Here it is, my first legacy story in which Joseph McKnight has moved to the sleepy neighbourhood of Outtaway to start a life away from the troubles of his past. Will things stay that way? Read on to see! I know only the very basics of Photoshop, so the cover page is very meh. Hopefully you'll enjoy this first chapter. As this is my first legacy there are many problems with it and I'm still working out the kinks. I welcome all criticism. Please help me to improve! Thanks go out to all you legacy writers for your inspiration and of course, your simming.

McKnight Legacy Chapter 1

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Chapter One of the McKnight Legacy where Joseph McKnight settles in and I don't know what I'm doing.

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Page 1: McKnight Legacy Chapter 1

Here it is, my first legacy story in which Joseph McKnight has moved to the sleepy neighbourhood of Outtaway to start a life away from the troubles of his past. Will things stay that way? Read on to see! I know only the very basics of Photoshop, so the cover page is very meh. Hopefully you'll enjoy this first chapter. As this is my first legacy there are many problems with it and I'm still working out the kinks. I welcome all criticism. Please help me to improve! Thanks go out to all you legacy writers for your inspiration and of course, your simming.

Page 2: McKnight Legacy Chapter 1

This is Joseph McKnight. He's not very neat and horribly lazy but he's a nice, playful and outgoing person all the same. He is a family sim and I nearly cried when I saw his lifetime want. He wants to raise 20 puppies or kittens. *headdesk*

"Can I call you Guy?"

I think you should call me Almighty.

"Well, I think I should call you Idiot."

Guy is fine.

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This is his dog, Lord. I hold this friendly, cowardly doofus responsible for his master's lifetime want. Ugh.

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"So... the scenery is great. Y'know, in a non-existent kinda way."

Yep. Welcome to Outtaway, far far away from where you came from.

"We couldn't have gone somewhere with a bit more... anything?"

Quit your complaining, you've got dinosaur bones at the back of your lot and it that isn't cool then I don't know what cool is anymore.


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Having only $20000 and a dog to his name, his initial dwelling was clearly lacking.

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"Oh, COME ON!"


"It's going to be hard enough as it is to get woohoo when i'm living like a hobo but you couldn't even give me a double bed?"

Sorry, spent all the money on the apple tree for the legacy points. Be thankful that you have a bed at all. You don't have a shower by the way.

"Can you change the leopard print covers at least? RIght now I look like I'm poor and stuck in the early 90's. Why didn't you just throw down some lava lamps and completely destroy my image?"

Couldn't afford them.

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The very first thing Lord did was head straight for the furniture and start tearing it up. Joe, you might want to stop him? That chair was the cheapest one they had and I'm pretty sure that even sneezing on it would be challenging its durability.

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First order of business. Find a job. Law career? Done. Not like we need anything specific with your ridiculous LTW. Maybe if there was a zookeeper...

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Well well, the first sim on the lot was Ivy Copur, she's quite cute. Joseph, we might already have found our breeder, er, wife. *cough* Go get her tiger!

"Sure... Shall I woohoo with her on the kitchen counter?"

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Well as you seem to have no issues taking a dump with the door open and her standing right there, I don't see why not.

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Joseph and Ivy hit it off immediately. I've don't think I've ever had a single "chat" command run for so long. Meanwhile Lord just sat on the bed for ages. At least someone likes the bed.

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So, 6 sim hours into my legacy it is absolutely pouring with rain and while Joseph has been playing kicky bag the house... er, "house" has been struck by lighting twice. Me = nervous.

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Meanwhile, this random cat just invited itself in... or perhaps on might be a better word and Lord wouldn't leave the poor thing alone.

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This was hilarious. Immediately after flirting with her successfully he hit Ivy with a water balloon.

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"Guy! Dude! Ivy just got hit by lighting! I was standing right next to her and BOOM!"

... Get inside Joseph.

"Shouldn't I help Ivy? She just got hit by lightning.“

She's alive, that's enough. She'll go home and shake it off.

“Lightning, Guy.“

Joseph, you are going to sit in your chair in the bathroom which is covered by a roof until the storm passes. I will turn off free will, if I have to, to do it.



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Joseph survived the storm and was eagerly anticipating his first day of work. However, having no shower, he spent the entire hour before work

washing his hands over and over again.

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I have no words to describe how horrified I am at this animal right now... that puddle he's drinking from? He made it...

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"Greetings girly mutt, you are in the presence of celebrity. I am the Komei man, Uglacy star and red hands


Lord looks terrified. I would be too if those features came at me.


Check out Komei's antics in The Uglacy written by Candi020765. Highly recommended. A hilarious read.

You can find it on the forums at www.forums.boolprop.com

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Lord was actually doing a better job of meeting new people than Joseph was.

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But Joseph suspected that the wolf was the cause of the constantly recurring hole at the front of the house

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It didn't matter too much, the odd neighbours would come over, introduce themselves and then go and start filling in the hole. It's a very odd place.

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All in all, settling in was going well for Joseph. He'd found a girl and was doing well at work.

Great job, that's your second promotion and I've got a great treat for you.

"Double bed?"

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"I think I hate you.“

The lava lamp was a nice touch I thought.

"I really hate you."

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At least things with Ivy were going well so that bed was going to see some use soon.

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There's so much going on in this photo it's hilarious. Best friends AFTER making out, Joseph was complaining about lack of fun (I've decided that I

hate playful sims) and Ivy is about to hit him with a water balloon.

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"Good news, Guy! Ivy's moving in!“

Good, because it's about to snow and you need walls.

"What you need is redecorating and a woman's touch. Leopard print and lava lamps? Are you drunk?"

Let's see what she's brought into the lot for us...

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Ivy is an active and playful sim who isn't very neat or outgoing and is a little on the grouchy side. She is a knowledge sim with a LTW of reaching the top of the Adventurer career. Currently she's a Hall of Famer and just brought in... woah... Ivy I love you so much. $18,000 just got added to the budget. Her inventory is too big to name everything but it included a hot tub, huge tv, and DJ booth...

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"There we are boys. It still needs wallpaper and carpet but much better accommodations all around don't you think?“

"There's... so much stuff!“

"The important part is that there is so much skilling stuff! Fun times ahead for me!“

"I think the important part is that there is a hot tub. Guy, I love my girlfriend.“

Me too. Now hurry up and do what you gotta so we can make with the babies.

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Determined to be useful, Lord developed an innovative way to protect the home from invaders.

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I've had Nightlife for ages but never done much with its features so I'm not great with the dating thing yet. Their first one was a total bomb but their

second fell just short of a dream date and both ended up platinum so that was pretty cool.

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Then they came home for some hot tub woohoo. I love that I have a hot tub and didn't have to pay for it.

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I swear these two are a perfect match. Both of them don't really eat their food. They inhale it.

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I timed her with pancakes. She started eating at 09:37 and was done by 09:51. That's 14 sim minutes. She might be some kind of weird bird woman because I'm not sure that she chewed.

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Joseph really loves this tree. His fun skyrockets when he's tending it.

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So I figured it'd be a good place for him to propose and now he's in the platinum.

"So can we get married now?"

Sorry, need to buy the wedding arch first and that costs money that you don't have. Ivy makes $3,300 a day though so how about tomorrow?

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Ivy painted a picture of him with the tree as well. Aww.

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The moat's coming along well Lord, keep it up...

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Arch: Check, Buffet: Check, Bar: Check. It was time for the first official bash of the McKnight household! WEDDING PARTY!!

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Because it was at night and they accidentally invited a child, 3 of the 6 guests went home as soon as they arrived which was rude but the wedding went ahead anyway.

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Then Ivy pulled the DJ booth out of her pocket (o_O) and got the music pumping.

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The guests that stuck around got right into the groove. The groom was having a few problems keeping up though.

What's up Joseph? Suck at smustling?

"I'm the best at the horizontal smustle.“

And the hot tub smustle too I suppose?

"You know it.“

When I see some little versions of you running around I'll believe it.

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Despite leaving guests, the party was a great time and there was no police interruption so they piled into the limo for their insta-green, i mean honeymoon.

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"Guy, this thing looks more like a hearse than a limo..."

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As soon as they were home it was straight into the bedroom..........Ring a ding ding! That's the sound I want to hear! Late nights and smelly diapers are on the way!

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Time to organise a partner for the pooch. Go ahead and get a girlfriend for Lord thanks Joseph.

"Yeah... I'm gonna go ahead and adopt a BOY dog."

Um... I'm pretty sure you understand how the birds and bees work... it's the same for dogs you know...

"Well aware, and I meant to bring this up a while ago but you do realise that "Lord" is a girl dog right?"

... *headdesk* Ooooooooooooops...

"And I refer back to a very early conversation we had where I said that I think I should be calling you Idiot."(I'm glad I picked up on that before I adopted another girl dog, that would have sucked.

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Meet Otis, the golden retreiver.

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It was clear straight away that Joseph and Ivy had their work cut out with him...

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Giving the moat a field test...

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Ivy was feeling a bit under the weather after their woohoo session. We all know what that means of course.

"It's wrong that I have to taste my breakfast twice."

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A few days later the baby bump appeared!

"I'm gonna be a dad! It'll be like having a little human puppy!"

Um...yeah... just like that...

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"So, if I'm understanding this right, I sit at home and I still get paid?"

Pretty much.

"That's kind of boring. Maybe Joseph should be the one getting pregnant.“

Don't tempt me. Let's get some of your lesser skills up so that you can rocket up the adventure tree and into permanent platdom.

"Whoo, skills!"

I love knowledge sims.

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While everyone was staying warm inside a penguin came by the lot. He seemed to have a lot to say but seeing as how he was speaking to a snowman and no one understands penguins anyway (except maybe the Penguinos*) his talk of criminals fell on deaf ears. Probably wasn't all that important anyway...

-----------------------------------------------------------*See the Penguino Legacy by penguingirl0384 – a really fun read.

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Then, towards the end of winter a gypsy rang on the door.

"Thank goodness I found you before anyone else did!" She said. "And you still have the dog and your wife is pregnant! This is all excellent news!"

"Um... ok? Who are you now?"

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"I am Ruth but that's not important now! You must listen very closely. You and your family are in grave danger, there are evil people about who want your head.“

“I'm very much aware of that lady. I stole $20,000 from my parents and ran away. You'd be hard pressed to find sims more evil than those two.“

"The money isn't important. It's the other thing that you took.“

"I didn't take anything else.“

"You took the dog. She is the key to everything. It is vitally important that she breeds and continues her bloodline just as you must also carry on your own. The legacies of yourself and the animal are all that is left to protect this world.”

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"O...K... let me think... Ruth was it? How about you wait out here for a minute and I'm going to go inside and call you up some help. If you have any hip-flasks with any more of your crazy juice I'd love for you to hand them over too.“

The gypsy sighed. "I will not say anything more as you clearly do not yet believe. Seek me out after the first heir takes control of the household. You will have more concrete beliefs then I think. And concrete questions."

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"Wow... that was one crazy lady. Any idea what that was about Guy?“

No more than you do. You should try asking the penguin.

"I should try- you're drinking crazy juice too aren't you Idiot?“

What happened to "Guy"?

"Guy got on the crazy plane to Ladida Land where he talks to penguins. Anyway, even if I don't believe her, I now have an excuse to get some puppies going. Gotta preserve the bloodline and all that nonsense."

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"By the way, while we're out here, CAN WE DO SOME CLEANING?!?“

Lord's making a moat. Don't you like his-


-sorry, her moat?

"Idiot... I'm going to say this very slowly so that you understand... The. Verandah. Is. Covered. In.

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Ivy was well on the way now, it wouldn't be long before the first child of the legacy was born.

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And after some woohoo, doggy style (heh), there was another legacy about to begin too.

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Finally the baby arrived. Thankfully Joseph was home at the time to help out.

"There is PAIN! I don't want pain! This thing had want to be worth repeated breakfasts and pain! Joseph you get your butt in here now so I can take this out on you!"

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He was very much worth it.

"He's your son Joseph." Ivy whispered. "A beautiful boy. What's he going to be called?"

Joseph looked fondly down at the baby.

"Jimmy. Little Jimmy McKnight."


I'm going to go with actor names from the 30s-70s for the legacy kids. First up is a personal favourite - Jimmy Stewart best known for "It's a Wonderful Life" but also films like the fantastic "Harvey".

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Joseph held his new son in the nursery they'd put together for him and looked fondly down at him.

"Hey there little guy. I'm going to be the best dad you've ever seen." His brow furrowed slightly. "Not like my father was to me. You'll treated right and loved, along with any siblings we can give you.“

He put his son in the crib and got ready to go out. If he was going to be a good father he needed a good image. He'd already changed his hair and face, he now needed some new clothes. Something more respectable and suitable for a father to wear.

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The Outtaway Escape Mall was the only mall in town. He could have gone to Downtown or Bluewater Village of course but he wanted it to be a quick trip. Didn't want to leave his family home by themselves. It was an odd feeling of paranoia that he didn't particularly like.

"Y'know, part of my unease has to do with the fact that there's this massive mall in a neighbourhood with almost no houses at all.“


My thanks to ambergrisjgrumo for the amazing mall lot called Eastwood City. It's brilliant.

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He browsed the clothing selections available (in his pyjamas - *facepalm*) and carefully made his choices. Had he not been so concerned with the clothing, he may have noticed the eyes that watched him closely. He did not, however, and returned home after buying some clothes for himself and a few toddler items too.

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Once Joseph had left the lot a mysterious man placed a call from the public phone.

"Black? It's The Hound. I've sniffed out your prey in a dinky little place called Outtaway.“

He hung up the phone and chewed his lip for a moment, thinking carefully. Making a decision he picked up the phone again and made another call."Put me through to Madame." He said. "Tell her it's The Hound with some very juicy news."After a brief conversation with the person called "Madame" he hung up the phone with a satisfied smile. This was turning into a very profitable expedition.

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Completely unaware of these events, Joseph returned home and the very next day after Jimmy graced the family with his adorable presence, the first of

Lord's legacy was born.

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"GUY! There are three puppies here! They're so cute!!"


"I know. We can't keep them all, right? I know that, but... look at them."

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"This one will be her heir. Ares.“

The greek god of war?

"Yeah. All the animals in this house should be worshipped. So they'll all be named after gods."

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The other two puppies were handed over for adoption.

"Bye puppies. You'll be looked after... just not by me.“

Sorry Joseph.

"Not your fault. You're still an idiot though."

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After much crying (seriously, the thing wouldn't shut up) it was birthday time and once again there was a party to be had. All of the family friends gathered together for celebration and with a whirl and a pop!

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Jimmy grew into a healthy toddler with his father's hazel eyes and most of his mother's personality. The kid had 2 neat points and 1 nice point making him meaner than his mother and he was really playful (sigh), active and outgoing.

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His first target was Ares the puppy who would endure many of these squeezes over the course of his puppyhood.

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The party rocked on for hours and finally the police (who were probably trained by the police who work in the Uglacys' neighbourhood) came to break up the toddler party.

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Once the celebration was broken up and Jimmy was tucked in, Ivy and Joseph had their own little private celebration.


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Joseph spent every spare moment he had training his son. He was determined to be a good father.

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And Ivy had the coolest job in the world. (especially for a mean sim)

"Darn right I do! I'm a dread pirate! I get to yell at people and poke them with swords and take their stuff!“

Don't forget the rum.


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Ares grew into a healthy, interesting mix of Lord and Otis

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And Ivy returned home from work one day to find a new little bump. Everything in Joseph's life seemed to be going perfectly.

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But Joseph sat under the apple tree thinking about the gypsy woman and felt deeply unsettled. She'd known that he'd run away and taken Lord with him, what if she was right about the other things too? It was plausible that he was in danger, but he'd run so far from where his parents were that they couldn't possibly find him. Still, if she was right, then that other stuff about legacies and saving the world could also be true. Joseph scowled, berating himself for being silly.

"Utter nonsense." He muttered quietly.

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Meanwhile, Ruth the gypsy had returned to the sacred forest glade and talked with her companion about what had happened with Joseph.

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"I told him all that I could but he does not believe yet. I worry that our efforts will be in vain." Ruth said.

Patience is key here. Her canine partner replied. He will have no choice but to believe when his heir takes over as head of the household, he will come to us then and we can tell him everything.

"What about his parents?"

They have not found him yet. If luck is not against us, perhaps it will remain so.

"We can only hope." Ruth sighed. "Has no one else arrived yet?"

Two are on their way as we speak. One of them should be arriving very soon.

"He just got here." Said a new voice.

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“How’s the situation?”

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"Black, sweetie?"

"Yes darling, what is it?"

"Do you think he has any idea about how much trouble he's in?"

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"No, my dear Butterfly, he cannot possibly fathom how sorry he will be when we find him."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three words can sum this up: "What's going on?!"

Who are these two people Black and Butterfly? (I think it's fairly obvious but work with me) Was that person in green really who I think it was? Who was the guy on the phone and who was he talking to? Will Joseph be able to calm his fears and support his family the way he wants to? Will his children grow up well? Most importantly will I become better at playing this game so that my sims do go into aspirational failure, the kids don't get taken by the social worker and the pets aren't taken off me?! Stay tuned! Much much more to come with answers to many questions!

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Many thanks to all of those that created the custom content that I have used thus far and will be using in the future, you all rock my socks!