideration of different learning styles of students.

• Math must be looked upon in a positive light to reduce math anxiety.

• Teachers must re-examine traditional teaching methods which often do not match students’ learning styles and skills needed in society.

• As a result once young children see math as fun, they will enjoy it, and, the joy of mathematics could remain with them throughout the rest of their lives.

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Paraphrase A Chinese proverb

“Tell me mathematics, and I will forget;

show me mathematics and I may remember,

involve me...and I will understand


If I understand mathematics, I will be less

likely to have math anxiety.  And if I become a

teacher of mathematics, I can thus begin a

cycle that will produce less math-anxious

students for generations to come.

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