1 Revise for GCSE History: The USA, 1945-1975 There are four sections to this topic. Why was there a fear of communism? Why was McCarthy able to gain support? Why did McCarthyism fade away? What were McCarthyism’s effects?

McCarthyism Revision

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Page 1: McCarthyism Revision


Revise for GCSE History: The USA, 1945-1975

There are four sections to this topic.

Why was there a fear of communism?

Why was McCarthy able to gain support?

Why did McCarthyism fade away?

What were McCarthyism’s effects?

Page 2: McCarthyism Revision


Why was there a fear of communism?

Historically, the fear of Communism was a reaction against change.

Communism was politically and economically opposite to the free market economy of the US.

The USA feared the spread of Communism in post-WW2 Europe.

The Berlin Blockade.

The USSR developed the atomic bomb.

Spread of communism in the post-war world: Eastern Europe, China.

The Korean War.

Spy scares in the post-war America: Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs.

Revise for GCSE History: The USA, 1945-1975

Page 3: McCarthyism Revision


Why was McCarthy able to gain support?Feb 1950: addresses Republican meeting in West Virginia.

Claims to have a list of 205 communists working in State Dept. No list ever seen.

Senate Committee set up to investigate. Decided McC was “fraud and hoax”.

Committee chairman branded as communist. Defeated by pro-McC in Senate election.

McCarran Internal Security Act passed.

McC made chairman of Government Committee on Operations of the Senate.

Now had the power to investigate state bodies. 100s of people interviewed.

Being accused, even if found innocent would destroy lives and careers.

Helped Republicans to an election victory.

Nixon fuelled concerns to win votes.

Congressional House un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) continued to investigate communist infiltration.

Writers and actors blacklisted.

50 anti-communist films made by Hollywood.

Revise for GCSE History: The USA, 1945-1975

Page 4: McCarthyism Revision


Why did McCarthyism fade away?

Role of Eisenhower

Unsuccessfully attacked by McCarthy

Established the Federal Loyalty Program (FELP) and passed Communist Control Act

Role of the Army

McCarthy accused the Army of being infiltrated by communists

Televised investigation revealed McC. As a bully with no evidence to back claims

Claims seen as unfounded

Role of the Media

TV examination of the Army

Ed Murrow’s expose led to other journalists attacking McC.

1954 Public reprimand by the Senate (he was a member)

Lost chairmanship of the Committee on the Operations of the Senate.

Died in 1957.

Revise for GCSE History: The USA, 1945-1975

Page 5: McCarthyism Revision


What were McCarthyism’s effects?


Loss of jobs, careers and wrecked lives

End of traditional tolerance in the USA

Fuelled Cold War tensions and the Arms Race

Communist Party banned in the USA

USA not a true democracy – communists not free

Held back Civil Rights reforms

Any reformer considered a “pinko”

Fuelled traditional dislike of “egg-heads”

Revise for GCSE History: The USA, 1945-1975